Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 521 Interference in the East (Combined Chapter)

What Lu Meng learned from the Shanye clan.

As they observed in the base, the beaked beast disaster is getting worse.

After many tribes encountered beaked beasts,

they were either completely destroyed or fled. The remaining people became refugees in Shandi. The lucky ones could escape to the base defense line built by Lu Meng. The rest were likely to be caught up and eaten by those long-necked beasts on the grassland.

"Are we... lucky?"

A herdsman from the Shanye clan was still in fear.

It's really hard to make a conclusion.

To say that they were unlucky, their tribe was indeed attacked by a group of beaked beasts, destroying their families and clans; to say that they were lucky, they met this traveling team at the last moment, and saved their lives after all.

Hearing this, Lu Meng glanced at him:

"It's considered lucky."

Because... the experience of the Shanye clan is not an isolated case in Shandi today.

Even at this moment.

There must be similar hunting happening on the grasslands of Shandi.

The difference is.

Lu Meng just didn't see it.

And their final fate is not difficult to guess.

"Since the construction of the defense line, it has blocked several waves of beaked beasts, and the number of kills and captures is also increasing," Lu Meng recalled the autopsy report, "There are differences between the previous and subsequent waves of beaked beasts..."

The difference is.

The food residues taken out from their stomachs are different.

The previous batches of beaked beasts.

Most of the dissected ones came from various animals, including burial wolves and beaked gorillas... Lu Meng even found the shells of fish-shaped people.

This proves it.

They came from the Skeleton Wasteland, at least from the area south of the Shandi.

And then they were defeated here.

They were stopped by them.

However, the beaked beasts encountered later, their stomachs were no longer those common animals.

But something more familiar.

For example, human hair.

They could not be digested temporarily, and mixed with other filth in the gastric juice, they were balled into black hair balls, exuding a sour smell.

The herdsmen were shocked when they took these out of the beak-billed beast's body.

This means.

Many tribes have been killed, and they have become food to nourish the beak-billed beast disaster, giving rise to these long-necked monsters to further ravage the land of Shan.

Under the defense line of the Red King.

The western part of Shan is well protected, and no one continues to die in the mouth of the beak-billed beast.

So it is obvious where the problem lies.

"Dear sir," Aaron stepped forward with courage, "I wonder if we can help you?"

Or in other words.

Where are they going.

With such strength, Aaron really can't imagine what role these broken and exiled tribal herdsmen can play.

However, there is no free lunch in the world.

Facing this extremely powerful person, Aaron didn't know his temper when he first met him.

He could only try his best to explore the value he needed.

"...I could have said that you can come and go freely," Lu Meng looked at the leader-like person, "but in the current situation, giving you a choice would harm you."

"I suggest you go all the way west. It won't be long before you see a stronghold, and someone will come to pick you up and settle you."

"People from the North Wind Clan are also there. Follow their instructions and you won't be abandoned."

They have already accepted many refugees.

Whether it is for the practical needs of building defense lines and developing strongholds, or for the conditions of the town that Lu Meng will achieve in the future, there is no need to limit the population.

There are places for people everywhere.

In the past, these refugees from the disaster-stricken areas were often absorbed by the White Eyebrow Clan.

But now.

After Lu Meng's operation, they have completely replaced the other party's ecological niche-becoming a shelter.

Before they set off.

More and more refugees arrived, and the gathering speed was getting faster and faster. The population of the stronghold was about to explode.

Although in a sense.

This is not good news.

Because it means that more and more people are affected by the beast disaster. For every refugee in the stronghold, there may be more than ten dead bodies behind them.

"North Wind Clan..." Aaron noticed.

——Why haven't they left yet?

Although the other party is the largest tribe in the western part of Shandi, it is not strong enough to withstand the beaked beast disaster.

From Lu Meng's words.

But it can be heard that they are undoubtedly safe, and can even protect others.

Combined with the previous doubts.

Could it be... the beast disaster did not break out in the western part of Shandi, but they were stopped.

They did something that even the White Eyebrow Clan.

did not do.

For them who came from the eastern part of Shandi, this was undoubtedly difficult to accept for a while - but seeing the wolf cavalry in front of them, and the beaked beast that was tied up and captured alive, everything is not impossible!

