Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 492 The Bone Burying Wolf (Chapter 1)

"Zi Liu."

A jade ring fell out of the arms of a Beifeng herdsman, rolled down the grass hill, and quickly disappeared.

The herdsman groaned, his face full of reluctance.

He hesitated to break away from the team and chase, but quickly stopped thinking.

In his arms, on the beast of burden beside him.

There are also big and small bags, full of them.

Such situations are not rare.

From a distance, they all looked in Lu Meng’s eyes.

"After all, he was the former ruler of the western part of Shandi. Even if he only collects offerings on behalf of the sand bandits, there is still a lot of money to be made in the middle."

"In the Beifeng clan, a middle class similar to nobles has appeared."

"Even ordinary herders have a much better living standard than other small tribes."

Compared to other small tribes, the entire Beifeng Clan carries far more supplies and luggage than the average.

However, this also slows down their migration.

Lu Meng thought for a while and called Kang Man, the leader of the Beifeng clan who had been urging at the back of the team.

After asking, I found out that the Beifeng clan had not migrated on such a large scale for a long time.

There is a younger generation of new herdsmen who have lived a life similar to settlers since birth.

"After all, people from the Baimei clan came to help in the past..." Kang Man hesitated. Even he was a little embarrassed when he said this.

The Baimei Clan is far superior to them in terms of military force and beast-taming abilities. In the past, even the same beak-mouthed beast disasters could be overcome with the help of the Baimei Clan relatively easily.

In addition, it is possible to invite Wu Mian to take action, so it will not be a problem.

So much so that the Beifeng Clan, which occupies the evergreen pastures in the west and lives a happy life, has almost lost its sense of crisis.

Therefore, after learning that the Baimei clan would not support this beast disaster.

That's why they were so panicked.

Hearing this, Lu Meng shook his head and said, "Can we at least put down some of the luggage? As long as we bring food and water, and move people and animals away, the beasts are not bandits, and they will not be interested in the remaining things."

"That's what I ordered..." Beifeng Clan Chief said sarcastically, "But you know, not everyone can see as clearly as you do, and the people below will more or less do it in disguise..."

"There's no need to say more if it's a hint." Lu Meng sneered.

How could he not have noticed that the Beifeng clan leader was secretly looking at the white tent - among the miles around, it was the only one that had not been packed and dismantled.

People from the Far Traveler clan once proposed to help Lu Meng disassemble and pack, but they were rejected.

It is also a tent, but the structure and weight of this white tent are far superior to other ordinary wandering tents, so it will waste a lot of time.

However, Lu Meng could tell it from the eyes of the Beifeng clan leader.

Even though the other party gave the order to travel lightly, if the white account still belonged to him, he would undoubtedly take it away at all costs.

They are all unwilling to give up.

Conman, who was exposed, apologized in panic.

"I will order them to leave all their extra baggage behind..."

"That's not necessary now." Lu Meng interrupted him.

When I was still in the Beifeng Camp, I couldn't even worry about staying at my own home. The resistance to leaving wealth behind during the journey was even greater, which was almost equivalent to a complete loss.

"Call out all the soldiers from your tribe." He ordered, "Follow me and cut off the rear."

What makes the Beifeng Clan better than other small tribes is that they can already support some professional soldiers.

Lu Meng's blood spider army has returned to the Burning Forest. The wasteland and pastures here in Shendi are not suitable for them to survive, and there is not so much food to feed them.

The blood spiders can rely on cannibalism for a period of time, but they will continue to be depleted and cannot be stationed outside for a long time.

Now we can only try to make full use of local strength.

"Yes." Kang Man lowered his head in response, but he still couldn't help but ask, "According to the news from the Baimei Clan, it will be a long time before the beak-billed beast disaster breaks out and they move into Shandi. According to the current situation, The progress is completely in time, why are you so eager, Red King?"

In fact, this is also the view of most people in the Beifeng clan.

Therefore, even if their progress lagged far behind other tribes, they still did not panic, let alone give up their family wealth.

"If you ask your elders or any old herdsmen this kind of question, do you still need me, an outsider, to teach you?" There was no emotion or anger in Lu Meng's tone, "Just do as you are told."

Watching Beifeng Clan Leader retreat and gather his men.

Lu Meng also knew that although this large tribe was in awe of his own strength and did not dare to have any objections, and almost obeyed his words... but deep down in his heart, he could not say that he was very convinced.

