Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 513 Insurance (Combined Chapter)

The hunters of the North Wind clan and the crossbow shooting troops in the swamp continued to shoot alternately.

The place where they are located is said to be an arrow tower, but in fact it is just a mound of earth slightly higher than the red wall.

But against the beaked beast.

It is more than enough.

A large number of arrows were thrown down as if they were free of charge.

When the nail was nailed to the beak-billed beast, the fine wounds spattered and even raised a mist of blood.

Separated by red walls and guards, they cannot break through the defense line.

That's what's left.

Just become a living target!

Although some guards were swept away by the long neck of the Beak-billed Beast during the battle, they only fell off the wall at most. The Farstrider clan in charge of logistics was able to quickly bring them to the camp for treatment.

Excess reserve troops were quickly replenished.

The strength of beak-billed beasts lies in their individual strength, which is a great advantage in field battles on the endless plains.

But let’s talk about quantity.

They are far inferior to the coalition forces in the Shendan and swamplands.

This was supposed to be an extremely cruel life and death fight.

It was abruptly transformed into an offensive and defensive battle around the Red Wall.

Opponents are even ignorant beasts.

The advantages are self-evident.

Even if it were replaced by beak-billed orangutans that could climb or land bats that could fly, their probability of crossing this mere four-meter earth barrier would be much higher.

It just so happens that this is a beak-billed beast.

They are extremely powerful and ferocious, but also bulky.

This stretching line of defense.

It became an insurmountable chasm.

Until then.

Either dead or maimed, more than twenty beaked beasts had lost their fighting power and fell under the corner.

Some of them are still alive.

All he could do was scream weakly.

Suddenly, a strange scream like a whistle resounded across the plains of Shandi.

The beaks finally realized.

If you continue to entangle, not only will it be in vain, but you will also continue to suffer counterattacks, resulting in your skin being torn to pieces or even death on the spot.

There is no need to fight this hard nut.

You can go to other places and eat as much as you want.

Difficulties overwhelm the desire for fresh flesh and blood behind the defense line, and the beaks raised their long necks and ran in all directions.


In the process, another giant beast stepped into the trap.

Although the deep pit could not completely trap their bodies, the steel prongs standing at the bottom of the pit penetrated into the thick soles of the beak-billed beasts' feet, and the barbs hooked them tightly.

Once you escape.

These giant beasts are no longer terrifying man-eating monsters, but become no different from ordinary grassland prey.

It's just a little harder to catch.

Seeing this, the entire defense line, which looked brighter red because it was bathed in animal blood, burst into cheers.


At this time, a guard saw:

A few beak-billed beasts did not attack, but they did not retreat with their other companions.

Instead, he fled along the direction of the red wall.

"It's coming around!"

This line of defense against the beaked beasts was only built on the only road from the Skeleton Wasteland to the west of Shendi, and it was the place most likely to encounter beast disasters.

The ideal situation is to connect one end to the burning forest where blood spiders are active, and the other end to the relatively high mountainous highlands in the eastern part of the Upland.

This long and narrow pass in the middle.

can be blocked.

However, the construction period is indeed tight.

The current defense line is only a semi-finished product and has not been completely closed.

If the beaks weren't so stubborn,

It’s not that you insist on fighting from the front.

After they run a long distance out of sight, they may find the end of the defense line and get around it effortlessly.

at the moment.

These beak-billed beasts didn't know whether they were in a panic or had a premeditated plan.

The direction in which they fled.

It was indeed heading towards the end of the unfinished defense line.

"Stop them!"

The crossbow troops took action quickly.

The width of the earthen base is enough for them to run on it, which also facilitates mobile defense changes and support at any time.

The machine made a sound.

The powerful iron arrowheads of the crossbows poured down after the beak-billed beast.

On this side of the defense line, the beak-billed beast's body was already filled with crossbow arrows, and they were densely packed.

A beak-mouthed beast cannot hold up.

Falling down whining.

But the remaining ones were aroused with ferocity, and their hooves moved faster, surpassing the arrow rain in an instant.

Even if there is a crossbow and arrows blocking it.

The speed of the beaked beast is still much higher than that of the two-legged beasts.

A crossbowman will continue to chase while cocking the bow.

But his companion stopped him.

The superiors issued an order for them to return to defense.

The crossbowman was stunned for a moment and looked towards the direction in which the beaked beasts were running. Then he understood and turned back to follow the team.

The beak-billed beast with arrows all over its body shook its head and its long neck, and it was unknown how long it had been running.

Blood dripped behind them and flowed all over the ground.

But suddenly.

A beak-billed beast stopped - the insurmountable, seemingly endless red earth barrier stopped here.

