Lu Meng fell to the ground like an eagle struck, and the Black Dragon Ninjas were stunned. Many of them had just climbed halfway up the floor, and they wanted to surround him in the top pavilion, but they were in vain.

Even the leader Bozan, who is so light and agile, would break his leg if he fell from this height. The other party is actually so brave.

However, they watched helplessly as the white-haired young man stood up.

In the same situation in the past, Lu Meng fell together when he was assassinating Da Al in the Stone Rat Regiment's camp, and he had to step on him as a stepping stone - but now it was completely different.

There was not even muddy water splashed on the hem of his clothes.

He looked more like a pedestrian taking a walk at night—if you ignored the layers of cold swords that surrounded him.

Lu Meng's wrist exerted force, and the strangled neck broke. A head flew out as if it had been squeezed out - but it was another black dragon ninja who had been caught during his fall.

Killing is not terrible.

But this laid-back attitude is intimidating.

"Kill him, kill him!" From behind, Bozan's roar was like a reminder.

The black dragon ninjas looked at each other and did not rush forward. Instead, they took a step back. In the eyes of ordinary people, it seemed like black smoke dissipated into the night without a trace. The scene even fell into an eerie silence for a moment, and even the sound of the wind could not be heard. Clearly audible.

They are not good at attacking head-on.

But when it comes to sneaking in the shadows, the assassin group in this border land has indeed gone its own way, and is very feared by both friends and foes.

So much so that Lu Meng learned of their activities when he first left the hub, and was once alert to whether he would be assassinated, as a way to spur himself on.


He closed his eyes and took a step forward.


The thin ninja sword appeared at the back of Lu Meng's neck, but it missed the mark.

Even though the black dragon ninja appeared with his face covered, his eyes could not hide his surprise. If he missed the blow, he immediately slashed the man's heart with another knife.

Black dragon ninjas are always equipped with double swords.

But before he could exert any force, severe pain came from his right hand, followed by the sound of a bone cracking... The black dragon ninja opened one eye, stared blankly into the cold eyes, and then fell to the sky. on the ground.

There was a ninja sword stuck in his other eye.

The ninja sword in his left hand also disappeared without a trace. Following the trajectory, it hit the chest of another black dragon ninja who was flanking him. Blood flowed like a column and dyed the cold blade of the sword red.

In the eyes of other lurking Black Dragon Ninjas.

In just a moment, the two companions fell to the ground as soon as they rushed out.

However, they were already like arrows from a bow, each taking action, even they themselves could not stop. At this moment, time seemed to stretch endlessly, and the assassins in the darkness were like dust floating in it, frozen in the moment when they pounced on their prey.

Or, rushing towards death.

——The stopping of time is just an illusion.

Immediately afterwards, every black dragon ninja who launched the assassination had a stream of red and white stuff burst out from their heads, bloody and sticky, with their own sharp knives stuck on it.

Each sword may have drunk the blood of countless people in the past.

Unexpectedly, the last bite was theirs.

One after another, the black dragon ninjas fell to the ground with inertia, without making a sound before they died, and the panic in their hearts did not even have time to appear in their eyes.

The scene was so weird, as if they were facing death themselves, knowingly and unwillingly taking their own lives.


A ninja sword spun around in Lu Meng's hand, flew out like a butterfly, and hit a black dragon ninja in the back.

This elite ace was scheduled to take action at the end, as part of an assassination operation.

But he was the only one who had time to feel fear and turn around and run away.

But at this moment.

He also fell to the ground, splashed with mud and water, and died on the spot.

"What happened...?" Achi, who had just held on to the hole in the wall and looked down, saw such a scene. Surprise or fear could not be suppressed from his tone.

The assassins carried out their assassinations in silence.

And their deaths were equally silent.

As if nothing happened.

However, in the blink of an eye, the black dragon ninjas surrounding the envoy were all wiped out, as evidenced by the corpses all over the ground.

Achi had never seen such a scene in his life.

This is not a fight.

But massacre.

"Bozan ran away!" Achi was shocked when he suddenly discovered that the leader of the Black Dragon Ninja was no longer among the wooden planks and rubble below.

he realized.

Perhaps from the beginning, the leader did not expect his men to kill the enemy.

These elites who have been trained for many years were actually abandoned by him as bargaining chips to delay time - even if the effect was ten times or a hundred times worse than imagined!

What makes him so afraid?

As a master assassin, Bozan's ability to sneak and hide is first-class - of course this technique can be used for assassination, but it can also be used for escape silently, even if a leg is broken.

However, no one has ever been able to push him to this point in the past.

"Avenge the city lord!"

"Kill the lackeys of Shark Village!"

In the distance, a shout suddenly came, getting closer and closer, followed by the light of torches.

The guards of Rotten Town arrived here, their clothes were disheveled, as if they had gathered temporarily.

Lu Meng had a meal.

Through the dim moonlight, everyone could clearly see his figure and appearance - especially the black night clothes. Isn't this what an assassin wears?

Many guards had seen the envoy before.

They still had the image of him carrying a heavy sword on his back, so they subconsciously felt a little frightened and stopped, not daring to move forward.

"He didn't bring a knife!" The sharp-eyed leader shouted excitedly, "Take this opportunity to avenge the leader..."

"Bastard!" A sharp shout came from above.

Ah Chi cursed angrily: "Which eye of yours saw me dead!"

But he also knew that if the Black Dragon Ninja wanted to put the blame on others, he would definitely spread the news in order to catch him.


He pointed at Lu Meng's feet: "Keep your eyes open and see who our real enemies are!"

The guards of Rotten Town noticed the corpses lying on the ground and were immediately startled.

The Black Dragon Ninjas were originally dressed in black, and were soaked in muddy water after death, making them difficult to detect under the cover of night.

At this moment, the corpses were blooming on the ground like messy flowers, layer upon layer of cruelty and strange beauty. And the center they surrounded was the white-haired young man standing there calmly.

It's self-evident who did it.


The guards couldn't help but feel a sense of horror in their hearts.

"As for him..." Achi was about to speak, but fell silent again.

He wanted to introduce clarification.

But, who is the other party?

An envoy from Shark Village? Except for the gods in religion, who in the world would have such envoys, coming to dominate the battlefield with slaughter.

A general in the coalition forces? But how could someone with such skill be an unknown person? How come they had never heard of it before.

Or...they've heard of it.

Achi suddenly noticed that the other party was dressed in black and walking towards the distance. None of the guards who had been shouting "revenge" dared to stop him. The crowd parted like a cut tide, and the gathering gazes were full of fear. .

"Bozan..." he reminded subconsciously.

"Don't worry, he can't run away." The voice came from far away, unhurriedly, "I told you, he hasn't learned yet."

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