Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 449 The future prince? (joint chapter)

The girl who came to deliver water was standing next to Lu Meng. She was wearing a small military uniform, carrying a straight knife at her waist, and the corners of her head were white. She was young but exuded a hint of nobility and fortitude.

"Huh? Why are you calling me?" She was still wiping the hot tea on her hands. When she noticed Pompeo's gaze and address, she glared back, quite unhappy.

Such appearance, such attitude...

Who is Seto if not Shaq's little princess?

Pompeo's mind was buzzing and he was completely confused.

For a moment, he was clearly sitting firmly in his seat, but he felt like the world was spinning.

Princess Seto has not yet formally entered the official service and rarely appears in public. The general public in Shaq may not know her, but as a palace consultant, Pompeo can often see this princess who grew up in the palace and the precious daughter of the Stone Demon. He is naturally very familiar with her appearance and behavior... even if the other person may not remember him.

But, but...

Seto should obviously still be accepting the teachings of Bayan, and still worrying about whether he can pass the warrior test of the clan conference, so he should just stay in Admark!

Why, why did he suddenly appear in the swamp.

Appear in Shark Village.

They even serve tea and water here! ?

On the other side, Lu Meng looked at the two of them and raised his eyebrows: "Envoy Pang, is this tea not to your taste?"

"No, it's not..." Pompeo turned his head and met the Red King's eyes.


Is this the problem?

This is our princess of Shaq Kingdom, she is here, what do you care about is tea?

You know, because of the way mother and daughter get along.

She may not be so filial to the Stone Demon on the surface——

Speaking of which...

Just now, I seemed to have knocked over the tea cup that she brought to me...

Pompeo's hands instantly shook like a sieve.

As a special envoy of the kingdom, this is undoubtedly a great disgrace.

However, I just can't stop.

You know, even when he faced the Red King before, he had never been so nervous because of his psychological expectations.

However, what just happened.

It is far beyond the imagination of this Shaq consultant.

"In this case," Lu Meng smiled and looked at the little princess, "Seto, give the special envoy from your hometown another drink. After all, it is your craft."

He didn't call the other person by his alias in the swamp at this time.

Seto frowned, twitching the tip of his small nose, and then sighed. He took the kettle from the tray, walked to Pompeo and straightened the porcelain cup. The golden and green tea poured out like a thread, filling it to the top.

Only this time, there was no good look at all.

She picked this tea with the tea farmers in the swamp, and the roasting process was quite fun. She also had to worry about the temperature of the tea brewing for a long time with an old master, and it took two furnaces of water to burn out the water before she finally got it right, and she was in high spirits throughout the process. exuberant.

This time Lu Meng hosted a banquet for the key members of the coalition forces.

Naturally, her disciple would not be absent. During this period, she made a fuss about serving tea to everyone. Others either didn't know her identity, or they didn't have so many barriers with her, and they got along very well with her.

For the tea Seto poured.

Everyone was also very supportive and praised him.

——After all, it is a specialty of the swamp, so it is not much different.

When he thought of this, Seto gave Pompeo a sharp look.

On the other hand, this special envoy from his own palace was dressed like a nouveau riche aristocrat and kept talking about diplomatic etiquette, but he didn't even understand this basic politeness. He was worse than the big bosses in the coalition forces.

"Thank you, sir, princess..."

Under Seto's gaze as if he was about to eat someone, Pompeo tremblingly took the porcelain cup and drank it down without even noticing the tea sloshing out.

A refreshing fragrance surged to the tip of my nose.


The burning sensation filled the entire mouth and esophagus, causing Pompeo's eyes to burst red instantly, and tears were about to burst out.


The water used to brew tea is freshly boiled water.

Pompei felt that his whole mouth was being boiled, and he could not feel the bitterness and sweetness of the tea, so he could only speak with difficulty:

"Very, very good..."

"Hmph, the cow chews the peony." Seto chirped slightly, walked back to the side, pressed the handle of the knife, straightened his back, and his posture was like a tight bow.

But obviously the Red King just drank the tea without even blowing it... Pompeo almost fanned his mouth with the palm of his hand, but resisted the urge to really pant like a cow.

He looked at the man sitting opposite with pain.

The corners of Lu Meng's mouth turned up, and she looked at him with a smile.

Such a temperature.

His expression remained unchanged... Is this still a human being?

With a flash of inspiration, Pompeo suddenly realized something.

When the other party called Princess just now, he called her by her first name - which meant that he always knew Seto's identity.

Talk about it.

In Admark, these palace advisers had indeed not seen Princess Seto for a long time.