Except for some remaining construction tools such as picks and hoes.

Everything here, the yellow sand in the wind, the sparse grass, the dark clouds in the sky... is no different from other places in Shandi.

The beak-billed beasts became ferocious.

They're coming around!

These few of them are the lucky ones among the tribe.

Going forward, the living creatures in the entire grassland are exclusively owned by them.

The beak-billed beast Shi Shiran walked around the scattered tents and construction sites.

In front of me,

But a figure appeared.

A man with white hair and a big cloak was sitting on a horse made of animal bones, which was common among Shandi tribes. He had a big golden sword on his horse, as if he was waiting for something.

He did have a knife in his hand.

The heavy long cleaver was stuck upside down in the soft grass. The black blade surface and white blade reflected the long-necked giant beast on the other side.

Saw a beak that slipped through the net.

Lu Meng stood up.

Taking advantage of the situation, he pulled out the long cleaver.

He would use "Magino" as an analogy, so how could he not think of the opponent's outcome and thus ignore the possibility of a beaked beast coming around?

The beak-bill patrolled.

For the first time, they felt hesitant.

Facing a defense line full of guards before, these beasts instinctively did not feel any threat, so they suffered a big loss.

But at this moment.

The person in front of them was obviously just a human being, and it even exuded a delicious smell far superior to other prey... But the beak-billed beasts just hesitated.

This may be,

It's not a hunt.

The beaked beast that was the first to cross the red wall defense line instinctively took a step back.

This moment.

What followed was the force of wind and thunder.

Lu Meng stepped forward and suddenly accelerated.

The exaggerated long knife in his hand was slashed at the beak-billed beast in the air. The black knife light drew a perfect and sharp circle on the vast grass.

Blood flew everywhere, and the long neck was broken into two parts.

He didn't even have time to whine.

The giant beast's body had already missed Lu Meng and fell to the ground.

——People here know it.

The Red King himself.

This is the last line of defense.

Corpses littered the fields, and blood flowed across the fields.

The rusty gold flags fell on the soldiers' bodies, but they could not cover the scars like ravines.

Of course, more corpses were already in pieces, and there was no way to mend them.

left together.

There were also dozens of carcasses of beaked beasts.

Wuma, the leader of the White-browed Clan, frowned and walked cautiously across the battlefield, the sadness on his face never dissipating.

"Head of the clan," an elder beside him said equally worriedly, "This can't go on like this..."

Indeed, they prevailed.

But the price was too heavy.

Unlike other tribes in Shan, the Baimei clan is too large and is located in the safest area in Shan. The terrain around them is not flat: there are oases, grassy valleys, and rolling hills for defense. It can be described as a paradise.

It can be said that the Baimei clan is no longer a wandering clan in the general sense.

They have led a semi-settled life. Migration is already a matter for the ancestors of the tribe.

And to deal with the beak-bill disaster.

Just escaping is not a problem.

These fast-running giant beasts can quickly catch up with people in distant places. Even tribes that immediately set off to migrate after hearing the news from the beginning may not be able to escape.

The best way.

Just stop them and protect your home yourself.

Not giving an inch.

Therefore, after the Baimei clan discovered the news about the beak-billed beast disaster, they quickly set up a defense line in the south. Relying on the mountains, they deployed steel road fences, wire antlers and other props purchased and transported from Union City at a large sum of money. They even dispatched members of the tribe to Warriors and heavy defense.

In the end, this was the result.

The fortifications only resisted the giant beasts for a while, but were soon overwhelmed by them regardless of their injuries, and the two sides fell into a wild battle.

The Baimei clan did annihilate the small group of beak-billed beasts that first came here, at the cost of losing most of the infantry that went into battle - so many broken corpses, how many of them ended up in the belly of the giant beast.

Continue like this.

Even if we can survive this beastly disaster.

The youth and vitality of the Baimei clan will also be lost in such a meat grinder, and it will decline soon in the future.

"What's the news from Lord Faceless?" Wuma asked.

Even if he is the leader of the Baimei clan.

I have to show respect for Faceless - even if you don't mention the opponent's extraordinary talent for taming animals, Faceless's own martial arts is the top combat power in the world, let alone the combination of the two.

hard to imagine.

Such a leader actually came from a small and unknown tribe at first, and he suffered from wandering for the first half of his life.

Maybe that's why.

Once I woke up, all the hardships came to an end.

"The other herd of beak-billed beasts we discovered has been successfully lured away by Master Faceless." The elder reported, with a fearful tone, "It's a near miss but not a danger."

It is already so difficult to deal with one of them.

If there is no faceless contribution.

The beaks managed to get together.

Whether this position can be defended today is indeed still unknown.

