Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 539 Choice (Combined Chapter)

This appointment document had actually been signed by Long En, but it had always been in Ren Lin's hands.

As long as Wu Mian fulfills their contract.

will be given to him.

At the same time, under the operation of the merchant guild, the entire United City bureaucracy will also recognize the status of the faceless nobles.

Even if they are just nobles wearing robes who are looked down upon by traditional families.

Compared to ordinary imperial civilians.

They are also big shots with vast differences and insurmountable hierarchies.

In comparison.

Even the leader of the Baimei clan, in the eyes of United City, is just a nouveau riche who grazes in other places, the so-called "seller of cattle and sheep."

The two cannot be equated.

Now, because Ren Lin sensed the change and had something urgent to ask for, he couldn't ask someone to deliver the letter of appointment first, just for the sake of peace of mind.

After collecting a lot of information and making his own judgment, Wu Mian finally started to take action.

The sound of the flute is melodious, and the song is played to the end.

The screams of the beaked beasts around him became much calmer, but Faceless's tone was even more grim:

"There is not much time left for you. Even I cannot suppress them for such a long time."

"You brothers are all outstanding talents in Shandi. You should know what choices to make without me reminding you too much."

Tear off the mask of warmth.

At this moment, he had no worries.

Most of the animal trainers in front of them have lost their tribes or their tribes have been weakened, and they no longer have a foothold.

It’s not just the Baimei clan.

It is easy for anyone to fall in love with them, and Wu Mian is no exception. Once these people join, they will have greater confidence in controlling Shandi in the future.

Yes, even though Faceless thinks he is no longer a part of Shandi, he also knows rationally: In the United City, if he wants to gain an advantage in the competition with other noble factions and gain a firm foothold... he cannot do without Shandi. The support of strength must have its own base. Although Ren Lin's idea of ​​building a city is delusional, the principles are the same.

The difference is, being one of them.

Or as a ruler above them.

This animal disaster is the perfect stage to stand out!

Qingrong held the handle of the knife, took two steps back, and asked with trembling lips: "What about the Baimei clan?"

Faceless wants to realize his plan.

There is bound to be a conflict with the original overlord of the land.

"Unfortunately, the White Eyebrow Clan is too powerful," Wu Mian rarely replied bluntly to the White Eyebrow Envoy's question, "Even if you surrender to me, I may not be able to control you."

Even the current clan leader Wuma.

He doesn't dare to say that he has 100% authority and support within the clan. Even he is restricted in every way, let alone outsiders.

So, the future...

There is no place for the Baimei clan in Shendi.

"As early as a few days ago, I had gathered the scattered beak-billed beasts and headed towards the river valley - thanks to this, you did not encounter them during your exploration in other places along the way." Faceless pronounced his verdict coldly, " Don’t think about going back to verify it, because I’m worried that you won’t be able to see the scene in front of you based on your mental capacity.”

This is also to cut off the thoughts of this traveler.

Don't leave anything to chance.

Only the Baimei clan that was destroyed is the good Baimei clan. At that time, Wu Mian descended from the sky like a hero and led everyone to rebuild their homes on the ruins...

Break first and then build.

That is the final step to control the Shandi tribe. All preparations are for now.

Established, the real "Faceless Clan".

"There is no other option," he said.

The mercenary warriors behind him drew their swords one after another.

Under the scorching sun, the soldiers looked fiercely armored.

For a moment, there was an illusion that even without the use of beaked beasts, these elite warriors alone could suppress everyone.

The momentum of the investigation team has been extremely low.

In addition to Qing Rong, who was disheartened after hearing the news about the tribe, many of the animal trainers and warriors from other tribes were uneasy, whether out of fear or intention.

Ahead, the beak's roar came again.

Like a warning.

Someone moved.

"We still have a choice!" she shouted.

"I remember you, you seem to be from the Yamano clan..." Wu Mian looked at Chiko curiously, "Is the choice you are talking about the Yamano clan? Where are they now? Maybe one of the bones around you belongs to them. , why are you in such a hurry to be buried with him——"

"It's the Wuming Clan!" The girl ignored Wu Mian at all, but looked at the people behind her, "It's His Royal Highness the Red King - Lu Beiyou!"

"Why are we different from others this time and choose to carry out extra-wall investigations?" She asked the question she had asked in private before leaving, "Is it because of the promise of the Baimei clan, or is it because of the Wuma The patriarch’s trust…”

Qingrong looked at her in surprise.

