Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 524: Worries (Combined Chapter)

After settling in.

Under the leadership of Warman, the Engineering Department once again used their traditional skills of building walls on the ground and officially extended the defense line to the eastern part of Shandi.


Lu Meng originally planned to completely resolve the crisis in the west first, and then decide whether to support the east depending on the situation of the animal disaster.

With the background of the Baimei clan.

In fact, holding on is not a big problem, it just depends on how much effort and price you are willing to pay.

But the western part of Shendi is different.

If there is no support.

A little carelessness can lead to disaster.

The white-browed envoy Qingrong who came to report the message had some misunderstandings about Lu Meng, but there was nothing wrong with what he said——

Got to this location.

There is this responsibility.

This is true for the Baimei clan, otherwise there would not be so many tribes who regard him as their clan leader, and the refugees who had lost their homes in the past would not first think of seeking asylum from him.

As for Lu Meng.

A complete and unspoiled western part of Shandi will be of great benefit to the development of his stronghold in the future. After the city is built, some herders may also be converted into a settled population.


Lu Meng guarded the western part of Shandi.

The Baimei clan, however, seems to have failed to fulfill their responsibilities.

Or, of course, you can relinquish that responsibility.

But corresponding.

You will also lose the destiny that comes with responsibility.

That is the trust of all tribes.

In this case...

"Boss, is it still the same?" Warman chewed a grass stem, "pulling it into a line?"

these days.

This worker bee also gradually became familiar with Lu Meng. He no longer shouted "Red King" one after another, but seemed more friendly.

According to their original plan.

The defense line against the rhinoceros was built according to the terrain. There may be twists and turns in different areas, but generally the trend is from west to east.

To some extent.

If some walls were thickened so that pack animals and trailers could be run on a flat surface... then this would be a highway for transporting troops.

The western part of Shendi is flat.

The difference is not obvious yet.

But in the east, where there are obviously more ups and downs and mountains, the efficiency is different.

After all, there are only a few times when the beak-billed beast disaster breaks out.

In peaceful days.

The pass can become a trade node on both sides. The stretching Great Wall, coupled with the supporting roads and infrastructure around it... does not necessarily have to be a desolate scene.

However, Lu Meng shook his head.

"Warman, when building the wall, is there any way to take into account the threats to the east?"

he asked.

The Bone Wastes are in the south, and the beaks also come from the south.

So the line of defense runs east to west.

However, this time, both from the experience of the Yamano clan and from the reports of the guarding troops.

Beak-billed beast from the east.

The number has increased significantly.

They are being attacked from both sides.

In this case, the original defense plan is undoubtedly not suitable for the situation.

"It's a bit difficult." Warman said, "This is actually equivalent to wrapping up the western part of Shendi again."

Use a new line of defense.

Separate things.

The workload has doubled.

Moreover, Lu Meng gave him seven days at least, and now the Beak-billed Beast is right in front of him, and he is rushing to build the wall...

This is not the case with mending the situation before it is too late.

What's more important is that such a line of defense will be completely useless after the beak-billed beast disaster.

It will even hinder the normal wandering and migration of the Shandi tribe, artificially cutting off the two large areas of the east and west.

It is pure negative equity.

"And it can only protect the western part of Shendi and does not interfere with the current situation in the east." Lu Meng nodded, and he himself understood what Warman meant. "There are even some that shut out the disaster-stricken tribes in the east. Feel."

Like the Yamano clan.

After finally escaping, they found that what lay in front of them was an impassable Great Wall of earth - there were destined to be very few openings.

If this time.

The beak was chasing after him.

There is a peaceful paradise on one side and a bloody hell on the other, which is undoubtedly a bit cruel.

"Grand Commander," at this time, Maier on the side spoke, "If our main purpose is to still be able to guard the security of the west when heading to the east, then there is actually no need to build a long city wall here as before. "

The priest extended his hand and made a mark on the drawing in Warman's hand.

"Don't build the wall?" Warman was a little anxious, "What do you think about my wall..."

Lu Meng: "Keep talking."

"I know that the reason why Grand Commander you want to build a sacred defense line is because you are facing the densest group of beak-billed beasts, as well as the driven burrowing wolves and other creatures..." Someone who spoke Opportunities, Maier took advantage of the situation and said, "They come like a tide, dense and frequent, but the direction is easy to determine, so building a city wall is the most effective."