Everyone thought that Bayan, the designated teacher, was concentrating on teaching her - while conspiracy theorists believed that it was the chief advisor who deliberately wanted to control the princess and isolate her from other courtiers...

But anyway, my mother didn’t bother.

What can outsiders say?

Now it seems that the little princess disappeared from everyone's sight during this period.

Just arrived at the swamp!

But why are you involved with the owner of Shark Village, the Red King?

And, look at how they get along.

She is still her own princess, taking orders from the other party...

"Envoy Pang," Lu Meng's words interrupted the Shaker's thoughts, "My relationship with the Shaker Kingdom and why we don't need to report to you... I think you already know the reason."

He took out an iron sign, put it on the table and pushed it.

After Pompeo saw the shape of the iron plate clearly, he took it back before he had time to identify the inscription.

Pompeo was stunned.

He knew that it was a warrior's iron medal issued by the kingdom.

The humans of this swamp...

He's actually an officially recognized 'Shaq Warrior'?

In an instant, a flash of light flashed through his mind like thunder, forming a thread——

The little princess hides, Seto appears in the swamp, Bayan's words are unclear, the skeleton group is exiled, supplies are delivered, the Red King, the human warrior...

Before setting off, Pompeo thought this was Bayan's plot.

However, even if the hornless man was the chief advisor, with overwhelming power, he would sometimes resort to unscrupulous means... But given him some courage, he would not dare to blame Princess Seto and personally send his students to such danger. place to come.

Because, although the little princess is not the crown prince.

But she is the daughter of the stone demon.

The warrior who dared to draw his sword against the old King Shagar when he was young and seized the throne in one fell swoop through a duel. Many years later, he was in his prime, overwhelming all opposition and directly implementing the New Deal regardless of obstacles.

He has such strength and courage.

No less than Krall once was.

Among the three major kingdoms, the Kingdom of Shark was the weakest. It was once prone to civil strife, and Krall's Choice was plundering and seizing control.

It's just because I know there is a stone demon.

No enemy will think that they have an opportunity to take advantage of it.

The identities of warriors and kings are excluded.

She is more of a mother.

It is really unimaginable what she would do if her child was plotted against her. Even the five generals cannot bear the consequences... Bayan naturally knows this and will not offend her just because of her trust.

Then, allow Seto to appear here.

And let the Skeleton Corps support the swamp with force and materials...

Next to Seto, this powerful Red King was once a warrior of Shaq...

If all this is not Bayan's arrangement.

Whose could it be?

"Isata...the stone demon..." Pompeo almost groaned, unconsciously speaking out his inner thoughts.

"Huh?" Seto tilted his head.

I was a little confused as to why the other party mentioned his mother's name at this time.

"Honor the invincible stone demon." Lu Meng slightly raised his glass and drank the bottom of the tea.

He hid his smile.

"To your great Majesty..." Pompeo could only echo and laugh along.

However, his smile was bitter.

Everything is clear:

No one dares to rush Seto into danger.

But, if you arrange it for the little princess.

What about her own mother?

This is an experience.

The Stone Demon is a great warrior, as tough and stern as sandstone, and the Shark tribe's tradition is to honor fighting. It is completely conceivable that she arranges difficult tasks for her daughter - only she has the qualifications and dares to do it. This decision.

And asking Bayan to allocate supplies and arrange protection... is another aspect of maternal love.

After all, the mission is dangerous.

As a mother, I don’t really want anything to happen to my daughter.

As for Bayan's unclear words and unwillingness to reveal it, it is easier to understand.

The training location is deep in a remote swamp, which is out of the protection of the kingdom. Once the news is leaked, it will arouse the covetousness of many parties, making the little princess's training journey more dangerous.

A trip from the kingdom to here takes several months, and the transmission of news is difficult and slow - this can be seen from the fact that after the trade between the two sides was cut off, Bayan sent special personnel to investigate.

And even after getting the news.

If you want timely support, it's beyond reach... You can only arrange protection in advance.

Pompeo recalled the troubled face of the hornless man, and felt more and more that he had guessed the truth - but at this moment, his own face became even more ugly, with a hint of paleness in the bruised skin, as if he was suffering from a lack of blood. .

Now I know how top-secret this is.

At first, I wanted to get to the bottom of it and stubbornly interfered... now, I was right at the head of the Stone Demon Queen.

Recall what Bayan said:

"Pompe, otherwise... you can go with us."

This is no compromise.

He is obviously trying to blame himself and dig a hole for himself!

If Bayan is the only one who knows about the Stone Demon's plan and arranges its execution, then if something goes wrong in Seto, he, the chief advisor, will certainly not be able to escape the blame - with great power comes great responsibility, which is almost the case for this hornless man. A portrayal of a life full of hardships and walking on thin ice.