He didn't know yet that these members of the Eastern Semim tribe had had such exchanges in private.


A trainer replied.

In fact, the members who participated in the operation... all came from the Eastern Semim tribe that was rescued by the Nameless Clan and escorted all the way to survive the beast disaster.

Until out of danger.

The Red King just left.

He promised that when the beacon fire rises in the west, the beast disaster will end.

He promised that all survivors could come and go freely, but they should avoid revealing too much information, especially contact with himself.

He also said that he will introduce you to a doctor later, who has good reputation and no bad reviews...

The Baimei clan includes Wuma and Qingrong.

They all thought that these tribes wanted something from them, so they were the first people they thought of when employing people.

Little did I know.

Compared with the Baimei clan who stayed in the river valley and gave up the outside world, when they encountered a beast disaster and the whole family was in danger, who extended a helping hand?

There is only the nameless clan.

Only the Red King!

Under such circumstances, how can we imagine that they forgot this friendship and turned to the Baimei clan who was only in the last step to receive the results?

People's hearts have changed.

It’s not so much that they came to seek refuge with the Baimei clan.

It would be better to say that it was entrusted by Lu Beiyou!

"Yes, Brother Qingrong, there is one thing I didn't tell you..." Xinping apologized slightly, "The reason why we agreed so decisively is because we heard the news you reported - exactly the same as the Red King's prophecy."

"The beast disaster is about to end, and the nameless clan will also reappear. Those wolf smoke and search signals are probably from them."

Come out early.

Maybe we can meet them sooner.

For this reason, Xinping was still a little strange: Obviously that doctor friend was personally recommended by the Red King, so why didn't he want to meet them as soon as possible - probably because they were really unfamiliar, superficial brothers.

If Lu Beiyou hadn't made it clear that he wanted to expand the Wandering Tribe, these animal trainers wouldn't have considered joining the Baimei Clan. This was just their second choice.

Eliminate the Baimei clan.

[Eastern Shandi: Blood Alliance]!

——Am I the spare tire?

Qingrong was stunned.

However, beneath the anxiety and fear, what arose was sudden joy.

He was always sorry.

I was unable to meet the "patriarch" again.

At that time, as an envoy to the west, he reported news about the nameless clan for the first time.

He said something casually to someone.

In animal disasters, we must bear corresponding responsibilities.

At that time, even he didn't take it to heart - but as the beast disaster developed, it turned out that it was his Baimei clan who failed in their duties.

Traveling north, but doing well.

This shame reached its peak when I heard that the nameless clan escorted the survivors to the river valley barrier.

To some extent.

When he heard that the other party did not follow, Qingrong's heart was filled with a mixture of joy of escaping and regret of missing out.

But now.

After hearing their news again, the nameless clan never gave up and even lit the beacon fire in the west...

"Noisy." Wu Mian said calmly.

He held the Old World crossbow in his hand and aimed at Chiko who stood up.

When the other party announces their identity.

He knew that his incitement had failed.

But then, the other party couldn’t help but say more words——

The bowstring vibrated.

But arrows rained down.

Each iron arrow came through the wind, carrying a dangerous edge.

It is the faceless and armored warrior.

They couldn't help but avoid it.


Howling wolf.

The archer riding on the back of the wolf galloped over, his brown-red fur billowing like waves in the wind.

"It's the wolf cavalry of the Nameless Clan!"

Everyone recognized it: the Red King had led them in the beginning, rescuing and escorting the tribes from the beast disaster, with aggression like fire and maneuverability like wind.

Such a miracle had already shocked them once before.

See you again now.

The excitement has not diminished at all.

Because this proves that the signal from the west was indeed conveyed by the Red King!

And only Qi Ke knows.

These wandering wolf cavalry were hiding near the original camp of the Yamano clan. Faceless needed to concentrate the beaks to create the illusion of a violent beast disaster. The areas that had been attacked by the beaks and had no food were actually safer.

And this time back to camp.

She secretly left a summons signal.

"Hahaha..." A chuckle.

Faceless was protected by an armored warrior behind him. After seeing the Wolf Cavalry with his own eyes, he did not panic at all. Instead, as if he had confirmed an idea of ​​his, his face showed a relaxed and happy expression.

After the wolf cavalry fired a round of arrows to suppress them, they surrounded the investigation team and formed a formation with the armed forces of various tribes, but they did not patrol and did not dare to get close.

A loud roar sounded.