This is also reasonable.

After all, for them, there is no difference between serving themselves and serving the bandits, it's just that the target has been changed.

Even more domineering when serving the bandits.

However, it is enough to know the fear.

"Are you the commander-in-chief of the Beifeng Clan?" Lu Meng looked at a man of medium height and dark brown skin in front of him.

Behind him, there were hundreds of tribal warriors who could not be called strong but were very capable.

"Bowei Beifeng." The man pressed his leather breastplate and saluted.

Lu Meng: "You don't look like a herdsman."

"I used to be from Aikang Town, but I was sold to Shandi after the Blood Rebellion." Bo Wei stopped and did not want to say more, "There are more than just these warriors of the Beifeng Clan, but the rest have to be protected along the way. My migrating tribesmen, please forgive me, the Red King.”

"It doesn't matter."

Lu Meng nodded.

Aikang Town was once a prosperous city-state in South United City, but now it is dilapidated... If it is said that it was sold to Shendi, it must be as a slave.

Although the atmosphere of slavery in Shendi is not that strong, this man named Bo Wei should still have some abilities to be able to become the military commander of a tribe from a slave background.

"follow me."

The night was getting darker, even if the moon was in the sky, the surrounding light gradually dimmed. The warriors who stayed behind lit torches at intervals, and the little flames were like stars spreading on the ground.

The Beifeng clan's team also gradually moved away.

There was silence.

Only a large white tent stood alone on the top of the grass hill.

Right now, this white tent is the only building in the entire western part of Shendi, and the people who stay here are also the ones closest to the front line of the future beast disaster.

Time passed gradually.

The remaining tribal warriors were a little anxious.

They looked at the man wearing a plush cloak and standing in front of the white tent, and couldn't help but feel suspicious.

The Red King said that people should travel lightly, but could it be that he couldn't bear to part with this gorgeous tent, so he let them stay here to take care of it?

Wandering in the outer world, they saw Lu Meng lift the curtain.

There were no gorgeous decorations, alluring beauties, gold and silver treasures as imagined by the warriors... but only rows of camping beds, which did not match the appearance of the white tent.

This kind of camping bed in the wild is very simple, just a thick felt and fur, and it is very popular among homeless people.

These herdsmen are no strangers to this and often use it when marching.

But they didn't expect:

The Red King actually filled the originally noble patriarch's tent with these crude camping beds... No one could sleep there.

At a glance, there are hundreds of copies. What is this for?

Can’t build a Datong store?

After Lu Meng checked, he came out of the white tent again.

He was about to say something when he suddenly paused and ordered:

"Draw the bow!"

Hearing this, hundreds of Beifeng warriors lined up their bows and arrows, kept their distance, and looked around cautiously.

It's just that their expressions are a little dazed.

"Didn't you hear it?" Lu Meng said softly.

When people looked at each other, Bo Wei's expression suddenly changed.

The arrow on the horn bow pointed at a grassy hill in the distance.

It was dark late at night, and with only the moonlight shining in the sky, they couldn't see clearly.

At this time, a gust of wind blew.

The green and yellow grass was lowered one after another, but two green gleams suddenly appeared.

Those are a pair of pupils.

"The bone burying wolf!" Bo Wei said through gritted teeth.

In this world, the ancient wolves have long been extinct, but their ecological niche will not be vacant like this. Other creatures will definitely occupy it.

One of the most common.

It's a bone dog.

They have spread across the continent.

But few people know that the bone dogs also have a close relative that lives in the Bone Wasteland. They are stronger, taller, and more ferocious.

They are boneyard wolves.

This bone-burying wolf seemed to realize that it was being discovered. Its body lying on the ground slowly stood up, not only surpassing the knee-high grass, but also gradually surpassing the half-waist and half-chest of an adult... …

Finally, I looked at it from a distance.

The pair of green fireflies eyes seemed to be suspended in the air.

Compared to bone dogs, this is at least the size of the alpha dog among them.

It will take many years of seniority.

The moment the Bone Burial Wolf stood up, it also charged towards the grass hill, its limbs running wildly, and a pair of pupils drawing swaying arcs in the night sky.


They were startled by the sudden arrival of the Bone Burial Wolf, but the warriors of the Beifeng Clan did not panic, especially their commander Bo Wei.

