Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 442 Thanks to Lu Beiyou

"Maintenance bed!" Chai Shi touched it and screamed in surprise.

He had also heard about this kind of medical equipment.

Although it is mainly used to completely repair machinery and cannot be used as an ordinary hospital bed for ordinary people, its automatic surgery function is exquisite and very useful for emergency treatment, which is equivalent to the consultation of several doctors and experts...

A trace of joy appeared in his heart.

It seems that it was thanks to Lu Beiyou that he found the maintenance bed and brought him here again.

Otherwise, with his injuries, even if he could escape pursuit, he would not be able to survive afterwards.

"Yes, I happen to know that there is..." Lu Meng nodded, "Unfortunately, it is only in Shark Village."

"That means we're still in this dangerous place."

The joy in Chai Shi's heart cooled down instantly.

He knew from what the other party had said before that it was Union City that was defeated.

Then, Shark Village should have been occupied by the Hound Gang.

Those are their enemies... Maybe they are still searching for themselves and Lu Beiyou...


He took a deep breath and spit it out: "You have done enough..."

As a proud son of an aristocratic family and a hooded noble guard, even Chai Shi himself did not expect that he would actually say such words of comfort and encouragement.

However, this time is indeed an exception.

He thought back.

Ever since I met Lu Beiyou——

He was able to be the first to break into the Iron Dome. Although his entire army was annihilated by a trick... he was led to escape from the sea of ​​fire, even though he was injured all over his body... and he was sent to the maintenance bed for treatment, even though he was still trapped in the enemy's cave. …

If there is no Lubei Tour...

He's finished!

How can I escape death again and again like now?

What's more, now that he can't move, he has to rely on the other party to do anything he wants.

Anyone with any sense knows this.

But you can't put on airs, you have to have a better attitude.

"Thank you." Chai Shi said from the bottom of his heart while lying on the maintenance bed.

"You're welcome." The other party seemed to be touched and shook his hand vigorously, which made Chai Shidu shed two tears... Mainly because the wound was pressed and it hurt so much.

But that’s fine too.

Do a whole show... Chai Shi thought to himself.

The other party is brave and resourceful, bold and careful, and has the heart to join the Union City to serve the Empire. He is truly a talent that is hard to come across in the swamp... The hooded guard even started recruiting Lady Grace to officially join her. The thoughts of his subordinates.


If his wife sees him, will he fall out of favor...

Chai Shi was in trouble again.

On the other side, the other party was still introducing the current situation incessantly, as if he wanted to complete everything that happened to Chai Shi during his coma. Because the amount of information was too large, Chai Shi was so distracted that he felt dizzy. Swelling, just nodded casually.

However, when he heard rumors that the commander of the United City was taking the Red Sword Regiment to evacuate the swamp, Chai Shi suddenly woke up.

He slapped the bed board and yelled: "You damn Yamudou!"

At this time, he was so angry that he didn't care about exposing the other party's identity.

He figured out Yamudou's plan... The Red Sword Regiment was still of some value in the swamp, but after leaving here, it was just a group of ordinary thugs. How could Yamudou like it? United City has a lot of land and abundant resources.

That's only one possibility.

The bee-man was eyeing the researchers and the notes on the interpretation of the core of intelligence... Those who said they didn't care before were all lies!

Chai Shi relied on his own caution, but he wouldn't be surprised if Yamudou saw through it.

The members of the Red Sword Regiment may be in danger now...

However, the news he heard next made his heart even colder——

"The strange thing is that I found out that in some locations, some people have found traces of our United City." Lu Meng's tone was slightly puzzled, and he named several locations. "According to what you said, those people are affiliated with the North." Union City, but instead of going north, they took a detour to the south... Aren't they afraid of crashing into the southern wetlands, where the environment is much more complicated. "

"So, this news is mostly a rumor..."

"No, no!" Chai Shi broke out in a cold sweat, "It's true..."