They can go to a safe area...

Even if it is a foreign hometown, at least there is no danger.

For everyone in the Shanye Clan.

It is already a paradise!

At this time.

Including Aaron.

Many herders who were mentally tense and physically exhausted finally relaxed.

They escaped from the crisis.

For a moment, even the soul seemed to have lost its strength, and some people even couldn't stand steadily and fell to the ground.

Sudden relief.

Crying with joy.

After continuing to confirm some of the information he wanted, Lu Meng was planning to turn around and leave.

At this time, a timid voice stopped him.

"Your Excellency," the young female beast tamer Kiko hesitated for a long time before finally speaking, "I would like to ask, are you the legendary leader of the new clan in the west of Shandi?"

She quickly added: "I heard that the envoy of the Baimei clan, Lord Qingrong, mentioned -"

A new clan has emerged in the west of Shendi.

Very weirdly.

Called nameless.

This is a neither big nor small matter for the east: in terms of big things, in Qingrong's words, it is a new overlord after all; in small ways, the two sides are on the same page and have very little contact with each other.

not to mention.

No matter how influential you are.

Isn't it comparable to the Baimei clan? The herdsmen tribes in the east only need to look at Bai Mei's eyes.

Therefore, when Qi Ke listened, she didn't care at all. She just remembered that even Lord Qingrong sighed: Is the other party too young for a clan leader?

As the leader of the wandering tribe.

Either an experienced and wise old man; or a middle-aged man who is young and vigorous.

As he saw the nameless patriarch.

Still just a young man in his twenties, right?

This can only prove one thing -

The other party's personal strength is terrifyingly strong.

Therefore, Qingrong appeared calm on the surface, which was the quality of being an envoy, but in fact, he did not despise Lu Meng in his heart.


In addition to indicating full potential and a promising future, youth also represents a shallow foundation in the present.

Except for the Baimei clan.

In other areas, it is normal for the overlords of wandering tribes to change, and there is no need to make too much of a fuss. It is enough to be used as conversation material.

Chi Ke once.

Just one of the people sitting around the campfire listening.

But now, she witnessed this scene with her own eyes.

When I heard that Lu Meng was arranging his subordinates again, when I mentioned the Beifeng Clan... how could I not think of him?

Moreover, Qi Ke witnessed it.

The white-browed Qingrong envoy's judgment of the other party was completely wrong - even if he didn't mean it, he still underestimated Lu Meng.

Just as the Wolf Riders trusted him.

He himself has become the "foundation" of a force; with the Red King present, no matter how difficult the battle situation is, they will not stop panicking.

Such a sense of peace of mind.

There must be something behind it.

It is something that people can believe in only after it has been verified by incidents again and again.

"Qingrong...if you heard it from him, it was me who should have said it." Lu dreamed, "But I have to say, there are some misunderstandings."

For example, he never had any intention of establishing a nomadic clan.

But Lu Meng also understood this.

For local people, the title is just to facilitate their recognition, so they will make use of the inherent impressions from past experiences.

For example, Alexander conquered Egypt and was crowned Pharaoh.

Another example is Taizong, who was called Tian Khan.

Even the big boss of this world, the swamp.

And so on.

The people of Shendi naturally have their own names for calling tribal leaders.

Adapt measures to local conditions and do as the Romans do.

"But," Lu Meng looked at Qi Ke, "What's the matter with you talking about this?"

"I want to ask -" Qike quickly looked around at the wolf cavalry and the walking team behind them, "Are you going to stay here?"

"Huh?" Lu Meng nodded, "Very keen."

Aaron on the side was stunned.

He didn't notice it.

According to common sense, no matter how powerful the opponent is, they will not rely on themselves to stay on the endless and unobstructed grassland.

Therefore, he thought that the other party would go back with them to the so-called "stronghold". With the wolf cavalry taking care of him along the way, he would be completely worry-free.

Qike pointed behind the Wolf Cavalry.

What those worker bees and beasts of burden carry.

It's obviously engineering equipment.

Used for building walls.