But now, I got involved midway...

If the Stone Demon is held accountable, he can definitely say: Pompeo disobeyed orders, interfered with the plan, and leaked secrets!

Not only does it throw away the responsibility completely.

He can also take the opportunity to bring down Pompeo's group. In serious cases, it may even affect the generals who are his backers——

Regret, Pompeo is full of regret now.


If he had known earlier that what happened in the swamp, he would not have listened to Bayan's temptation even if he died, and would have come here to catch him.

However, now I saw Princess Seto herself.

Pompeo was tied to this plan... Not only did he have to bear the responsibility, but he also couldn't get any benefits. In order for the experience to proceed smoothly, he had to be like Bayan, working hard and being a full-time nanny. Nothing should be missed.

If the general knew.

I will definitely want to kill him...

It's a pity that it can't be killed.

They took the handle themselves and sent it to the hornless man...

When Pompeo's face was ashen, he inadvertently raised his head and faced Seto.

He was stunned.

The other party was looking at her with curious eyes, and there was a heroic spirit between her brows and eyes, like a sword in its infancy - her appearance and figure had obviously grown but not changed much compared to the past, but her temperament was the same as when she was in the palace. The girl I saw in the movie, who looked naughty and clumsy, but actually had a restless and cowardly look in her eyes, was completely different.

If you must say...

At this moment, Pompeo saw the shadow of the stone demon.

From a blood point of view, this is nonsense, but Pompeo did have such an idea... Until this moment, he really felt that Seto was the daughter of the stone demon.

The gap is huge.

Just like sheep and wild beasts.

How can a person change so quickly?

——Is it because of this experience?

Isata's arrangement turned out to be very effective...

Pompeo was surprised and frightened.

As a civil servant consultant, he keenly smelled the breath of political change.

Seto is a princess and a direct descendant of the Stone Demon - but all the people in the kingdom, including the Shaker tribe, including her teacher Bayan, do not think that she can inherit her mother's throne now.

The recognized heir to the kingdom.

It’s Dashan Mukai.

Even though he seemed to have committed some mistake and was sent to the apocalyptic final fortress and came back at an unknown time, his status as prince has not been shaken - even because he is still on the front line of defense against human-skin spiders. Accumulate military merits and gain a higher reputation among veterans.

In this regard, Stone Demon expressed his acquiescence.

Because a mother's love for her daughter is different from a king's love for his country.

She knew it clearly.

What kind of king does the Kingdom of Shaq need to survive in a troubled world surrounded by powerful enemies? That must be a hero, a hero who can intimidate all parties.

Even if Dashan Mukai comes to power, he may completely overturn the New Deal.

But at least he can fight for his country.

The Sharks can still survive.

Therefore, as a princess, Seto may receive unlimited favor, but she has never been trained as a prince...

——Pompei originally thought so.

Until I bumped into today's scene and witnessed with my own eyes the changes that had taken place in the princess.

The stone demon's intention...


It may not be impossible for Seto to inherit the throne!

"I'm really sorry for disturbing Your Highness."

Pompeo stood up silently and bowed solemnly to Seto.

The little princess was startled by the change in attitude of this somewhat annoying kingdom envoy. She couldn't help but duck behind Lu Meng, avoiding his salute, so that when Pompeo stood up, she looked directly into Lu Meng's eyes.

"Your Majesty the Red King, respectable warrior - thank you for taking care of me..." Pompeo looked at the two of them. There was no surprise, but he stopped mid-sentence, regained his composure, and used the serious tone of a special envoy. He said, "If you have any needs, I can tell the general on your behalf."

He was responding to what he said before, and there were five people standing behind him.

However, it was a threat before.

At this moment, it is showing value.

Lu Meng did not answer, but raised a finger to his lips and made a "silence" gesture with a smile.

"I understand." Pompeo nodded, then stood up and left.

Just when he left the hall, he turned around and saluted in Seto's direction, and then disappeared from their sight wordlessly.

Seto himself and Oren, who was watching, looked at each other.

I don’t understand why this kingdom’s special envoy, who was aggressive at first, turned around completely, as if he was a different person.

Only Lu Meng was playing with the empty cup in his hand.

"The Nameless One, what happened to him?"

Seto rolled his eyes, grabbed his cup, picked up the teapot and filled him another cup carefully, and said curiously with a tone that was half flattering and half tentative.

Lu Meng glanced at her.

"I guess...he wants to do a small favor for your teacher."

"Teacher?" Seto was stunned, "You are still the one in my family."

"Everything is fine." Lu Meng took a sip and smacked his tongue, "It's a bit astringent."


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