Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 527 The Price of a Paradise (Combined Chapter)

In the eastern part of Shandi, the White Eyebrow Clan.

Their headquarters camp is located in a river valley with abundant water and grass. One side is connected to the only exit to the Land of Revenge, which is the only way for trade between the East and the West; the other side leads to the vast grassland beyond the mountains.

It is a paradise on earth.

Today, the White Eyebrow Clan's defense line has been fully shrunk, and only a large number of fortifications have been set up on one side of the exit to block the river valley firmly.

Even though they know that with the body of the beaked beast.

It is impossible to sneak in from underwater.

They still use cast steel gates to lock the entire river, leaving only a few outlets for necessary domestic water to flow in.

The defense is very tight.

Because the area that needs to be intercepted is small, and there are merchant guilds in the rear that continuously transport living and military supplies from the "Valley of Revenge", the White Eyebrow Clan has built a defense line that is no weaker than the Red Wall in strength in a very short time.

Iron-gray metal plates.

Flashing a cold and hard light.

But at this moment, this steel barrier did not bring any sense of security to the wandering herdsmen behind the defense line.


A loud noise that penetrated the river valley broke out.

The steel trembled and roared.

People's hearts trembled.

A thick long neck actually poked its head out from the barrier that was more than ten meters high.

Elder stage beaked beast.

Its "small" eyeballs the size of a fist, covered by the skull exoskeleton, curiously looked at the scenery behind the scenes.

When it noticed that the crowd matched the fresh taste of its nose, it couldn't help but let out a burst of excited chirping.


The women and children were brought to cry.

With their fortifications, they can block ordinary beaked beasts, but it is unknown how much effect they can have on elder stage beaked beasts.

Seeing this long-necked beast, it was about to charge again.

A guard crawled out from his hiding place on the top of the city, holding a spear and seizing the opportunity to stab the other party's eyeballs that had finally been exposed.

With a puff.

It passed through the gap between the armor-like bone plates and pierced into the flesh.

But it only pierced the eyelid.

The thick keratin folds firmly stuck the spear head, oozing a trace of light red blood - but it was completely harmless.

The beaked beast did not even close its eyes completely.

The leaked eyes.

As if with a joke.

Snap! The pulp splashed.

The brave white-browed warrior turned into a bloody paste in an instant under the heavy blow, and the dark red mess flowed from the beaked beast's jaws, dripping.

The long neck swept.

The other guards who came to support on the top of the city were also hit, their limbs were splattered, blood and flesh were blurred, and some did not even have time to swing the weapons in their hands.

And in the distance.

Behind the long-necked giant beast.

The bodies of the warriors were scattered in the distance. They were the scouts of the White Eyebrow Clan outside.

"Master Ren Lin, retreat quickly!" Qing Rong pulled the fat merchant beside him.

The White Eyebrow Clan is the largest trading partner of the Merchant Guild in Shandi, and their base is located in this valley.

Qingrong's face was full of anxiety.

The reason why they were able to build this temporary barrier in such a short time was all due to the loan from the distinguished guest named Ren Lin.

Skyfire often falls in the Vengeance Land.

Even the technological hunters who have mastered high-temperature resistant materials dare not explore it at will.

To pass through the Vengeance Land.

There is only a narrow and long path, and the probability of being hit by skyfire is not so frequent. It is also called the "Valley of Vengeance" and can be regarded as the lifeline for communicating things.

The supplies of the Chamber of Commerce led by Ren Lin.

They were transported from here, and only their caravan has the strength to do it.

If Ren Lin has any mistakes here.

For their White Eyebrow Clan...

Qingrong can't bear such a responsibility.

However, what surprised the White Eyebrow envoy was that in this chaotic scene, only this usually smiling merchant leader remained calm among all the people.

"It's okay, Lord Qingrong." Ren Lin patted his hand, but actually broke free from the other party's pull, "I believe we will be fine."


Qingrong was anxious.

At this moment, the elder-level beast hit the steel barrier again, and the heels that were originally firmly nailed to both sides of the valley were loosened.

The gravel of the cliff.

Falling like a sieve.

The guards on the top of the city were still fighting with the opponent's long neck, shedding fearless blood, but it was a meaningless fight.

How can people believe this?

Qingrong made up his mind.

If the defense line really fell, in order for the White Eyebrow Clan to have a chance to make a comeback, he must not lose the support of the Merchant Guild... Even if he had to tie him up, he would tie Ren Lin up and take him away.