In fact, Warman was among them. After recovering from a serious illness and fatigue, he not only did not restrain himself, but became even more enthusiastic.

After hearing about the new project.

It’s even more direct on the road.

If we talk about fat and thin, everyone has his own merits.

Then Warman is like a wall.

What Lu Meng wants to do is to continue to extend the defense line eastward——

No longer caring about the reaction of the Baimei clan.

Build a bridgehead right in front of your home.

Directly intervene in the eastern part of Shandi.

There is obviously a problem there. If it is not solved early, it will be like opening a hole for the beaked beasts. They may even bypass the rear of the defense line built by Lu Meng from a deeper angle.

What happened to the Yamano clan.

is an example.

After understanding the opponent's geographical location from Lu Meng, it stands to reason that the Yamano clan is indeed unlikely to be affected by the beast disaster at this time - there is no reason why the front line has not collapsed and the rear suddenly caught fire.

He also anticipated this trend.

Then he took the people out together.

at present.

There are no gaps in the frontal defense line in the western part of Shandi, and it is still being reinforced.

With the crossbow troops, the Beifeng clan and the resettled refugees, it is enough to hold on.

And in the battle to defend the city.

The wolf cavalry, a highly mobile unit, is not very effective. It is better to work with the engineering department, and by the way, it can also play a role in reconnaissance and combat.

"If that's the case," Qi Ke's eyes suddenly became firm, "then let us stay."

"Whether it's building fortifications or doing miscellaneous work, we need manpower, right?"

Lu Meng: "You should know what this means."

The Shanye Clan has just encountered a disaster and escaped death. At this moment, they are exhausted, sensitive and fragile.

For ordinary people.

They must be extremely eager for safety and are unwilling to take any risks.

The best choice.

Naturally, it is to shrink behind the base.

Even if they don't know that Lu Meng has prepared enough commune huts - for these people, even if it is a dilapidated tent, a refugee camp, or even sleeping on the ground, as long as it is safe, it is enough.

But staying to help.

There is no doubt that they will bear great risks.

This place is close to the eastern beast disaster front line, and there are even elder-stage beaked beasts. They may be attacked at any time.

The wolf cavalry still have hope of escape.

And what about them?

Once abandoned, there is only one way to go.

Facing Lu Meng's question.

Qi Ke nodded.

Just looked at Aaron again.

And to her surprise, the other party also responded with an affirmative look.

The trainer also understood.

Qi Ke made the best choice.

Going to the base is safe.

But it is no different from ordinary refugees with nowhere to go. If they stay here, the other party will need a lot of helpers, and they will naturally not treat them badly.

The treatment and status are naturally different.

Moreover, the last spark of the Shanye clan finally survived the disaster, but it was not for lingering.

For Aaron personally.

It is also for many tribesmen who have escaped death. They have more important things to do after losing their loved ones - perhaps even more important than life.

Drive out those beaked beasts.

All of them, no one is left.


Maybe it is the only chance.

"And, Your Excellency the Red King," Aaron stepped forward to salute on behalf of Qi Ke. He had already memorized the name that the wolf riders called the leader of the western part of Shandi. "If we stay, it will be more than just a few more people."

"This girl and I are the only two remaining and possibly the strongest animal trainers in the Shanye clan... Although it seems a bit boastful to say this, at least Qi Ke deserves such a title."

"Even in the entire eastern Shandi tribe, she is well-known and valued by many people."

The animal taming ability of the Shandi tribe.

Many times it is an innate talent, regardless of age, and it is not something that can be envied.

This talent is passed down with blood.

If there had not been this beast disaster, Qi Ke might have been favored by the White Eyebrow Clan, and then absorbed into it through marriage, in order to cultivate better offspring.

Of course, the Shanye clan would not be treated unfairly.

But now all this is out of the question.

"If you trust us," Aaron looked at the wolf riders who continued to scout or garrison in the distance, "we can help... further train your pets."

Like Qi Ke, he also observed.

Among these wolf riders, a large number of them, whether riders or the wolves they ride, are not completely skilled and tamed.

It is hard to say about the battle.

But teaching those riders how to adapt to riding and control the wolves that have lost their wildness... is exactly what they, who are herdsmen, can do.

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