Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 518 Encounter (Combined Chapter)

The terrain of Shandi is high in the east and low in the west.

Starting from the vast prairie, the earth continued to rise. When all the surrounding areas turned into rugged mountains, it meant that it was out of the scope of Shandi.

It is precisely because of these mountains.

It blocks some warm water vapor and allows it to stay, thereby releasing precious rainwater.

At the foot of the mountain.

It is the most fertile and safest pasture in the entire Shenda.

They are occupied by the White Eyebrow clan.

The remaining grassland of the next level spread out like a circular wave and was distributed to the remaining small tribes.

these tribes.

That is, the vassal of the Baimei clan.

They share this peaceful paradise that is rare in Shen.


Today the situation has changed.

——Beak-billed beast disaster.


The Shanye Clan, which originally had several hundred households, now has less than a hundred members left in the clan.

On the vast plains.

Flee in a hurry.

The few remaining camels in the tribe were carrying life-saving water and food, but their hind legs had been plowed with shocking scars, emitting a fishy and rotten stench.

Just look at the traces.

It's enough to imagine what kind of terrible creature attacked them.

If it weren't for the Yamano clan's animal trainers who desperately drove them away, I'm afraid these poor beasts of burden would have succumbed to their instinctive fear and fled in all directions.

But Camel can overcome his fear.

Their owners are always in the throes of life and death crisis.

Aaron and Qi Ke, the two remaining animal trainers of the Shanye Clan, until this moment, have not forgotten the tragedy that happened to their tribe a few days ago.

Those long-necked behemoths.

It's no longer an animal.

Simply diabolical.

It is a little joke that God condensed and kneaded together all the evil spirits when he created all things, and then threw them to the world at will.

All the soldiers of the Yamano clan were killed.

Even the animal trainers lost most of them.

If Aaron and Qike hadn't happened to go out to herd with this tribe and smeared the scent of the beak-billed beast on their bodies, they would have escaped disaster and escaped with the rest of them.

As the youngest and most talented animal trainer in the tribe, Qike is often sought after by the boys. At this age, she herself is quite fond of beauty. She often takes advantage of the opportunity to go to the Baimei clan for pilgrimage, in exchange for Some exquisite trinkets from the merchant guild.

Now, he is covered in filth.

The feces of meat eaters never smells good.

It's just that Qi Ke can no longer care about this, her face is only filled with fear and exhaustion, and the pride of the past has no longer disappeared.

Her ability to tame animals.

It can usually tame the bull with the most violent temperament in the tribe, but it has no effect at all on the beak-billed beast.

And another animal trainer, Aaron.

His eyes were red and bloodshot like algae.

He remembered it clearly.

He was forced to rummage through the food pellets regurgitated by the beak-billed beast, and among the pile of indigestible hair and clothing, he saw the silver bracelet.

That was his gift to his new wife.

"How could this happen..." Aaron murmured.

Even though this beak-bill disaster had been anticipated, its intensity was still beyond everyone's imagination.

Especially for the Eastern Semitic tribes who are accustomed to peace and stability.

Determined by the terrain.

They will not be abused by outside forces like Shemsi.

Something happened.

There is also the leader of the Baimei clan who is standing up for it.

No matter what, it would not be reduced to this point.

"We are heading west..." On the other side, Qike didn't think so much. She looked at the direction of the sun and suddenly realized, "Isn't this a self-inflicted trap?"

Based on past experience.

The damage in the western part of Shandi is usually much worse than that in the eastern part.

Nowadays, even the tribes of the Eastern Shem are forced to start migrating. If they head to the west... I am afraid that what awaits them is the blood-stained long necks all over the grassland.

"No, we are not going wrong." Aaron opened his eyes tightly, hit Jiatu with a whip, and at the same time urged the tribe to step up, "This is also a strange place..."

He has communicated with many other tribes affected by the disaster.

Then I was surprised to find out.

Most of the beak-billed beasts encountered by my tribes who were on the outermost edge of the eastern part of Shendi (it could be said to be flanked by east and west) did not come from the west, which they could theoretically drive straight into.

They just come from the east.

It was a route that was tightly defended by the White Eyebrow Clan, but the beak-billed beasts seemed to ignore the largest tribe and swarmed towards the little shrimps like them.

On the contrary, it is the direction to the west of Shendi.

Somewhat uneventful.

