Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 508: Dogs and Wolf Riders

"Slower, slower!" The brown-red burying wolf galloped on the grass, as strong as a shadow, causing the little herdsmen on the wolf's back to panic.

But the little black sheep Kony sitting in his arms showed no fear at all when facing natural enemies.

Instead, he was extremely excited.

In this world.

There is also a day when the sheep sits on the head of the wolf!

"I didn't expect..." Ethan, the old herdsman, couldn't help but murmured as he watched this scene, "I can still see the day when the Boneyard Wolf is tamed."

This is undoubtedly a testimony to the history of Shem and even mankind.

The Farstrider clan was the first to migrate, actually to meet the troops in the swamp, and then returned with them and stayed in this area to help with logistics.

Because the Red King is here.

This was originally the most insignificant small tribe in Shandi, but the herdsmen were the least fearful in their mentality.

At this moment, in their eyes.

Dozens of thick and terrifying bone-burial wolves, like docile goats, were kept in captivity on a large grassland enclosed by a fence.

This crude wooden fence would fall apart if it was hit by a wolf. With their height and jumping ability, they could easily climb over it without jumping.

However, none of the bone-burial wolves had such thoughts.

"That's right, hehe." Mota, the beast tamer of the Beifeng Clan, looked at this scene with a happy smile.

They animal trainers,

Lu Meng’s request was successfully fulfilled.

Motta knew clearly: those involved in taming the Boneyard Wolves were almost all the top trainers of the North Wind Clan and also the top trainers of the Western Shem Clan.

But it can be successfully domesticated.

But it is not their own merit.

——The Red King's talent for taming beasts and his ability to intimidate these beasts is truly terrifying.

These bone-burying wolves, who would rather starve to death, be knocked to death and jump off a cliff than surrender to the herdsmen, were as docile as puppies in front of Lu Meng.

Even if the real reason is being forcibly controlled.

But as long as this barrier is broken, no matter how wild the wolves are, they will just turn into slightly disobedient bone dogs.

And domesticated bone dogs.

Beifeng's animal trainers are very experienced.

Lu Meng didn't want to use them as pets, so he let the herdsmen do whatever they could to get rid of the wolves' wild nature as quickly as possible.

Just make them understand human commands.


After the graveyard wolf carrying Little Dibu ran around the grass in a large circle, he suddenly stopped in front of a person and leaned to the ground. The long and powerful roar turned into two. A short, clear bark.

Little Dibu turned over with surprise on his face:

"Your Highness the Red King!"

"It's adjusting well."

Lu Meng also smiled and nodded.

Among the Farstrider clan, this little herdsman was originally talented at taming animals. After overcoming his initial fear, he became more and more comfortable riding on the back of the Boneyard Wolf.

The wolf on the bone burial ground drooped its tongue, which was more than a foot long, and gasped for breath.

Looking at Lu Meng in front.

Its tail is wagging vigorously.

"The ones that stand upright are dogs, and those that hang down are wolves." Lu Meng thought to himself, "Just looking at this appearance, there is really no difference between them and dogs."

Except for being a little too big.

The largest wolf Lu Meng knew was only about 90 centimeters tall at the shoulders, but the Boneyard Wolf could stand up to a person's waist or even chest level, let alone the elder wolf king who had exceeded the upper limit of growth.

The previous leader of the wolf pack was already comparable in size to an ordinary bull.

But it is such a terrifying predator.

Now he's acting like a large dog.

"I don't know whether this should be called 'returning to the ancestors' or 'secondary domestication'." Lu Meng stepped forward and touched the head of the bone-burying wolf, which made the other party tremble, and then he fell to the ground and exposed his belly.

It also has a wire bridle on its head. Although after domestication, this group of burying wolves will no longer easily bite and attack people, they still need to take precautions before they happen.

And so obviously canine.

Undoubtedly, they were brought to this continent.

They may have originally been hounds of the pioneers or simply pet dogs. However, after the destruction of civilization, they lived in the wilderness and gradually mutated and evolved into different subspecies, living like a pack of wolves.

Now the domestication of the boneyard wolf.

It can be regarded as a return to their ancestors.

"It's a pity..." Lu Meng looked at the Bone Burial Wolf and Little Dibu next to it, and sighed slightly in his heart, "After all, it is a canine. Due to its physiological structure, its ability to carry people is still lacking."

simply put.

If they want to maintain running speed for a long time, they cannot carry strong adult men.

For example, Lu Meng himself.

Some strong Bone Burial Wolves may be able to do so, but then they won't be able to continue their attack.

Lu Meng can also understand this.

Although there are troops such as wolf cavalry in many fantasy works, they either have magic, or their breeds may be the result of thousands of years of breeding and selection, just like race horses-not like myself. All are caught from the wild.

In other words, Lu Meng is now the pioneer himself.

But if you want to cultivate him for several generations, you can't afford to wait this time.

"Fortunately... this world is not normal." He waved, and a group of soldiers from the swamp came over and stood beside their respective burying wolves.

Then he turned over and sat up.

The giant brown wolves sank, but as their muscles exerted force, they stood up steadily without showing much burden.

The soldiers looked happy.

This was an experience they had never had before in the hive.

That's right.

The first batch of riders selected by Lu Meng were all Hive people.

Hive people who are much lighter than humans.

If you can't change the mount, change the rider.

Bee people have a special body structure and a light frame - even among the strongest soldier bees, only the hammer head is bigger than other races, while the other limbs and waist are slimmer.

The wolf in the boneyard cannot carry an adult human.

But carrying the Bee Man on his back is more than enough.

Fortunately, there were originally many bees who left the nest in the swamp, so that in the past, black converters who were all bee members could be formed.

To select riders suitable to become Wolf Cavalry.

It's simply not too easy.

Under the command of the trainer, the Boneyard Wolves carried the bee riders and walked in formation on the grass, helping these soldiers who were riding on the backs of wolves for the first time to adapt.

At present, the riders chosen by Lu Meng are mainly soldier bees and bee princes.

Corresponding to melee and long-range respectively.

The former is suitable for melee charges and has tough skin; the latter has quick movements, keen perception, and fast learning speed.

At the moment they are still cautious as riders.

But as long as you become proficient, you can gradually develop into a lightly armored assault cavalry and mounted archer.

Coupled with the terrifying combat power of the Boneyard Wolf itself.

It is not an exaggeration to call this a military revolution.

"Are you envious?" Lu Meng thought, turned back to look at the little princess Shaq who was following her, and said with a smile, "If it's just for fun, it doesn't matter if you go up."

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