Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 495 Killing the Wolf (Part 2)

The jumping and running Bone Burial Ground wolves seemed to have their space cut off, and their bodies suddenly split into two halves and spread out smoothly.

The blood spray looks like sputtering lava.

In this life, it is probably rare for a person to have the opportunity to see the sight of more than a dozen wolves with all their blood gushing out in an instant.

It was as vast as some kind of ancient sacrifice, bloody and cruel.

The wolves in the bone burial ground have also never been seen.

The large amount of wolf blood smell instantly overwhelmed the sweet smell of Lu Meng's body, causing the crazy ones to calm down.

There was a whining sound in the night sky.

It wasn't the whimpering of the graveyard wolf, but the sound of wind wrapping around the tip of the Mingblade.

Lu Meng was still waving, drawing nearly perfect circles one after another on the grassland, as if reflecting the moon in the sky.

No matter who it is, everyone has any sword skills.

Here, his movements would only follow the trajectory that Lu Meng had already slashed, exactly the same.

The wolves in the burial ground also aroused instinctive fear under such chops. They couldn't help squeezing out whimpers from their throats and drooping their tails, as if they had returned to their ancestors and turned into pet puppies, which was quite different from their original huge bodies. coordination.

However, their whimpers finally got stuck in their throats.

It was no longer possible to tell whether it was the inscription blade in Lu Meng's hand that killed them, or the wind wheel rolled up as sharp as a knife. The wolf heads fell to the ground one after another and rolled down the grassy hill.

It won't be long before they pile up in the valley.

An angry wolf howled, drowning out the frightened screams.

The giant wolf stood proudly on the grassy hill in the distance. The scars on its body were engraved, but its green eyes were brighter than others of its kind, as if there was fire inside.

It looked directly at Lu Meng.

Obviously he is also aware that there are different threats among this group of prey.

This is the alpha wolf of the Boneyard Wolf.

A ferocious beast that has grown to the elder stage.

The lifespan of a canine is about ten or twenty years. After mutation and evolution in the wasteland, they can usually live to sixty or seventy years old, which is the normal youth and adulthood.

However, there are a very small number of beasts that can exceed the limits of the population.

Their stature, strength... not only will not decrease with age, but will increase, and their lives will show no signs of aging.

Some people suspect that beasts in the Elder Stage will not die naturally at all. For example, in the report of the technology hunter, a Hejian Velociraptor with the same scar on its body has been sighted many times in the past 500 years. Unfortunately, it was discovered last time. It died under a cliff. After an autopsy, it was found that its organs were still in their prime, but there was no way to verify how long it could live.

The Hejian Velociraptor is one of the more docile of all wild animals. There is even no chance of other elder-stage ferocious beasts being discovered and studied.

The alpha wolf in front of him was almost as tall as a young bull.

At least he has lived for two hundred years.

Their experience, ferocity, and wisdom...are no longer ordinary things.

Lu Meng flipped his wrist, and thick wolf blood dripped from the inscription blade. The taunting state on his body had been suppressed by the fear of strength inherent in the bones of the wolves.

Even if they would not retreat directly, they would not launch a charge around Lu Meng with the purpose of catching food, as they did at the beginning.

Seeing this, the alpha wolf was not satisfied.

It does not care about the death of these wolf cubs. No matter whether the wolf in the burial ground killed the enemy or died in the fight, this is a good thing for the entire wolf pack.

Or, capture enough prey to fill your belly.

Or, reduce the proliferation of wolves and have one less mouth to eat.

Under the twin moons, the wolf's shadow is tall and long, and it is about to call out again.

Suddenly, the alpha wolf's throat got stuck.

I took a deep breath and held it in my chest, but I couldn't let it out.

Even the old wolf, which had lived for hundreds of years, had never encountered such a situation before, and it couldn't help but become frightened.

But all he saw was that Lu Meng raised a finger to his lips.

Make a "shhh" gesture.

Unknowingly, the alpha wolf's originally safe position had been rushed by Lu Meng into the sensing range where the beast taming module could take effect.

He didn't waste any time and took out the Old World crossbow.


The long arrow roared out, sharp iron piercing the air.

The moment the arrow was about to pierce the alpha wolf's eye, it coughed violently and then jumped into the air.

The arrow penetrated into the shoulder blade, plowing open another bone-breaking wound in the muscle.

But not fatal.

The alpha wolf fell to the ground and staggered.

Then he opened his mouth wide and looked at Lu Meng with an even colder look.


With B-level beast taming ability, although he could forcibly control the giant wolf in the elder stage, the opponent was so wild that he could break free almost instantly.

Among their closest relatives, bone dogs were often domesticated and bred to serve as companions to humans.

But in thousands of years, I have never heard of anyone successfully domesticating a bone burying wolf, not even the wandering herdsmen of the Shandi tribe.

Lu Meng's eyes flashed.

But...this may not be the case.

Under his intimidation, more than twenty burying wolves around him trembled, almost lying on the ground, their tails trembling, as if they were about to wag like domestic dogs at the next moment.

The remaining unaffected Bone Burial Wolf, although still fierce, was stopped from jumping around.

Lu Meng looked back.

On the other side of the white tent, the warriors of the Beifeng clan were still fighting hard. There were six to seven hundred of them. All of them were strong and capable and had excellent combat skills. Under the leadership of Bo Wei, they laid waste to the graveyard. The total number of wolves is much greater than Lu Meng's.

The entire wolf pack was pinned here.

It's getting darker, but that's not a bad thing.

Time has passed, and now it is only the bleakest time before dawn.

However, what was different from Lu Meng's body was that there were wounds on the bodies of those tribal warriors. They were bloody, flesh and white bones, and they were too horrible to look at.

The strength and weight of a bone-burial wolf are greater than that of an adult man. They are fighting opponents of the same level, and there is an almost endless supply of enemies.

With Bai Zhang as the center, their formation was shrinking.

From time to time someone fell down, but before being dragged into the wolf's mouth, they were rescued by their companions and sent one by one into the white tent surrounded by guards behind them.

It seems that although Bo Wei does not know the specific intention of Lu Meng.

But he followed his orders completely.

And in front of Lu Meng.

The light curtain that is incompatible with the darkness opens,

On the panel, a line of numbers scrolls.

[Actual combat level: 81 → 83 (war level)]

And the [Effective Module: Reduce Experience Decay (Level B)] below

Although it cannot completely offset the attenuation of large amounts of experience gained due to the level gap, it is better than nothing at least, allowing Lu Meng to gain something while mowing Wushuang, so that quantity is worth quality.

Under the night sky, the giant wolf stood on the grassy hill, as if shoulder to shoulder with the moon.

Although this wolf was shot with an arrow, he felt resentful in his heart.

But it was not as eager to retaliate as others of its kind, but cautiously stayed where it was and observed.

This is also wisdom accumulated over countless years.

It is true that beasts in the elder stage rarely die naturally. What can kill them is often the entire "nature" itself.

However, it suddenly saw:

The human with flying white hair and blood-stained cloak in the distance suddenly abandoned all the wolves around him and rushed straight towards him. The other wolves in the burial ground were unable to stop him. Those who dared to rush forward were all turned into headless wolf corpses under the knife, and their blood paved the way.

The alpha wolf exhaled a white breath like a chuckle, turned around and ran away.

It's not slow either.

Even due to racial talent, he was slightly better.

If you want to catch up with yourself...

Suddenly, its raised front legs got stuck and stopped in mid-air.

Can't fall down no matter what.

The wolf's mane exploded.

It forgot...

Hit again!

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