"In the Beak-Beak Disaster, one man without face was worth an army..." Wuma sighed, "What did he ask for? We, the Baimei Clan, can satisfy it."

"There is no request..." The elder hesitated, "Faceless Lord gave us an idea instead. Do we still need the clan leader to make a decision?"

"Huh? What is it."

Wuma said doubtfully.

The other party helped, and not only did he not take credit, he also had a new strategy - plus it was the suggestion made by Wu Mian, who was well versed in the habits of beak-billed beasts, which made the clan leader pay attention to it.

"Master Faceless said... This time the beak-beak disaster is different from the past. Waves of beak-beak beasts are coming one after another. I don't know when it will end. If things go on like this, relying only on the power of our White Eyebrow clan, they will be completely consumed sooner or later." ”

The clan leader Wuma nodded.

This is their pain point.

Do you think Wu Mian wants to find allies on his own?

But who else in Shandi can compare with the Baimei clan? They are already the only dominant force.

Even if there were, they were still threatened by the Beak-billed Beast Disaster, and they had too much time to take care of themselves. I'm afraid they were not as good as them. How could they take action?

That's beyond the flash land...

In this regard, Wu Ma doesn't know much about it.

Unexpectedly, the faceless rhetoric changed the subject.

"For the current plan," the elder relayed, "the only way is to divert the disaster to the west..."

Use the ability of Faceless to induce the direction of the beak-billed beasts, as they did today, so that they do not focus on the eastern part of Shendi.

Instead, go to the wider and open western plains.

"——For those small and medium-sized tribes in the west, the possibility of surviving this beak-billed beast disaster is very small. Tell the Wuma chief not to have too much psychological burden." Beside the path, a man with long hair Wu Mian said to the Baimei Clan's messenger, "The terrain there is vast and the targets are scattered. Once the Beak-billed Beast reaches the west, it is likely to ignore the Baimei Clan."

"Even if there are sporadic beak-billed beasts, the tribe will be found."

"I believe that with your abilities, you can solve it easily."

"Do you understand?" Wu Mian asked.

"Yes, sir." The messenger suppressed the shock in his heart and replied respectfully.

He will bring these words to the Baimei clan exactly as they are.

After bidding farewell to the messenger.

Wu Mian looked at the fat businessman beside him.

"That's right, my faceless Lord." Ren Lin smiled, "That's it."

"Will they adopt it?"

Wu Mian knew that what he just said was light but contained something very cruel.

The tribes of western Shem.

It is true that there may have been heavy losses due to the beak-bill disaster, but that does not mean that there is no possibility of survival.

Once the eastern rhinoceros.

also leads to the west.

Then the other party can say that there are corpses scattered thousands of miles away, and bones are scattered in the wild... There is absolutely no chance of life, and even the glimmer of hope is cut off.

This is at the expense of those small tribes.

Come and save yourself.

"Yes." Ren Lin said, "They have already felt the pressure."

Even in the past, the Baimei clan had helped other tribes, but when it comes to real life and death, it is better to take care of others to protect yourself. Thinking about it, this is not a difficult choice.

"What's more, when we do business, we pay attention to one efficiency -" the businessman shook his finger, "calculate how much it costs and how much return it can get."

In response, noticing Wu Mian's scrutinizing gaze, he smiled and said:

"Our guild's headquarters are all in the Baimei clan, and the first priority must be to preserve this largest clan... Even if we consider the entire Shandi, replacing the Baimei clan with other clans is better than everyone perishing together."

"Isn't it?"

"Don't worry too much, just do your job." Ren Lin patted Wu Mian's shoulder, "Whether it's the Baimei clan or us, this is the reason why we invited you here."

"You are our insurance."

"With you here, the concept of 'Sandi Tribe' will never die. What's more, in the whole beast disaster, you are the safest, right? No matter what you do for us, it will be beneficial without any harm. A true business without capital..."

"Maybe." Wu Mian said noncommittally.

He just looked into the distance: a beaked beast cub was slowly approaching them.

It was probably just hatched, but it was already over one meter tall.

It should be left behind.

Perhaps mistaking Faceless's aura for that of an elder in the group, the cub was not at all on guard and shook its head.

Seeing this, Wu Mian smiled at it.

Even by human standards, this smile seemed very friendly, even a little kind.

Just when Ren Lin thought that Faceless was about to step forward and pet the young beast.

Then he saw the animal trainer in the flash field, using a skillful and concealing method, to take out the newly acquired Old World crossbow that he had given as a gift.

Aiming at the beak's head.


Blood flowers burst.

Wu Mian hung the crossbow machine back on his waist.

"It's a deal," he said.

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