Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 437: Dead End (Chapter Together)

"You actually..." The soldier in red armor threw himself on the mud, struggled and stretched out his hands to crawl forward, as if he wanted to grab something.

Before he could finish his words.

The hand that was stretched out in mid-air had already dropped.

There was a large knife mark on his back, and the gurgling blood had flowed out.

The entire Red Sword Regiment was wiped out.

However, the person surrounding the body was none other than others.

It's a Union City soldier.

Everyone was covered in mud, panting, and looked like a defeated army, but the weapons in their hands were stained with blood, and it was clear that it had not solidified yet.

They backstabbed members of the Red Sword Regiment who were accompanying them.

The bee prince walked out from the protection of the soldiers, came to the last fallen Red Sword Regiment soldier, squatted down and groped for something.


He divided the Red Sword Regiment into two, with one part following the headhunters to attack the enemy, and the other staying with him to break out.

He told the headhunters that this was to achieve the final result.

He also told the remaining members of the Red Sword Regiment that they wanted to evacuate first to facilitate the response.

However, neither the Headhunters nor the Red Sword Group knew.

No matter which team.

In Yamudu's eyes, they are all abandoned children.

"Found it." He paused.

Letting the headhunters go out can restrain the enemy and make them worry about other attacks and ambushes, so they don't dare to pursue rashly.

Earn yourself a chance to escape.

And to deal with the remaining Red Sword Group...

Yamudou took out a blood-stained book and flipped through it casually. It was filled with dense formulas and data. Judging from the traces of handwriting, this was all first-hand material.

——Interpretation report of the intelligent core.

"Grace's researchers are indeed hiding in the Red Sword Group."

The Red Sword Regiment is funded by Southern United City, especially ‘Colons’ and ‘Wandering End’.

They are responsible for guarding and escorting the red swordsman, and they all look like a group of warriors.

However, monitoring the Red Swordsman and recording experimental data is not something that ordinary people can do. Among them, there must be professionals who have participated in the interpretation of intelligent cores. Otherwise, releasing the Red Swordsman will serve no purpose other than creating chaos, and it will not be able to advance subsequent research.

The hooded guard named "Chai Shi" hesitated, trying to hide it.

But he couldn't escape Yamudu's observation.

This researcher mingled with the Red Sword Group without revealing his identity or showing any intention of surrender. He was obviously loyal to Grace - they knew very well that they and the Merchant Guild were not on the same road.

"Take off all your armor," Yamudou ordered, "and change your clothes."

What's more, it's no better now than before.

If they wanted to escape from the swamp and avoid being hunted, they would have to travel lightly, but they couldn't bring so many people with them.

After gathering the Red Sword Regiment, Yamudou counted the number of people.

He said enough was enough.

But it doesn't mean that using them can finally defeat a wave of enemies.

But it means that with his own soldiers, he can still eat all these people.

The Union City soldiers took off their armors one after another and threw them into the dense forest and grass like garbage, fearing that they would not be able to escape.

It's just that when they do it.

The glances that peeked at Yamudu were also filled with fear and horror.

A person who can regard his subordinates and allies as abandoned children at any time... Who knows whether he will be abandoned next?

However, they did not dare to complain.

First, the only hope to leave the swamp is to rely on Yamudu.

Secondly, there was a fully armored warrior standing next to Yamudou.

This bee man also left behind the last legion-level bodyguard.

Yamudu did fully support the black converters, but how could all the wins and losses be more important than his own life.

At this moment, the warrior also began to change his clothes.

It's just that the structure of the samurai armor is complicated, even if it just needs to be disassembled, it will be a lot of trouble.

"You said..." Yamudou did not move. He looked at the notes in his hand and said softly, "Can I pass the test this time?"

Hearing this, the warrior paused.

"Yamudu, your battle is indeed not pretty. It is too far from the president's expectations." He did not use the honorific title for Yamudou, as if he was on the same level. "President, he is not a formal person, even in It makes sense in terms of face, but if we make it so embarrassing, it won’t leave a good impression on him, right?”

The president is undoubtedly Long En.

"Yes..." Yamudou's voice was full of bitterness.

He got the research notes of the intelligent core. It can be said that Grace's years of painstaking achievements were stolen in one fell swoop, saving more than ten years of effort; and the secret advantage of South Union City was also leveled, whether it was to limit their rise, Or helping the merchant guild develop itself, both are excellent moves...

