Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 500: Prepare for the Beast Disaster

"Calm down." Bo Wei suppressed his worries and first calmed the restless crowd.

And everything you see along the way is stuff.

There were no human or animal corpses.

"There are no blood stains on the grass," Lu Meng reminded, "and there is no fresh smell of blood in the wind...except for the wolf blood on our bodies."

In this way, the Beifeng clan's migrating team is not a big problem.

Perhaps he encountered a scattered pack of wolves and was so frightened that he abandoned his armor and even his cherished possessions.

Lu Meng: "Let's pick it up when we come back."

It seems that if they are really in danger, most people still know what... is the most precious thing.

The fear of death cannot fool anyone.

But in this way, these people who discarded their belongings might as well have left them in the original camp in the first place.

At least there is a fixed place to look for.

A cursory investigation confirmed Lu Meng's judgment; as there were still armed forces in the Beifeng clan's ranks, it was likely that nothing would happen.

The group hurried on.

Perhaps due to discarding their baggage, the migration progress of the wandering tribe was much faster than before, so much so that it took Lu Meng and the others two days longer than expected to catch up.

In the distance, people from the Beifeng clan were seen resting.

They were dusty and dusty, and their bodies were covered with gray stains. It was obvious at first glance that they had traveled a long way and had just sat down to rest. Their faces showed fatigue and frustration.

The patriarch Kang Man is also among them.

The spirit is not as good as that of people like Bo Wei.

For a moment, I didn’t know who it was who had just finished the fierce battle with the wolves not long ago and had just escaped from the gap between life and death.

However, I saw Bo Wei.

Chief Kangman was quite excited:

"Finally home!"

Only a small group of Bone Burial Wolves came to make the surprise attack, and they were quickly repelled and thrown away, but everyone was still a little panicked.

Now see the warriors of the tribe returning.

But I feel more at ease.

"And you...defeated the wolves!"

With the grass as the background, the brown and red wolf skins were draped on the bodies of the strong men, giving off a wild atmosphere, like hunters returning to their dens, and the formation was quite eye-catching.

"This fur color must be top-notch when made into a back blanket... And if these fangs are made into tooth sculptures..." Kang Man came forward excitedly, "And this... is the head of the Wolf King!"

"Bowei, was it all your fault?"

He looked at his commander in disbelief.

What a treasure.

If this was made into a specimen and hung in a tent, it would be visible to the envoys from small tribes coming and going... not to mention how much more face it would be.

However, something unexpected happened.

Facing the enthusiasm of the head of his family, Bo Wei did not show the usual flattery, but firmly shook his head and stepped aside.

The same goes for the surrounding North Wind Warriors.

Kang Man was stunned.

Are you serious about taking a step back?

Behind the crowd, a man appeared.

He had white hair, and the cloak on his body was dyed red with blood - the bright red on it was now dimmed, but the wolfish smell exuding around him only made his whole person more ferocious.

Lu Meng: "..."

It feels like the actions of these North Wind warriors around me are a bit deja vu.

Like a meme I saw in the past:

Whenever someone says, nothing is perfect -

I said……

"The Red King!?"

Kang Man was shocked.

Obviously, the wolves could not stop this man - but apart from being more awe-inspiring, the patriarch was not very surprised by the incident, after all, his strength was there.

And the appearance of wolves.

It also proved that Lu Meng’s initial judgment was correct.

Be prepared.

He doesn't miss.


Looking at the soldiers from his tribe, Kang Man's heart skipped a beat, and he had an ominous premonition.

This kind of inner conviction and being forced to kneel down by authority are two completely different feelings.

The way you look at people is different.

There are so many tribal warriors, including their commander, but they just went out with others. Why did they come back like this...

Who is your leader?

Conman felt as if he had lost something very important.

From now on, I am afraid that I will only be a bare clan leader...

As the North Wind warriors returned to their tribes happily, seeing their missed family and friends, the eyes of these resolute men actually turned slightly red.

After all, although there was a near miss in the end.

But when facing the wolves, they were indeed prepared to die. The people in front of them were exactly what they wanted to protect at that time.

Now both sides are safe.

How can you not be moved.

As they told about their unforgettable experience, legends and narratives spread... A quiet change was taking place in this wandering tribe.

Lu Meng looked at the panel.

In the faction relationship column, the Beifeng clan's favorability towards him had already reached the highest level of "Blood Alliance", but it had just passed the level threshold and was still far from the full 1,000 points.

But now, the progress bar is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Finally, it stopped at: [Favorability: 923 (Blood Alliance)].

There will definitely still be people in the Beifeng clan who are dissatisfied.

But it can no longer change the general trend.

At the same time, the superior of the Beifeng clan column - the entire "Western Shandi", also started from the fourth level of "respect" and continued to rise.

In the end, it also became a "blood alliance".

The Beifeng Clan naturally has the largest proportion among them. In addition, there are also many small tribes that directly or indirectly receive help from Lu Meng. Their starting point is already very high.

But here it is.

Even if there are still remaining tribes who don't know the Red King, they can't change the fact that the entire western part of Shandi has been taken under Lu Meng's command.

There are many tribes in Shandi, and they are keen on migrating. Their territory is not fixed, and they also have the unique ability to tame animals.

The struggle situation here is not much simpler than in the swamp.

However, how many days and nights has it been since Lu Meng came here? The two-quarter moon phase in the sky had not even had time to change into a cycle of cloudy and sunny phases.

And when we first entered the swamp.

The same cannot be said.

Maybe this is the change.

Of course, this is just the western part of Shandi, and the wandering tribes in this area are not a decisive force in Shandi.

The entire [Shandi Tribe]'s relationship with Lu Meng still stayed at the second level of "coexistence", only slightly approaching the third level of "friendliness", with occasional fluctuations.

The so-called coexistence means that you are welcome to exist.

But other than that, there will be no special treatment or attitude, everything is official.

The most intuitive reasons for this phenomenon are:

[White Eyebrow Clan: Favorability 243 (Coexist)]

Still on the lower side.

This is in line with the behavior of their previous envoy, Qingrong Baimei - not repulsive, but neither cold nor hot.

"The Baimei clan's weight among the Shandi clan is really good, at least more than half... no, 60%." Lu Mengmeng said, "The other large and small clans combined are not enough for him to defeat."

But this is the Baimei clan.

They have all become "discarded cases" and have been removed from this world.

Is it because of this beak-bill disaster?

If even the White Eyebrow Clan, which controls more than half of the Shandi Tribe, cannot survive smoothly, then the other tribes...

"How come someone is back?" The herdsman looking towards the wind asked curiously.

Everyone is migrating north, and the Beifeng clan has been lagging behind for a long time, and is already considered the slowest among them.

Why are there still tribesmen rushing back?

"Wait a minute," the herdsman exclaimed, "that's not the Shandi tribe!"

On the other side, Lu Meng smiled and greeted him.

Perhaps with the strength of the Shandi tribe, it is really impossible to withstand this beast disaster or other crises...

But at this time, they were not the only ones in Shandi.

The reinforcements Lu Meng is waiting for——

There's someone coming from the swamp.

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