Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 536: Going out of the frontier (combined chapter)

Scorching sun, the Valley of Revenge.

A narrow mountain path connects to the White Eyebrow Clan's residence, linking the Land of Flash and the Land of Revenge.

The edge of the border.

A merchant dressed in gorgeous clothes released the messenger crow in his hand.

The news that the Lord of Blood appeared in the east of the Land of Flash will be transmitted to the other end of the continent, one flying to Hengcheng and the other to Edge Town.

There are only two slightly trembling black dots on the horizon.

"Lu Beiyou appeared in the east, what does this mean?" Ren Lin watched them go away, "Originally I thought he was going to seek an alliance with the White Eyebrow Clan... Now it seems that this is not the case."

Once he brings the so-called nameless clan to formally contact Wu Ma Baimei, the clan leader will know the true situation of the beast disaster, even including the changes in the swamp.

Although, Ren Lin is confident that the White Eyebrow Clan's position will not waver - the other party's current prosperity is too dependent on the merchant guild where they are.

Once the Lord of Blood forces too much.

Ren Lin can even use this to completely pull the White Eyebrow Clan into their camp.

But after all, there are still unstable factors.

Ren Lin is also reflecting on himself.

His previous reaction was too extreme, and he easily lost his composure.

Even if the Lord of Blood really came to the White Eyebrow Clan, he might not know his arrangements, and it is even less likely that he came just for them.

What is really worth paying attention to.

is why the other party was able to escape from the west.

Under the influence of the beaked beast disaster, he can still be so chic, probably there is only one reason -

"He abandoned the entire tribe in the west of the Flash Land. Without these burdens, he can naturally go into battle lightly." Ren Lin's eyes flashed, "He is worthy of being the Lord of Blood."

His heart is cold and courageous.

Even though Ren Lin had expected it, he still couldn't help but be frightened when he actually witnessed it.

From this perspective.

His initial loss of composure was also excusable.

After all, the other party is really notorious.

Others may not know.

But the guild leaders who know the inside story cannot help but accept it.

"At this point, we can only leave it to the president and others to deal with..." Ren Lin thought to himself, "I will wait for Wumian to come back and summon the elder-level beaked beasts he has identified."

Related reports.

He has submitted them all.

Apart from this, there should be no other omissions...

Ren Lin was thinking this at the time.

A spy came from the direction of the White Eyebrow Clan, with an anxious look on his face. He ran to his side without reporting in time and quickly relayed the story -

The fat businessman's face, which had originally settled down, changed inch by inch.

From surprise to uncontrollable anger.

"The White Eyebrow Clan is going to organize an investigation team outside the wall... Where will Wu Ma get the manpower?"

"Besides, what's the point!"

This time, the key to the plan to deal with the Lord of Blood is to block the news and mislead the White Eyebrow Clan, so that Wumian can have enough time and opportunities to develop and play.

Once the White Eyebrow Clan gives up the lock.

The plan will die halfway.

For this reason, Wumian even needs to release a small group of beaked beasts to attack the valley barrier every now and then, so that the guards realize that the beast disaster is not over yet.

So as to keep a tense state at all times.

And internally, it stands to reason that after Ren Lin's secret lobbying, guidance and deterrence, the White Eyebrow Clan has reached a consensus on continuing to shrink in the barrier for defense.

Even Wu Ma, as the patriarch.

He cannot force the various factions to execute what they think is a "die-in" task.

He should have no one available now.

And where from...

"Sir, it's the animal trainers from other tribes in Shandong." The spy reminded.

Ren Lin was stunned, and suddenly said:

"It's worthy of Wu Ma..."

These people come from various tribes that came to take refuge, and their sources are complicated. At least to this day, they have not belonged to any internal faction of the White Eyebrow Clan.

They are exactly what Wu Ma can use at present.

At the same time, it will not cause the disgust of the major elders inside.

It's not your people who are used.

There is no position to oppose at all.

Wu Ma has always been in charge of the White Eyebrow Clan, and his gentle style has made Ren Lin subconsciously ignore it--

No matter what.

He is the leader of the largest wandering tribe in the entire Shandi. His lack of arbitrariness does not mean that he has no opinions, nor does it mean that he has no skills.

"But how can Wu Ma convince them..."

Ren Lin had a last bit of doubt and hope.