If you want to say why.

That direction pointed directly to the place where he hid his intelligence core.

Lu Beiyou was vague in his words, and "south" was just a general direction. But with Yamudou attacking the Red Sword Regiment in front of him, who would believe that their group was just taking a simple detour to the south, instead of getting the result? Exact message location?

Although Chai Shi clearly remembers it.

Only he and his wife know the exact location.

In order to prevent leaks, he even killed the last batch of craftsmen and researchers before burying the intelligent core, just waiting for the next unsealing.

However, to allow people like Yamudou to take such unreasonable actions and take the risk of continuing to stay in the swamp...

Only the intelligent core is attractive enough!

Do we have to hope that this is just a coincidence?

What is the difference between that and self-deception!

Chai Shi lay on the maintenance bed, unable to move. His heart felt like it was being burned by a fire. In comparison, the injuries and pain all over his body were nothing.

what to do! what to do!

If he loses his intelligent core, he is truly doomed.

Not to mention he failed his wife... He had committed such a mistake, and even if he died to apologize for it, he might as well have died in the fire...

On the other side, after Lu Bei finished his lobbying, he seemed not to notice the change in his expression and just shrugged, befitting the behavior of an outsider.

Chai Shi's face turned even paler.

After all, in their opinion, it was not a serious matter at all.

I am the only one who endures the suffering alone...

Suddenly, something occurred to him, and he immediately grasped that glimmer of light, as if grasping his last life-saving straw.

"Lu Beiyou... can you think of a way to secretly reveal some information to the Hound Gang..." Chai Shi gritted his teeth, veins popped out on his forehead, and there was ruthlessness in his eyes, "Let them attack that United City army. "?"

Now that things have come to a point, the only option is to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

And from the perspective of an outsider like Lu Beiyou, this was just a factional struggle between them.

Even if the Hound Gang attacked and killed Yamudu, there was no way to know what they were going to do - neither he nor Yamudu would do anything to deliberately defeat the enemy and leak information about the intelligent core. At most, they were willing to gamble. Accept defeat.

"This..." As if he was surprised by the intensity of the 'personal grudge', the white-haired young man hesitated for a moment, "But I don't know their marching route. My identity is also very sensitive. I can't protect myself. I have no choice. Help you investigate...even if I can come forward, the Hound Gang will not be able to find them, let alone..."

Hearing this, Chai Shi struggled in his heart.

He also knew this. The reason why Lu Beiyou could still hide in Shark Village now was probably because the situation was still in chaos, and it was even more dangerous to show his face.

However, he was certain of Yamudu's destination.

——The location of the intelligent core.

Then, the route of march can naturally be deduced - and vice versa. I really want to say it...

Although Lu Beiyou didn't know the significance of this location, Chai Shi vaguely felt that just saying it out loud contained huge risks.

This is something you absolutely cannot do.

"Sir, don't think about having so much and not having it all. Take good care of yourself."

Seeing his troubled expression, the young man on the side comforted him: "I can't stay here for a long time, and I can't come to see you often, but I promise, I will hopefully send you out next time I come here, probably..."

"In two weeks."

After saying that, he made a gesture to leave.

"Wait!" A panic suddenly emerged in Chai Shi's heart. Regardless of the injury, he grabbed the other person's hand, "...come over here."

Just now, he heard the impatience hidden in the other person's tone.

Indeed, both of them are trapped in the enemy's nest, and they want the other to take risks and spread the news... but they hesitate to speak. How can such an attitude make others feel good.

What broke Chai Shi's defense was the opponent's last words.

Two weeks later... it's time for Yamudou to go back and claim credit from Long En.

This is his only chance.

"Huh?" Lu Meng slowly approached.

After Chai Shi finished speaking in a low voice, he lost all strength and collapsed on the maintenance bed.

He murmured: "Do you remember everything?"

Finally, he recognized the reality.

Now I can only rely on Lu Beiyou...

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