As if he had noticed his thoughts.

The fully armed hired warriors behind Ren Lin pressed the hilts of their swords, exuding a fascinating aura.

Qingrong swallowed his saliva.

Just as he saw the elder beast about to launch a third attack, and everyone was helpless.

A powerful long arrow.

It shot towards the head of the beaked beast.

The guards of the White Eyebrow Clan also tried long-range attacks, but those arrows that were strong enough to penetrate leather armor were like tickling when shot on the skin of the elder beaked beast. They were either bounced off or embedded in it, leaving white marks.

This long arrow was extraordinary.

It was made of steel, and it made a sharp sound of breaking wind in the air, even giving people the illusion that the iron clusters were rubbing against each other to produce sparks.

Hit the mark.

The beak-billed beast's long neck trembled under the force, and blood spurted out.

This is the first time it has broken through.

With such strength, the archery skills must be extremely powerful and rare in the world.

But the behemoth of the elder stage.

After all, it is not so easy to kill. With its size, if the guard troops and city defenses are not strong enough, it can even break through a decent small town.

All these years.

Many human strongholds in the Bone Wasteland perished because of this. In the end, only Kaiton City, the forging capital of the United Cities, and Ai Mine Town, the head of the mining industry, could still stand... The latter has also declined due to the Blood Rebellion.

The long-necked beast looked back angrily.

I saw a tiny figure outside the barrier.

Before the beak-billed beast discovered it, he magically put the Old World crossbow in his hand into his animal skin robe, then picked up the bone flute and played it leisurely.

Not such a great sound.

It can even be called spooky and scary.

Because it is similar to the neighing cry of a beaked beast through the resonance of its long neck.

Far away.

Hearing this voice, Qingrong was startled and reacted:

"Lord Faceless?"

Yes, he forgot.

While the Baimei clan is shrinking its defense line and holding on to the river valley, the top animal trainer Wu Mian is also performing tasks in the outside world.

The task of guiding the beaked herd.

It's quite effective now.

This gave the Baimei clan time to build a barrier, and most of the beak-billed beasts they encountered later were just fish that slipped through the net. Unfortunately, a big one was missed this time.

But fortunately, Lord Faceless arrived in time.

I saw this beast tamer's messy long hair flying as he stood on the plain outside the barrier. There was a huge gap between the tiny man and the giant beast, and there was no obstacle.

But Faceless looked directly at its anger.

No fear at all.

As the bone flute sounded, the anger in the beak-billed beast's eyes miraculously gradually faded and disappeared.

Its eyes were still red.

But the emotion contained seems to be different.

The surviving guards were surprised.

The originally violent beak-billed beast suddenly changed its attitude, its whole body trembled slightly, and its four thick giant legs stamped on the ground, seeming to be a little twitchy...

And shy?

"This is..." The guard covering the vague wound looked at this scene blankly and then reacted, "Are you in heat?"

A beaked beast in the elder stage.

Lived a lifetime.

Originally, there were no worldly desires anymore.

However, guided by the sound of the faceless flute, its eyes were confused, and it didn't know whether it was seeing a peerless beauty or the lover of its dreams.


Faceless blew out a short scream.

The beak-billed beast's nerves suddenly seemed to be stirred up, and it spat out a large mouthful of white air, drooling out saliva like a rain curtain, and turned around and ran away eagerly.

The earth trembled.

Faceless rolled over and dodged.

He wears a mask on his face made of the skull of a young rhinoceros. Through guidance, he can be regarded as just a skeleton in the eyes of the rhinoceros and ignored.

With Faceless's ability, he cannot forcibly control ferocious beasts like the Beak, but he is familiar with the habits of these animals, is good at creating illusions, and can also manipulate and utilize them in other ways.

At least it's guaranteed.

Your own absolute safety.

As the beak-billed beast swung its long neck, it chased away in excitement.

This is a violent crisis.

It was actually resolved by him alone.

Wu Mian stood up.

Standing in front of the steel barrier, he said calmly:

"Let me in."

At this time, all the herdsmen who were fleeing behind the barriers realized and burst into cheers one after another.

"Lord Faceless!"

The sound was overwhelming.

On top of the city, the scarred guards finally relaxed. Some couldn't hold on anymore and fell unconscious due to blood loss.

However, as the floodgates opened.

The long-haired animal tamer who returned from victory was the focus of everyone's attention, surrounded by flowers.

Qingrong put away the envy in his eyes.

