Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 478 The Skinned Man Far Traveler

Chapter 478 The Skinned Man·Far Traveler

Other herdsmen gathered together from a distance, waiting anxiously.

It can be said that they respected and feared the man in front of them.

If we say that when Lu Meng defeated the Sand Bandit army alone, they were still filled with gratitude and respected him like a god.

But when he saw the bloody insect tide being driven by him.

Fear burst out uncontrollably.

This is human nature.

Power may affect a person, but it cannot change his nature.

After all, around the current battlefield, there are still the crunching sounds of gnawing corpses from time to time, making human bones sore; and those ferocious-looking spider monsters are still wandering around.

Even if you have witnessed these wonders.

Same as the original rhetoric.

However, Lu Meng also intends to pick it up again.

The difference is that gangs used to be mainly engaged in smuggling, but now they may take on more functions.

They saw the exception firsthand.

He heard opportunity.

But compared to the performance of the young man in front of him, it was still far inferior.

"Who are you?" Lu Meng tilted his head slightly.

The wandering tribes can sell a large amount of high-quality furs, cattle, and beasts of burden...

"Of course I know." Lu Meng nodded.

"Farstrider Parada," the man saluted quickly, "The current leader of the Farstrider clan..."

He said after a moment:

Only this clan leader keenly noticed a few different voices.

That's why the people of the Far Traveler clan look forward to the trade of merchants.

I also noticed the meaning of this other title.

In people's hearts, he is both a devil and a legend.

They were the first herdsmen among the Shandi tribe to meet Lu Meng. At that time, Lu Meng was just an approachable traveler, and he even kindly reminded and warned them - these suggestions were all verified later.

If the blood spiders had not attacked the remaining ordinary people, everyone would have felt that they had escaped from the dragon pool and entered the tiger's den again... even more miserable than falling into the hands of the sand bandits.

When Big Gray was young, he went out to explore the swampland, and the Skinners initially made their fortune in the smuggling business. In comparison, they were actually the most well-known swamp faction in the outside world.

On the other hand, the position of the King of the Swamp is said to have been vacant for more than ten years, not to mention that even if they are elected, it will not affect the lives of people outside the swamp at all.

Traveling north...The Red King.

Members of the Shandi Wandering Tribe still remember Big Gray and admit that he is a hero.

If you seize this opportunity, let the Skinners set up a stronghold in their own camp.

Although they had been helped, it was still difficult for them to connect the young man with the monster.

Even the Beifeng Clan... No, even if the big shot from the Baimei Clan came, they wouldn't be able to fart.

Lu Meng interrupted him and frowned: "Since you are the clan leader, you should come out as soon as possible."

The answer is already obvious.

"Swampland..." Upon hearing the other party's familiar name, Ethan's heart involuntarily relaxed, "Then have you heard of Big Gray?"

As the leader of the sand bandits, that man gathered at the borders of the Three Kingdoms and directly threatened Shandi.

Without waiting for Lu Meng to answer.

Not to mention, Parada was actually extremely happy and flattered inside.

The timid person would have fainted from fear.

Under his instruction, the remaining herdsmen of the Far Traveler clan supported each other and saluted together, respectfully.

There is no other possibility.

Combined with the other party’s previous introduction…

The business of the skinner gradually shrank.

"Sir, I heard a sand bandit calling you..." Suppressing the joy in his heart, Prada still lowered his head and said slowly: "The Red King."

Only Ethan and Little Dib had the courage to come forward.

The logistics department planned by Lumeng is mainly based on skinners.

Just as the desert bandits have the King of Sand, the people of the Shandi tribe have also heard rumors of the King of the nearby swamp...but in comparison, it is far less famous than the King of Sand.

The Farstrider clan's tents and cattle and sheep pens were looted, which was a devastating blow to a small tribe.

"No wonder," the old herdsman saluted again, "When Big Gray came to do business in the past, although the goods were a little short, he never treated us badly. Once, he helped the tribe repel the sand bandits... At that time, there were no Where is the King of Sand?”

Born in the swamp, he can control the ferocious beasts unique to the dense forest. He can reopen the smuggling route between the skinners and the outside world and decide to establish a stronghold in a single word...

It doesn't matter if an old man and a child come over to talk.

"Really? This is great!" Another voice came suddenly.

As the leader of the tribe, this is embarrassing.

But look at the corpses of sand bandits all over the ground, and the red ferocious beast waiting to be fed...

But now,

In this scene, as the owner of the blood spider, Lu Meng looked extremely weird in people's eyes - he looked like an insect mother in human skin turned into a spirit...

He used his actions to break the traditional impression and shocked the herdsmen far beyond what they had been in the past.

"Yes, my lord taught me a lesson..." Prada was sweating profusely and could only respond.

Whether the swamp and the Shendi tribes like them communicate with each other... No matter what else, the supply of tea alone will not be lacking - not to mention staple foods and medicinal materials, which are scarce in the Shendi.

It's just under the monopoly of the merchant guild and the pressure of defending against the insect tide.

"The old man is still in good health." Lu Meng said - after the establishment of the Medical Department, there were dedicated personnel to take care of Big Gray's injuries, and without the pressure of competing for hegemony and defending against the insect swarm, the old man was actually more energetic than before he retired.

The old herdsman searched his mind and finally found a memory that could be related to the swamp.

"That's what people there call me."

A strange man came over, his face full of joy.

Lu Meng paused and looked towards the clouds in the distance. The sky was vast, with yellow sand and emerald green in two separate colors.

"Old man," Lu Meng thought for a while: "As they said before, I come from the swamp."

"Besides, he also misses you very much... It won't be long before Shandi should be able to see the Skinner's trade caravan again. If possible, it would be best to have a stable permanent inn."

But if the other party says so, trade with the Skinner can be reopened.

Patriarch Parada's hand on his chest trembled imperceptibly.

In fact, more people were hysterical and shouting "Lord of Blood" - this is the name spoken by the enemy, and when they hear it, they are filled with uncontrollable panic and despair.

The feeling brought by guessing and hearing is completely different. Even if they are mentally prepared, those who are saluting can't help but feel trembling in their hearts.

Not only can the Far Traveler Clan recover quickly, but it is also possible to rise quickly - even if they dare not compare with the Baimei Clan in central Shandi, it is at least as good as today's Beifeng Clan.

"With all due respect," Parada said respectfully, "Are you the king of the swamp?"

"It's just that I haven't seen you in many years."

No more smugglers like Skinners.

Even though the power of the Sand King is still there and remains in the hearts of many people, it is already so insignificant compared to this one.

"This war between the borderland and the swamp will probably end in a way that no one expected before - at the same time, the winner has been decided." Parada thought to himself, his eyes shining brightly, "And , a figure like the Red King came to Shandi in person, and it is not difficult for him to deal with the sand bandits... then, he probably has other plans. "

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