As he said.

Fights are now breaking out on every section of the defense line.

And with the height of the earth barrier and the solid advantages enhanced by the building's HP module, the beak-billed beasts are basically unable to overwhelm them.

Even for a moment,

Guards cannot kill these monsters.

Hiding behind and firing cold arrows can also slowly drive them back.

Therefore, although the beast disaster in the west is coming fiercely.

In fact, it has entered the stage of bad war.

The comparison is the bladder bureau.

Let’s see who can’t hold it back first - and in terms of logistics, even without the support of the swamps and the Western Shem clan, which has not suffered much loss in family fortune, will not lose to the beak-billed beasts who are already hungry.

"But the situation in the east is different... The beak-billed beasts from here all first entered the east and plundered before catching up with us."

In other words.

The frequency is not high.

But being able to forage such a long distance shows that they are stronger.

"If we build the same Great Wall, our guards may not be able to see the enemy for several days, but once a beak-billed beast king similar to the elder stage appears again, they may be completely unable to deal with it."

Troops will be scattered and wasted.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Warman put away his emotions and asked.

Although the other party denied his favorite wall.

But as an engineer, he had to admit that what the other party said made sense.

"Based on the situation, the focus of defense here should not be 'interception', but 'early warning'." Faced with the doubt, Maier nodded to Warman, "The focus is to discover the traces of Beak-billed Beast activities in the distance as soon as possible. "

Afterwards, either notify the rear to avoid.

Or gather troops to attack.

Everyone has a choice.

Although these beak-billed beasts are stronger individually, their scale is definitely not as large as the beast disaster on the front of the defense line. Even if they are fighting on the plains, the maneuverability of the wolf cavalry and the bravery of the skeleton regiment are enough to deal with it.

"So, what we need is a 'tower,'" Maier affirmed, "or a watchtower."

Like the prison tower in Sconetown.

Standing on the flat ground, you can even get a bird's eye view of the entire town's buildings from the top.

If used with a telescope.

Coupled with the endless plain terrain of Shandi.

The guards at the top of the tower are enough to spot the long-necked giant beasts when they reveal a slight sharp horn, and the other party can't even smell them.

The watchtower itself can also light beacon smoke or turn on searchlights to convey messages.

The warning range is beyond imagination.

If the location is chosen well, even just one or two can cover all areas where beaks may be found.

"Okay," Lu Meng said with a smile, "He is indeed our engineering priest of Ember."

Even if there are only a few scriptures in the Auckland Church, their priests will have different directions in studying the scriptures.

Some people are responsible for demonstrating the trinity of Oakland, the Holy Fire, and Phoenix. Some people are determined to devote their lives to the cause of spreading love and justice. There are even more people who are keen to delve into those dark taboo rumors and claim to know themselves and the enemy...

And in the Ember Order.

Priests are distinguished by the knowledge they have learned.

That is, discipline.

What Maier is good at is engineering construction.

This has been mentioned since his self-introduction on the first day, and at this moment it can indeed be heard that he knows the uses of various conventional buildings very well.

However, what Lu Meng cared about was.

Huo Buyang sent Priest Maier to rush to him first, and as expected, it was not just to deliver a message and report on the current situation.

He once mentioned it to Xiao Huo.

He wants to build a city.

The other party was ignorant at the time and might not understand what it meant, but after experiencing so much experience, he had already understood Lu Meng's intention.

While running the Order of Ember.

They also deliberately searched for talents in this field - after discovering Maier, they even used precious mechanical prosthetics for him, and they were also the investigators' legs that increased the most movement speed among all categories.

I'm afraid, that's hope.

When Lu Meng was in need, even if he didn't solve his urgent needs, he could at least help him as soon as possible.

"Then I'll leave this job to you, just go ahead and do it." Lu Meng, as the 'Grand Leader', also made a salute to Maier, which made the other party feel happy and hurriedly returned the gift.

What the priest didn't know was this.

This proposal of mine actually played into Lu Meng's wish: the existence of a [watchtower] was also one of the necessary conditions for the stronghold to be promoted from a "village" to an "outpost". This military building had to be built sooner or later.

But the tower needs to be built.

It is not suitable to use the hive clan technique. To ensure a certain height, it is best to use a masonry structure.

But time is running out.