Then he looked at the businessman and distinguished guests beside him with a hint of surprise: "Sir, did you already know this?"

"How is that possible?" Ren Lin chuckled.

"I just trust him."

"You know, everyone in the White Eyebrow Clan only needs to fight hard against the Beak-billed Beast, but in order to truly resist the beast's disaster, Lord Faceless has to consider many things."

"...You're right." Hearing this, Qingrong felt a little uncomfortable, but he could only nod in agreement.

Just as the other person said.

The beast disaster has developed to this stage, and the Baimei clan has been able to hold on to this day without much loss. It is indeed mainly due to the strategy proposed by Wu Mian before.

Look at these herders behind the barrier.

They are all members of other ruined tribes in the east. If they are lucky, they can come over and seek asylum from the Baimei Clan, but they are placed at the outermost edge.

If something goes wrong with the defense.

They are the first to bear the brunt.

But these people have no other complaints. After all, at least they still have a way to survive.

Like those who couldn't make it in time.

The tribes that could only migrate in other directions, or even run to the west in panic... I think all of them were killed by the beak-billed beasts.

Look at the cost to these people.

How could Qingrong be dissatisfied with Wu Mian: if it weren't for him, even if the Baimei clan wouldn't end up in the same fate, they would still be in a very embarrassing situation.


After all, the power of a single person without a face is limited.

He could lure away the beak-billed beasts coming towards the river valley, so naturally he didn't have the energy to look after other tribes.

The Baimei clan shrank as planned.

The original front line was abandoned.

The beaked beasts in the south advanced straight ahead... In this sense, the other tribes in the east of Shan were also affected by this.

Qingrong watched Ren Lin leave with the warriors.

The other party walked towards Wumian, who was surrounded by them. The refugees were full of tears of gratitude, and did not think at all that their tribe was destroyed before, to some extent, because of the strategy of this beast trainer.

After all, they could see it.

It was Wumian who seduced the elder beast just now, so that everyone who had finally survived could avoid disaster.

And was surrounded by the crowd.

On Wumian's face, he still wore the skull of the beaked beast, and a gentle smile seemed to appear at the corner of his mouth, but it was still difficult to judge his expression overall.

"The clan leader invited Lord Wumian, originally just to let him assist from the side..." Feeling Wumian's popularity, Qingrong murmured, "But now, he has been asked to take the lead."

Wumian's popularity

Now, whether in the White Eyebrow Clan or in the entire eastern part of Shandi, he is higher than any other person with the surname White Eyebrow.

People only know that there is Wumian, but not Baimei.

This is the general trend.

Even the tribe that Wumian originally came from was invited to the internal meeting of the White Eyebrow Clan as a guest of honor to participate in the discussion - this has never happened in the history of the tribe.

And at that meeting.

The clan leader Wu Ma originally proposed that now the situation has stabilized, with the protection of the barrier, the White Eyebrow camp in the valley has no worries... It is time to take the initiative to attack appropriately.

We can't just let the beast disaster ravage like this.

We must restore order.

Moreover, the White Eyebrow Clan still has troops, and with the assistance of Wumian, the battle will be more effective.

As a result, his proposal.

was opposed by many elders and thousand households.

The reason is also very simple.

The White Eyebrow Clan has now settled down, so don't make trouble.

What if there is a problem with the barrier?

The soldiers are outside and it is too late to rescue.


War always means death.

The White Eyebrow Clan is also divided into various factions. The death of soldiers in battle is an irreparable loss for each of them.

The radical war faction at the beginning.

When they first encountered the herd of beaked beasts, they had already suffered heavy losses, causing their voice in the tribe to plummet.

We must preserve our strength.

This is the consensus of the remaining people.

As for the beaked beasts...Since Wumian is capable of solving them, let him solve them.

Qingrong shook his head.

He turned around and walked towards the camp.

On the other side, the crowd dispersed.

Wumian saw the hired warriors and Ren Lin, who was wearing gorgeous clothes beside them - the other party was smiling.

Wumian walked over.

"How does it feel to be a hero?" Ren Lin said, his tone seemed to be a little teasing.

The beast trainer did not answer.

He just made a gesture.

That was a number.

He said: "Eight."

Including the one today, there are a total of eight elder-level beaked beasts.

Wumian has mastered their whereabouts.

"Whether you want to deal with the Lord of Blood or crush the White Eyebrow Clan..." the tamer said slowly, "I think this is enough."

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