Could it be that this beak-billed beast disaster did not affect the west?

But the western part of the land is flat and there is no obstruction. Even if Aaron himself is a beak-billed beast, he will not ignore this place.

But the reality is right in front of us.

Aaron couldn't think otherwise.

I can only cry with envy in my heart: the other party's luck is too good this time.

But just as the two animal trainers were leading the team and discussing the escape route, a majestic neighing sounded in the vast grassland.

Like a trumpet.

It's like a reminder.

The members of the Yamano clan knew the outcome, but they still couldn't help but look back, trembling -

A long neck as thick as a chimney.

A head with a pointed beak that seems to be smiling.

Raise your head and scream.

The figure of the beak-billed beast appeared from the far end of the horizon unsteadily.

There is only one end.

But all the herdsmen changed their faces.

"Elderly Stage..."

The beaked beast in the elder stage!

Based on the already bloodthirsty and huge beak-billed beast, it broke through the limits of natural growth and transformed into a walking killing machine.

That's from the Bone Wasteland,

A real monster.

It is said that even the giant beast Leviathan, which has survived from eternity, may be preyed upon by them.

When he discovered this beak-billed beast king.

The other party is still on the horizon.

But just by looking at it like this, its figure was extremely clear, and the next moment, it seemed to have expanded in size again——

It's approaching rapidly.

The grassland trembled like an earthquake.

"Run!" Aaron roared.

At this point, what other choice is there?

They had finally escaped here, so how could they give up hope of survival so easily.

Even if it is so slim.

The members of the Yamano clan stepped forward in panic, squeezing out the last bit of strength from their exhausted bodies.

However, after a camel heard the roar of the beak-billed beast, it seemed that it could no longer bear the fear and broke its string. It fell to the ground and could not stand up no matter how hard it climbed.

Chiko pulled the reins, trying to urge it to stand up.

"Don't worry!"

Aaron pulled her over and ran desperately.

Not even a few hundred meters away.

He heard a scream coming from behind him.

I saw that the beak-billed beast king had already chased the fallen camel. He was so happy to see the hunter that he raised his long neck and bit it as if stabbing it from high in the sky.

A camel raised by the Yamano clan.

He is fat and strong, and his body is more than three meters long.

But compared to this elder-stage beak-billed beast, it looked like a helpless newborn lamb.

Just one bite,

His back was broken and his skin was torn.

The tooth-grinding sound of chewing could be heard from such a distance.

Not to mention the roar of manic joy coming from the heart.

The other party is getting closer and closer.

Only with its strength and speed could it break away from the group and catch up with the Yamano clan alone, which had already escaped the encirclement.

At this time, Aaron was inspired.

He grabbed the reins of the other camel, took out a sharp knife from his arms, and slashed it.

It blinded Jia Tuo's eyes.

Before the beast of burden could go crazy from the pain, Aaron used his animal training skills to force it to turn around.

Jiato rushed towards the beak-billed beast behind him.


There was another burst of screams and whines.

But because of the attack, the camel will increase.

The beak-billed beast king's pace was slowed down.

Qi Ke witnessed this scene and quickly understood from the shock and followed suit.

Even if it is only a trivial amount of time, this little distance can greatly increase their chances of escape.


The few remaining camels of the Yamano clan were all sacrificed here, along with the supplies they carried, leaving behind broken and bloody corpses that could no longer be distinguished from their original appearance.

However, this is not enough.

The beak-billed beast has grown to the elder stage and has acquired preliminary wisdom. It seems to have figured out that it only needs to kill the camel and then catch up with the fleeing humans.

All that meat.

It all belongs to it.

Therefore, the beak-billed beast king just killed the camel as quickly as possible, but was not attracted to eat by their corpses, and then chased after them.

not enough!

Seeing this, Aaron could only make the hardest decision.


It's not that he and Chico are in a team and act separately.

But all dispersed.

With the speed of the Beak-billed Beast, it would be too late if he tried to split up when he was overtaken.

They will all be wiped out.

They can only be scattered into a sky full of stars, each according to his own ability.

But that also means.

The Yamano clan will never exist from now on... Their people will become the most common and miserable refugees in the land of the past.

In the old days.

After the beast disaster, countless small tribes disappeared, and the refugees would go to the Baimei clan to seek shelter or simply join them.

As a result, the Baimei clan continued to grow until it developed into what it is today.

but now.

