Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 444 The First Barrel of Oil

Dancing skeleton, hidden box.

A long table made of steel but gorgeous, carved with complicated patterns, like a dense forest, with a figure sitting on the chairs at both ends.

"It's a bit hard." Lu Meng moved his body.

"It was originally a sofa, but it hasn't been used for many years. Even the best leather and cotton batting have rotted away, leaving only a steel frame..." Kurt spread his hands helplessly, "I finally turned it out and made do with it. Order it?"

As a skeleton man, it didn't matter to him.

This is not a wine table gambling game in the lobby, nor is it a general VIP compartment. Since the establishment of Dancing Skeleton Man, only the boss himself and the people he invites can enter here - after all, deep in the sanctuary, that place is It's more like a machine room and workshop, full of ruins and the smell of engine oil. It's really not a good place to entertain guests.

The original owner, Nellie the Bone Man, who is now listed on the sign, especially liked to entertain his friends here. At one time, there were always guests, and it was like a party salon. Reputable people in the swamp were all proud to have been invited by Nellie, and they were able to make many connections during the process.

Don't say that ordinary people don't have a chance.

Even the related channels, I have never heard of them.

However, after the boss was replaced by Kurt, who was a craftsman, he lost this interest.

Not only are there fewer people showing up to entertain guests.

This exclusive room was also closed and gradually began to gather dust.

But today, Kurt opened it and specifically asked the service attendant to clean it carefully, rearrange the furniture, and prepare drinks.

Normally, people who know this skeletal boss would be surprised. They have never seen him so serious.

But this time, everyone took it for granted.

Because, people are coming.

He is now the king of the swamp.

The man who occupied the Iron Dome.

——Lubei Tour.

How can a person not bow his head under the eaves...

Of course, for Kurt, the overlords who occupied Shark Village came and went, some were feared, some were respected...but none worthy of his flattery.

However, today's king of the swamp is different.

It deserves his attention.

After all, apart from the false name of overlord.

The person sitting across from me is a genuine war-level warrior——

After the collapse of the old empire,

I'm afraid it's the only one that appears in this dense forest in the swamp.

It's been so long that it sounds like a legend.

So much so that the people in the swamp have forgotten what he means - to ordinary people, they may only understand him as a more powerful big boss...

But only Kurt, who experienced that unified era, knew.

The generals who once guarded this swamp and the entire southwest of the continent were only at war level.

Of course, that general also had the skeleton army of that great empire under his command.

This is currently unmatched by the other party.

However, in terms of potential and status, the two are undoubtedly equivalent in Kurt's calculation logic; even he, who has always been aloof from worldly affairs, knows how to maintain full respect.

——That’s what it says.

Kurt still couldn't laugh or cry, and couldn't help but feel unhappy.

"You kid..."

It's still a matter of borrowing the bed for repair.

"I promised to lend it to you once, but what I want is that if you or a friend is injured, you can lie down and get first aid treatment to save your life..."

Unexpectedly, Lu Meng did bring a bloody humanoid figure with burns all over his body.

When I inquired, I heard that he was his enemy.

As a result, the maintenance bed used to treat illnesses and save people was turned into a torture bed.

Its function is just to keep the hooded guard named Chai Shi alive so that he can undergo various experiments...

I don’t know what evil I did.

Kurt shook his head and drank the fuel in the glass as if tasting wine.

"Just tell me whether it's useful or not." At the other end of the long table, Lu Meng raised his glass from a distance.

What's in the cup is pure liquor.

He took a sip and chuckled:

"I know what you really want to say, boss."

"'Humans'...are indeed monsters."

The skeleton man's mechanical arm holding the cup paused for a moment.

Lu Meng didn't seem to notice, and said to himself: "Watching his own kind fall on the stage, becoming experimental subjects, and even doing it with his own hands, playing with the spirit and body... Even if it is a skeleton made of mechanical metal, Do you feel uncomfortable hearing this..."

In this world, there is no such philosophical issue as "whether robots are conscious".

What is certain is that they also have emotions.

Except for his body and part of his mind, he is almost the same as an ordinary person.

It can be said that the artificial intelligence technology mastered by the Skeleton Man's former creator is not only beyond the understanding of the people in the wasteland, but also beyond the understanding of Lu Meng... There is no way around the generational difference in civilization.

Therefore, the Bone Man clan also has its own value judgments.

"However," Lu Meng glanced at Kurt, "Boss, I'm afraid you should be thinking of other things -"

"Before I came, the Double Blades, the Red Sword, and the hooded guard..."

"They're doing the exact same thing."

Otherwise, there would be no biochemically modified monster like the Red Swordsman.

There will be no inexplicable kidnappings, abductions, or disappearances of swamp people...

People like Dr. Zhong would not have been forced to endure it and take risks to escape from the control of Big Fang - if Lu Meng hadn't given him shelter and finally won the battle in Shark Village, such an independent Talents who can decipher organ transplant surgery may end up in an unknown village like Huangshui Village.

It can be said that the Everglades Medical Department now interprets every piece of data.

There is a lot of blood debt behind it.

"The difference is that in the past, you heard about it but didn't see it with your own eyes..." Lu Meng drained the glass of wine, "Or maybe you chose to ignore it subconsciously."

Because we are used to it, we turn a blind eye.

Get rid of other people's opinions of Lu Meng.

He never considered himself a good person.

All they want to do is to return the atrocities that occurred on this land one by one.

Those who want to hurt others will be disabled, and those who want to kill will die.

Cut off your limbs when they need to be cut off, skin them off when they need to be skinned.

The enslaver prostrates himself on the ground.

--eye for eye.

that is it.

In comparison, death is only the easiest relief.

Even in the eyes of others, it means doing whatever it takes.

"...You're right." Kurt paused, as if sighing, but the Skeleton Man naturally couldn't make this sound.

As the boss of Dancing Skeleton Man, he is neither deaf nor blind.

On the contrary, it was incredibly well-informed.

It is precisely because they know what is happening in this area under the rule of various gangs.

He chose to hide from the world and live alone.

Otherwise, Nellie hanging on the signboard will serve as a lesson for him.

The reason why he expressed some dissatisfaction with Lu Beiyou...

Precisely because he is "traveling to the north".

After so many years, only this King of the Swamp is still possible to listen to him.

at this point……

That night in the shelter.

As a third party, the skeleton craftsman knew this after observing the secret talks between the other party and the anti-slavery people.

There was silence in the empty room for a moment.

"Speaking of which, boss, what do you think of this glass of fuel?" Lu Meng suddenly laughed, his voice was clear, and he shook the glass to signal.

"Eh?" Kurt was stunned and looked at his cup, "Nothing special..."

It's just ordinary fuel, light yellow and clear.

Something that must be said.

The caloric value is a bit low...if I use human terms, the taste is a bit bland.

But it is strange to say that the drink in front of Lu Meng was provided by the bar, but the barrel of fuel that the skeleton man drank was brought by the other party himself, saying that he wanted the boss to taste it.

Kurt thought it was the inventory seized from the Hound Gang.

It just so happened that he hadn't had time to purchase goods from Black Desert... so he was disrespectful.

"That's good," Lu Meng tapped the rim of his wine glass, and the glass made a crisp sound. His tone was so calm that it seemed a little careless:

"This is the first barrel of fuel produced in our swamp."

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