You can first lay rammed earth to lay the foundation, use stones for the lower half layer, and use wood for the upper half layer to increase the height. It can also be used as scaffolding for later reconstruction.

In the prairie in the west of Shendi, stone mines are still relatively difficult to find, but now approaching the east, many exposed rock veins have appeared, and the problem can be solved.

Wooden buildings are familiar to people in the swamp.

When it comes to quarrying stones and preparing stone bricks, people from Rowan Town in the Engineering Department have the most say.

It can be said that the limitations of external conditions are not as difficult as imagined, and all that needs to be done is to work hard.

The speed at which towers are built.

It's definitely not as good as an earthen fortress wall.

Fortunately, we only need to explore the location and build one, so the amount of work is reduced a lot. With the accelerated module, the progress will be faster.

"It's okay, you don't have to stop your work," Lu Meng said, looking at the somewhat depressed Warman, "Just continue to move forward according to the original plan."

The construction of the city wall.

It can expand the base range, which is the effective range of the module, not to mention that it also needs to be repaired in the first place.

No loss whatsoever.

Hearing this, the wall-loving worker bee was resurrected with full health.

Look at his drive.

Lu Meng was quite worried. He led his men to repair the wall all the way to the pile of beaks, but they couldn't save them.

"Well, let's give some more people to Maier..."

Drag the progress.

"And this will solve all your worries." He confessed softly.

On the other side, in addition to the Shanye clan, the wolf cavalry rescued several wandering tribes one after another.

Their luck was not as good as that of the Yamano clan, and not many people escaped; but their luck was better than that of the Yamano clan, at least they did not encounter the beak-billed beasts in the elder stage.

These sporadic battles.

The wolf cavalry were able to handle it themselves, and they also honed their combat skills.

These tribal herdsmen were saved.

Some people choose to continue to the west to seek resettlement; others see the case of the Yamano clan and choose to stay to help with construction.

Further manpower was added to the new project.

It seems that the Yamano clan is not an unknown person in the eastern part of Shandi, and it still has a certain appeal.

Serves as a demonstration.

Among them, there were two more animal trainers, but they were not from the same tribe. Their talent in taming animals is not as good as Kiko's, they are just average.

But he is an animal tamer after all.

Not to mention the outside world, this talent was also rare in Shandi. Lu Meng welcomed them and asked them to help train the wolf cavalry.

During this process.

Chico did play a big role.

Even though she had never thought that the burying wolf could be tamed, let alone the wolf cavalry.

But tame beasts of burden.

It is still the old profession of the herdsmen.

By drawing inferences from one example to another, Qike was gifted and was able to help the bee riders in the swamp like a duck to water.

"Wouldn't this be better..." On this day, the animal trainer girl took the paper and pen she got from the engineering department and was scribbling and drawing in the tent.

Her painting skills are not good, and she does not pay much attention to drawing standards.

But from the few scrawled strokes, it can still be seen that the painting is in the shape of an animal saddle.

That's right, the current Wolf Troopers.

Apart from simple reins and iron bridles, there are no other sitting tools.

After all, it was a groundbreaking first.

None of the existing beast of burden seats conform to the body shape regulations of the burying wolf, and no one knows how to design them.

Even if you have an idea.

There was no time to rush the production.

You can only rely on the riders to make do. Every time you go out, the difficulty of the entire journey feels like acrobatics, which is quite abstract.

If it weren't for these selected bees.

He was already very strong and skilled, so it was no problem to pick off dozens or twenty of them in a foot battle, otherwise he would be knocked down sooner or later.

It's okay to make do.

Qike found that this virtually increased the training cost, and also relied too much on the rider's own quality, limiting the expansion of the Wolf Cavalry.

Once the recruit is not a master.

Then there is no way to train.

Moreover, several veterans of the bee people secretly complained to her, a little girl, that the back of the Bone Burial Wolf was really grinding...

After figuring out the structure of the bone-burying wolf.

The originally vague idea gradually took shape in Qikede's mind.

"How about adding a chain here?" At this time, a finger pointed on the drawing.

"Isn't it too redundant?" The girl bit her pen and subconsciously retorted, but her eyes quickly lit up again, "No, this can indeed increase stability!"

"This is a good idea..." Qi Ke was about to say something in awe when she suddenly realized what she was doing.

She turned back suddenly and was stunned:

"The Red King..."

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