The eastern part of Shendi cannot protect itself.

After they become refugees, where should they go?

This is for Aaron.

is a question of despair.

But the premise for thinking about it is that at least one of them must be able to survive the pursuit of this beak-billed beast king!


Even though they made this difficult decision.

Something happened that made the Yamano clan completely desperate:


Howling wolf!

"Ahead, there is a bone burying wolf..." Aaron's face changed when he heard the voice, and he seemed to have lost all the strength in his feet, almost staggering to the ground.

Ahead, wolves howled all over the field.

In this battle, there is not one person coming.

Rather, it is a sizable wolf pack.

Although it's unknown why, burrowing wolves hunt during the day and appear within the range of the rhinoceros.

But now the question is.

Even if the Yamano clan disperses and can escape the pursuit of the Beak-billed Beast King - after all, the opponent only has one, and there is no way to do it.

But he cannot escape the pursuit of the wolves.

They will be picked up one by one and torn into pieces.

All avenues of survival are blocked.

There are wolves in front and beaks behind.

It's a desperate situation.

All the tribesmen noticed this and stopped in despair.

Aaron gritted his teeth, looked at Qi Ke beside him, and pressed her shoulders: "Go!"

She is a talented young man.

Compared to himself, only her animal taming skills and affinity can possibly escape the pursuit of the wolf pack and hide the truth.

If all the rest of the Shanye clan.

Are destined to die here.

Then at least leave a fire, a hope!

Unexpectedly, Qi Ke seemed not to hear his stern and entrusting order, but stared blankly at the front, as if she noticed something.

"Uncle Aaron... those are not burial ground wolves, no, that's not right." Then, she pointed with her hand in surprise, "They are burial ground wolves, but..."

"But there are people on them!"

As soon as the voice fell.

Along with the wolf howls echoing all over the field, the brown-red backs of the burial ground wolves also appeared at the end of the grass hill, like a dark blood tide.

And Aaron was also surprised to find.

Just as Qi Ke said.

Soldiers sat on the wolf's back!

The thin but sturdy soldiers were wearing light leather armor, with white fur flying out of their leather collars, fluttering in the wind.

The long weapons in their hands.

The sharp blades pointed to the sky like a forest.

Driven by the riders, the wolves in the Boneyard were as docile as dogs, and did not hunt around like wild wolves and charge at prey.

It was like they were traveling in a line.

"What's going on?" Shocked by this scene, Aaron forgot the crisis for a moment, and doubts came to his mind, "Whose tribe are they?"

Wolf cavalry.

The tribes in Shem were not without fantasies.

Including Aaron Shanye himself.

But no one succeeded.

But this unit appeared in front of them at this time.

The wolf cavalry.

They also discovered the Shanye clan and the distant but gradually approaching giant beaked beast, and there was a commotion at the moment.

After another period of development.

They have expanded to seventy or eighty people.

But it was still not enough to deal with a beaked beast in the Elder Stage.

If it was a normal encounter.

Even if a wandering tribe was attacked in front of them, the commander of the wolf cavalry would definitely order a quick evacuation to preserve the assets of the Red King and his own life.

But at this moment.

Although several rows of wolf cavalry had a natural disturbance, they did not panic and were still on high alert.

"Elder Stage, it's really rare..." Someone said: "Fight back."

The one who spoke was not the commander of the team, but all the wolf cavalry still received the order and rushed down from the grass hill.

In the eyes of the people of the Shanye Clan.

That was the brown-red tide.

When they passed by Aaron and others, they raised gusts of wind, and Aaron could even see the saliva of the burial wolves when they bit the bridle.

But they just ignored themselves.

Faced with the beaked beast that was chasing them behind.

However, the wolf cavalry did not charge directly, but quickly spread out and formed, circling like hunting.

When the elder stage beast approached.

Its long neck paused.

It found itself surrounded by wolves.


the beaked beast was not afraid at all.

As it ran, the wolf cavalry in front of it could only retreat in a hurry and make way.

Just more food.

Its footsteps were like thunder.

At this time, Qi Ke discovered:

As the wolf cavalry rushed down, there were other walking figures on the grass hill.

Most of them did not hold weapons, and the pack animals around them were also equipped with some engineering equipment.

Only the leader.

He was wearing a cloak and standing with a knife.

In the reflection of the sun, the blade was as red as blood.

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