Start with the discovery of the Boneyard Wolf.

His arrows remained locked on it.

In the blink of an eye, the Bone Burial Wolf rushed down the grass hill and towards the grass hill where the white tent was located.


The bowstring vibrated.

Before the arrow could hit, the Bone Burial Wolf suddenly changed its feet and its marching route became a zigzag, passing through it like a bolt of lightning.

A long arrow was nailed behind it.

Obviously, this beast coming from the highlands of the Skeleton Wasteland does not lack experience in dealing with human hunters.

However, Bo Wei's arms were still fully loaded with the horn bow!

He was not the one who shot the arrow just now.

Just when the bone-burial wolf dodged an arrow and was about to run out of power.


One of the fireflies in the darkness suddenly went out.

Only then did Bo Wei let go, and the long spinning arrow hit the wolf's eye, and then passed through the head of the wolf.

The wolf who buried the bones let out a miserable "howl" and fell directly to the ground.

"Well done!"

The warriors around him cheered for their commander.

Like its close relative, the Bone Dog, the Bone Burial Wolf has thick bone plates covering its head and back for defense. To kill it with a direct hit from the front with this iron arrow, you can only seize the weak point of its eyes.

But facing a high-speed moving Bone Burial Wolf, how easy is it to hit a target as small as an eye?

Bo Wei also breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his palms on the fur wristband.

He turned around, grabbed the long bow, and saluted Lu Meng:

"It's embarrassing. I hope I didn't disturb His Highness the Red King."

There was humility and a hint of complacency in his tone.

After all, this move was not easy for Bo Wei. Fortunately, he made no mistakes and performed well in his first appearance in front of the Red King.

What surprised him, though.

It had been a long time since he had adapted to life in Shandi, but the other party actually discovered this hidden and lurking Bone Burial Wolf earlier than he did.

It really lives up to its reputation.

The other warriors reacted and wanted to echo his words.

This episode made their nerves tense again.

But fortunately, what came was just a bone-burial wolf. They were not native to Shenland, so they didn’t pose much of a threat...

Unexpectedly, Lu Meng interrupted them:

"Good job, but don't let up."

"My order is not given to you alone," he looked from Bo Wei to everyone else, "Don't look, but listen."

In the night sky, there was only the low rustling of the grass and the whistling of the wind.

But, soon.

The expressions of everyone present changed.

It was not just the sound of grass and wind, but something crawling across the grass, overwhelmingly crushing the grass stems, and an uncontrollable whimper leaking from between the teeth.

[Basic attribute: Perception 86]

Of course, by the time other people can notice it, it means that what is coming is no longer a single small animal, but a group of overlapping noises... They are approaching!

Just then, a strong wind blew.

A strong fishy smell hits your nose, just like the real thing.

The wind has changed.

The weeds crouched down, revealing the lowered bodies of the wolves burying their bones one after another.

In the dark night, countless green eyes were flashing like ghosts and will-o'-the-wisps.

Their backs formed gray-white waves.

These beasts are extremely experienced hunters. They used headwinds and ambient sounds to conceal their scent and movements.

Unknowingly, we were approaching this grassland.

The white tent reflecting the moonlight is the most unexpected target in the dark night.

"Don't be stunned, draw your bow and prepare an arrow." Lu Meng said, "At the same time, be prepared for close combat and stop them here."

He shook his cloak, and in his right hand he held a sword-like weapon with a red light, and in his left hand he held a strange-shaped crossbow with an adducted bow arm.

"It would be unthinkable if the wolves caught up with the migrating team."

The Skeleton Plateau is the world of beasts, and it is also famous for the skeletons of various creatures that can be seen everywhere in the wasteland.

The beaked beast is just one of them.

Their activities will inevitably squeeze the living space of other organisms.

Either to avoid or to look for food, other predators migrate in groups and set foot in the shelter in advance. This is also to be expected.

The appearance of waves of bone-burial wolves is just the prelude to the outbreak of the beak-billed beast disaster.

Of course, even if it’s just a prelude.

It can also be devastating.


Followed by a louder, longer, and more unbridled wolf howl.

Countless bone-burial wolves roared together, as if they could shake the wind and make people's hearts almost stop.

Immediately afterwards, a wave of wolf backs surged.

He launched a charge towards the people trapped on the grassy hill and isolated island.

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