However, the price is too high.

Almost all the resources that Yamudou can mobilize within his authority are left in this swamp; and after this battle, all the influence that has been worked so hard on, whether it is the merchant guild or the Southern United City, will be expelled.

If you want to infiltrate again...

Yamoudou did not know the final outcome of the Iron Dome battle.

But whether it is Lu Beiyou or Da Gelin who wins, judging from the methods they have shown, given time, the swamp will only be monolithic in the future. With the advantage of the terrain, it will really be possible to prevent water from pouring in, and any external forces will be able to do so. They can't even get their hands on's not comparable to the territory controlled by a puppet like Da Heimei.

The potential losses are immeasurable.

He got this note just to make up for his mistake.

'It's a pity that I couldn't find out the whereabouts of the intelligent core...' Yamudou sighed secretly.

Chai Shi said that he did not take the intelligent core with him.

This should be the truth.

After all, it is such a precious thing, and it can even be said that it holds the hope of the rise of Southern United City; even the mechanics who already have three cores will not allow outsiders to know their specific locations - it is said that not all of them are in the world. The end'.

However, what Chai Shi said was not entirely true.

If the smart core wants to play a role, it is not enough to just put it at home as a collection.

To decipher it requires a large research platform, supporting laboratories, researchers, continuous power supply day and night, etc... Yamudou has studied with Long En for many years, and has heard these secrets.

And as far as he knew.

Whether it is Coslon or Wandering End, compared to the prosperity of the northern city, they can only be said to be remote villages - these two city-states are located on the "Hook Coast". The only crops they can produce are sea fish and slaves, and their infrastructure is poor. There are no conditions for doing research.

Even if Grace's ultimate goal is to place the intelligent core in her or Mrs. Meilin's city-state.

But at least for now, they still can't do it.

The only ones that can be used are existing ancient ruins.

And this core was found in the southern wetland... So, Yamudu judged.

Intelligent Core, including the team that studies them.

Most likely still in the swamp!

'Of course, the new laboratory will not be at the original location. Grace and the others will definitely ask people to move it secretly... Therefore, even if you know the excavation site, you may not be able to find the core. And I am afraid that only those who have specific clues can That Grace's confidant, the hooded guard...'Yamudou is not without regrets, 'It's just a pity...'

Originally, Yamudou did not want to attack the Red Sword Group so quickly.

Once established in the swamp.

He has the confidence to figure it out slowly.

Let Southern United City hand over all their achievements, core...

Rather than such an almost ugly method of killing the goose that lays the egg.

If you can get the intelligent core body and dedicate it to Long En, plus the cost of interpretation of the research notes saved... With the resources that President Long En can mobilize, the efficiency of using the intelligent core will definitely be far greater than that of Grace.

Then the loss of the swamp this time can be considered a write-off.

Even for Yamudu, it can accomplish a great feat.

"Cheer up..."

The warrior next to him had changed his clothes and was wearing common clothes. Seeing his depressed look, he wanted to pat his shoulder to comfort him.

But before the warrior's hand touched him, Yamudou grinned.

He also let out a low laugh.

This strange look startled the warrior and he couldn't help but retract his hand.

"Lugu, we are friends, right?" Bee Man said.

"Well, but don't scare me..." Lu Gu was somewhat doubtful of his mental state.

It won't be a big hit.

Lost your mind and gone crazy?

However, he and Yamudou were both close confidants trained by Long En and had grown up together. No matter what kind of blow Yamudou encountered, he had never recovered from it.

"It's nothing," Yamudou waved his hand, "I just need to unify the tone."

At this time, the remaining soldiers of Union City also put on ordinary linen clothes, scrubbed away the blood stains with water, and gathered together - looking at their dejected appearance, they really looked like a group of swamp people marching tiredly in the heavy rain.

Yamudu ordered to start again.

Together with Lu Gu, he mingled among the team, pretending to be an ordinary merchant.

He no longer held an umbrella and moved forward shallowly and deeply in the muddy water.

Marching like this was indeed a bit difficult for a noble servant like him.

Just as Lugu was about to go up and give him a hand, he heard Yamudou whisper:

"Tell you a secret..."

"The president... doesn't know about the intelligent core."

"...What?" Lu Gu was shocked.