"It's a signal." The spy affirmed, "The signal from the west of Shandi."

He quickly finished the results of the investigation.

"The guards kept observing day and night for two consecutive days, and they stopped once in the middle, and then they fully interpreted the meaning of the flashing frequency of the searchlights."

"They said: The west of Shandi is safe."

Ren Lin's fingers trembled.

His guess was completely overturned.

The spy didn't know what this news meant... The Lord of Blood did not abandon the tribes in the west of Shandi, but only set out to the east after resolving the beast disaster and ensuring that there were no future troubles.

He was not restrained by the beaked beast led by the faceless.

But solved them?

In a sense, this is more terrifying than him abandoning the western part of Shandi directly.

Without any worries,

the fearless Lord of Blood...

Ren Lin felt as if a tiny electric current was flowing through his body, and a chill naturally surged up his spine.

"Go, find Wumian!"

He ordered to the remaining warriors.

Even if they go out now, because there is no animal trainer accompanying them, they may still be attacked by the beak-billed beasts, resulting in serious attrition.

But now I don’t care about that much anymore.

You must deal with it immediately.

The only thing Ren Lin was lucky about at the moment was that the Blood Lord did not follow the refugees into the barrier, so he would not know the Baimei clan's reaction.

I think the other party didn't come in at first.

They are also concerned that the attitude of the Baimei clan is unclear, and taking rash actions may lead to trapping themselves in a tiger's den. In the fight between snipe and clam, only those who are watching will benefit.

As for the "Lord of Blood" traveling to the north, the Merchant Guild had already obtained his appearance and circulated it to the internal high-level officials, and Ren Lin also got a copy.

That was different from the usual abstract paintings of wanted criminals.

But a real photo, a lost technology from ancient times, the president’s collection——

A skeletal human head that has lost its logical function and only has the ability to take pictures and store memories.

Ren Lin was amazed.

He will also keep the image of the Lord of Blood in mind, so that if he encounters it on the road, he will never recognize it.

Therefore, after that day.

Ren Lin himself sent someone to carefully confirm that the other party did not disguise his identity and sneak into the Baimei clan secretly. The news reported by the guard was not a smoke bomb.

Although it is only temporary, as long as the Blood Lord has not come into contact with the Baimei clan.

It's not too late.

So, the first thing should be solved.

It is those many animal trainers who will perform the mission on behalf of the clan leader Wu Ma this time.

"How many are there?" Ren Lin asked.

"Although generous benefits were promised, Wu Ma did not force everyone to participate..." the secret agent recalled, "the ones who finally decided to go out accounted for about half of the total."

"Doctor, you don't go out with us," Xinping grabbed Lu Meng's hand with sincere tears in his eyes, "This makes me feel very unsure!"

He shook hard.

It was as if he wanted to shake his hands off.

Qingrong on the side really couldn't stand it.

Stepping forward to separate the two, he said: "Xinping, he is also needed in the barracks, and it is dangerous to go out. Since you are so grateful to others, don't you want to put others in danger in return?"

He turned to Lu Meng again:

"I respect your choice, doctor, and our Baimei clan will not force you to do anything difficult. Personally, I hope you can stay in a safe place."


Lu Meng smiled and nodded in thanks.

"I don't mean any harm..."

Seeing Qingrong speak, Xinping reluctantly let go of his hand and said sarcastically.

He was just a little too excited.

I was also a little surprised that Lu Meng did not join the team investigating outside the wall.

It stands to reason that if you want to become a member of the Baimei clan in the future.

This is a good time to show your loyalty by performing meritorious service.

Not to mention, the clan leader Wuma also promised substantial benefits.

And because of the doctor's popularity.

Most of the animal trainers present have received help from him directly or indirectly. They will definitely take good care of them when they go out, and they will basically not encounter any danger.

It can be said that it is earned in vain.

However, since the doctor said he couldn't go, Xinping could understand, and he didn't contact him in the direction of fear of death.

On the way to the Baimei clan.

They encountered many more dangers than now.

Sometimes even the warriors of various tribes are frightened out of their wits, but this military doctor who has no power to restrain a chicken is calm and composed and can rescue the wounded from the mouths of vicious beasts.


The evacuating team was attacked by a beak-billed orangutan. This creature had already possessed rudimentary intelligence and was as cunning as a human being, making it difficult for everyone to guard against it.