A thick long neck suddenly emerged from behind the rock. The expression of the head covered with a thick deck was clearly unclear, but its movements made people think it was looking at it curiously.


But it was a scream from a hired warrior.

The beak-billed beast in the elder stage raised its broad forelimbs and stepped down on him.

The sound hadn't had time to finish.

It stopped suddenly and turned into meat.

Even the gorgeous warrior armor was crushed into pieces of iron.

Wu Mian pulled down the beak-mouthed cub skull on top of his head, covered his face, and moved it aside.

Elder beaks will not actively attack them.

But there is no guarantee that it will not be accidentally injured when it is ignored. Compared with other beak-billed beasts, this giant beast in the elder stage is more difficult to guide and less obedient to commands.

Behemoth, casting a shadow.

Faceless smiled and said: "I have known about your existence for a long time, and I also know about the Red King in your mouth——"

"However, a more ominous codename like 'Lord of Blood' is more suitable for him."

Even Qi Ke was stunned when she heard this address to Lu Meng for the first time.

There are only bee riders born in the swamp.

There was a slight commotion.

They knew that only the enemies of the Red King would call him this - in the swamp, few people mentioned it now.

Wu Mian looked at the people who were staying with the wolf cavalry, and the half of his face that was not covered by the animal bones showed a joking smile: "I not only know the wolf cavalry, but I also know that the Lord of Blood is also an amazing tamer. A beast master might even be on par with me..."

"But what I know best is that bluffing is useless because..."

"He's not here!"

"If you expect him to come to rescue you now and fulfill his promise...then this delusion will probably come to nothing."

If you want to ask why.

The flaw lies in the Wolf Cavalry!

Through some special breeding techniques and superb animal taming ability, the opponent tamed the bone burial wolves and even used them as mounts.

But it's obvious.

Others, including the riders of the Boneyard Wolves, are not all equipped to perfectly control these evil beasts.

Once the Red King leaves their ranks...

"You guys, did any of the Bone Burial Ground wolves escape?" Faceless's words were cold.

Along the way, he encountered the Boneyard Wolf mount more than once.

One was even captured.

However, after thorough research, they still couldn't find out the secret of how to tame them - this boneyard wolf was already wild again.

This is obviously the result of their owners leaving and the lack of control from their trainers.

This is the price the Wolf Cavalry pays for hiding in the wild.

And those riders who left, including the Lord of Blood himself——

"They are in...the Baimei clan, right?"

Seeing the sudden change in Qiko's face, Wu Mian's eyes were cold, he put down his crossbow and raised his flute.

Ren Lin sent out mercenary warriors and conveyed the news through his domesticated carrion birds, so he was prepared with both hands.

Among them, a report on the current situation of the river valley is included.

The famous but slightly weird doctor was naturally among them, although he only mentioned it briefly.

However, Wu Mian still saw the clues.

In other words, there are clues that only he can discover!

The other party... actually claimed to be from the Farstrider clan?

It was a small tribe that was so small that every herdsman's face could even be recognized - the most important thing was that this tribe's camp was in the far west of Shendi, even bordering the border area, thousands of miles away.

A far traveler doctor.

Passing through the beast disaster, he traveled thousands of miles to the Baimei clan adjacent to the place of revenge... If he were an ordinary person, would this be possible!

The Far Traveler clan is really too unknown.

So no one else had heard of it, so they didn't notice it, so they subconsciously ignored it and let the other party get away with it.

But only without face.

It happened that I had visited this small tribe in the past.

Know everything there is.

I have never heard of them having such a miraculous doctor!

It’s really time and destiny.

Faceless put the bone flute to his lips: "Lord of Blood... No matter where you are, after the plan is launched, there is only one way to die."

In his opinion,

Going to the Baimei clan alone is a bad move - it's called a barrier, but it's actually a cage that has been prepared!

After finally knowing the exact location of the opponent, Wu Mian's action was imminent, lest he lose this precious opportunity.

To some extent.

This was the trigger for him to attack in advance.

Even Ren Lin didn't know.

But at this point, with the letter of appointment in hand, Wu Mian knew that he was carrying out a task from Long En, the president of the merchant guild, and the opinion of an agent was no longer necessary.

It's best... to die together!

The bone flute plays.

The long-necked giant beast's eyes, which were originally looking at him curiously, were overflowing with murderous intent.

The powerful roar resounded throughout the valley.

Stone chips fell like rain.

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