It can be said that Yamudu represents the merchant guild. On the surface, it is to control the swamp, but secretly, it is to seize the intelligent core. The two lines run in parallel in both directions. This should be all due to Long En's instructions. For this reason, there are so many soldiers and horses.

Now, he actually said.

Long En himself didn't know?

What's more, Yamudou still treats Chai Shi...

"Of course that's a lie to him," Yamudou guessed his friend's thoughts, "If he knows about the intelligent core, how could the president not care?"

"It's just that, if that's really the case..."

His voice deepened, and he was inexplicably sad:

"The one who came may not be 'Yamudu'."

——There is no chance for ‘me’.

"So, in the eyes of the president, our operation was just to control the swamp and then failed."

Yamudou changed the subject: "We actively cooperated with Southern United City and wanted to expand the territory of the empire. However, during the operation, we discovered Lady Grace's secret experiment. Her agent Chai Shi, in order to keep the secret, did not hesitate to rebel. The backstab led to the defeat of Shark Village..."

Lu Gu gradually understood and was stunned.

"However, we broke out of the siege and not only killed the Red Sword Regiment who came to pursue us, we also obtained interpretation notes from their researchers. More importantly-" Yamudou took a deep breath:

"Brought back news of the intelligent core."

Lu Gu murmured:

"Thus, the alienation of South Union City, the failure of the swampland, and the additional gains...are all explained."

To a certain extent, this is also true.

Just changed the order of narration.

Yamudou has no other responsibility other than being 'too trusting of his allies'.

Although this will also affect Long En's evaluation of him.

But compared to before, it is already insignificant.

"Anyway, people who have opinions won't speak up." Yamudou said slowly.

To some extent.

He also wanted to thank the human who defeated him.

All witnesses (allies) have been completely eliminated. Even if they want to argue, they have no chance, let alone expose themselves.

"Is it necessary?" Lu Gu asked carefully.

He had noticed from a long time ago that Yamudou paid special attention to President Long En's views, likes and dislikes, almost to the point of being obsessed with him.

Yamoudou's actions were not flattering.

Long En is not someone who will be fooled by sweet words.

This bee man wants to do everything possible to show his abilities.

In other words, value.

However, Yamudou can now be regarded as Long En's most trusted person in the empire. Such trust makes Lugu unable to even feel jealous because he knows that he is completely incomparable. As an attendant, he has no chance of making any progress among private ministers... I think even if he fails once or twice, Long En won't blame him much.

Why is Yamudou so eager.

It's just... like trying to survive.

Yamudou shook his head and said nothing.


Just as the group of people were fleeing and moving forward in the jungle with their heads down, a sharp shout suddenly came from the front.

Immediately afterwards, countless strange screams came from all directions.

The remaining soldiers, who were already frightened, were in panic.

"It's just a robber!" Lu Gu quickly reassured in a low voice.

"Damn it." Yamudou cursed secretly.

They had escaped from Shark Village's sphere of influence and should be in the triangle between Mud Town and Rotten Town. Although they escaped the pursuers, he had forgotten that such an area was also the most chaotic.

A group of people from Union City entered the swamp.

With the black converters escorting them along the way, it was naturally smooth and no one dared to mess with the behemoth at that time.

But now, the black converters cannot protect themselves.

United City was defeated, and even the gangsters of the Jie Dao were able to bully them... It was inevitable that people would feel the humiliation of being teased by a dragon.

"Shaks..." As the robbers appeared one after another from the jungle, Lu Gu was shocked and couldn't help but whisper: "Why are there so many?"

The number of people on the other side can be considered a big gang... With so many bandits gathered, they must have been rampant for a while.

In their heyday, they were naturally not afraid.

But right now...

"Perhaps they are the remnants of the Stone Rat Group." Yamudou calmed down, "No matter how large the number of people are, they can only make a small fuss under your knife. Let's see what they want first, and we will give them all... It's really not possible..."

"Just get out!"

Yamudou was also startled when he saw them for the first time.

Except for the clothes, he almost thought it was Shaq's army.

Fortunately, he noticed.

The horns of these Shaq people have been cut off.

Yamudu, who has learned about the Kingdom of Shake, knows that according to tribal tradition, it is impossible for such people with broken horns and hornless people to join the army - they were probably exiled, and their general combat effectiveness is not high. After all, among the Shake people There were many deserters who would be punished because they avoided war and were afraid of death, which is not a stereotype.

Then, it's easy to solve.

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