Even many animal trainers.

They have all been fooled by them.

But it was this military doctor again, holding a branch and bluffing, to force back a beak-billed orangutan approaching the temporary camp. The other party later explained that this was because wild animals are often afraid of creatures larger than themselves, and the environment at that time , and it is difficult to distinguish beak-billed orangutans...

For all of you animal trainers who have been working with animals all your life, after listening to this... you think it's nonsense.

However, he did it, even when the beak-billed orangutan ran away, he actually showed fear like a human being... Even if it was good luck, it was enough to show his courage.



The trainers' admiration for him was heartfelt and comprehensive, and they naturally respected Lu Meng's choice at this moment.

Except for the animal trainer who decided to participate in the investigation.

There are also many remaining armed forces from various tribes who also go out to escort them.

Qingrong, on the other hand, led a small number of private soldiers from the Baimei clan as the general commander.

Although he said that he hoped Lu Meng would stay in a safe place.

But he himself had made up his mind from the beginning to participate in the action.

In fact, Qingrong may be the best among all people.

The one who is most excited and determined in my heart.

The floodgates of the river valley barrier were opened again after a long absence.

This time, we are not welcoming the disgraced, scarred, and exhausted refugees from outside.

Instead, they sent out exploratory troops who were full of energy and ready to go.

There was a squeaking sound.

The bearings rotate.

Lu Meng watched them leave.

They looked exactly the same as the guards on the city gate, the family members of the major tribes, and the like who were seeing him off together.

Just, when a girl passed by him.

Under the iron mask.

There was a sound that only the two of them could hear, small but clear.

"Calling all Wolf Riders."

The young man's lips and teeth open and close.

Qike's body paused imperceptibly for a moment, and then lowered her head, as if to avoid suspicion, but also as if she agreed.

Qingrong was at the front of the team.

He looked back.

From his distance, he could only see that the originally towering valley walls seemed to be getting lower and lower, as if they could be climbed over at any time.

Looking at it this way,

It seems that it is not as indestructible as the tribesmen thought.

But Qingrong really wanted to see it.

In fact, it was the figure of the military doctor.

He remembered that before preparing to leave, the other party said something simple, but it shocked him.

"I heard about the young patriarch's illness," the white-haired and masked doctor said, "I wonder if you can give me a recommendation—I might be able to cure him."

At that time, Qingrong was stagnant in place.

A surge of hope arose in my heart.

If Ji Hai's disease can be cured——

But in the end, he shook his head and refused:

"I appreciate your kindness on his behalf...but I'm afraid others can't do anything about this."

Not to mention, the symptoms of the disease that day were something I had never heard of before.

Even if the other party has superb medical skills.

That can only treat physical illnesses.

The young patriarch's other "madness" is completely different from the same field.

Now, Qingrong looks back.

He was completely invisible.

——I don’t know if it’s because he can’t see it, or if the other party has already left and continues to go to the barracks to treat the wounded soldiers.

But anyway.

Even within the Baimei clan, Ji Hai has been forgotten for a long time; as an outsider, the doctor here, Qingrong can hear the concern for his friend from his mouth.

He was still very grateful.

In the Baimei clan, it has nothing to do with all the noise. No matter how day or night changes, this tent is always shrouded in darkness, as if time has stopped.

Ji Hai tied to a copper pillar.

He is still driving prairie gophers, on the one hand to train his ability to tame animals, and on the other hand to explore the current situation in the clan.

Although, the information obtained is quite weak and one-sided, and sometimes the real situation has changed dramatically before he can analyze anything, completely negating the previous thinking.

But he still worked tirelessly.

Keep going like this.

Ji Hai didn't know what the point of doing these things was in his current situation - but if he didn't do it, he would be even more worried.

The breeze stirred and stirred up the dust in the tent.

Ji Hai was shocked.

He quickly dispersed Lao San, Lao Wu and Xiao Qi who sneaked into the tent... and then tentatively asked:

"Qingrong, is that you..."


Outside the tent, the afternoon sunshine was just right. Grandma Li was sitting on the horse and taking a nap with her eyes half-closed, her head hanging down from time to time.

The two deaf-mute guards had their backs to the curtain door.

Eyes burning.

There was no answer from inside the tent.


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