Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 546: Vengeance Land (Combined Chapter)

Faceless never thought until the end that he would die at the mouth of the beaked beast he was most familiar with, trusted and relied on most.

For him, this was an option that should never have happened.

At the same time, everyone present did not expect that Lu Meng would actually execute Wu Mian like this, executing this top beast trainer who relied on his abilities.

Decisive and ruthless, without any hesitation.

"You..." Qingrong reacted and said in awe, "The Red King... His Highness."


Lu Meng's behavior still won them a lot of favor.

The long-necked man leaned over and lay on the ground.

Lu Meng rolled down, walked to Wu's faceless and completely unrecognizable corpse, and picked up the old world crossbow.

"Click." The machine sounded.

"Masterpiece level..." He thought to himself after debugging.

Together with the masterpiece-level spring crossbow captured in the swamp, I already have two masterpiece-level crossbows on hand.

However, compared to heavy spring crossbows.

This MK2 improved version of the old world crossbow is undoubtedly more precious. Even if it is not the best in terms of rate of fire, range, accuracy and strength, it is certainly the one with the best overall performance and the most versatile one.

Lu Meng hung it around his waist.

On one side, in addition to the 'long neck' that he suppressed and could not move, there were two elder beaks lying on the ground.

One had its chest and abdomen cut open by an iron bull, and the other was bitten by the same kind and was bloody and bloody... But they all just lost the ability to move and did not die immediately.

The tenacious vitality is evident.

Of course, Lu Meng is happy to see the results.

He ordered to control them all.

Coach +2.

Not only can these elder-stage beak-billed beasts continue to gain experience from them, but they can also be trained by others.

For example, Kang, Fearless Torah and others.

Fighting against ordinary adult beaked beasts has no effect on them. As for the adult stage, although the span is a bit long, the improvement in actual combat ability is immediate.

In this way, it not only provides a good way to train soldiers at the grassroots level.

The backbone will also develop rapidly.

However, let’s talk about the biggest gain.

It was still the "long neck" lying on the ground - this giant beast with a terrifying size. When it leaned down, it almost blocked the mouth of the narrow valley. It was extremely huge. Its horny bone armor is as thick as a steel plate, so you can imagine its powerful combat effectiveness.

Just lying here.

It makes people fearful.

This ancient beak-mouthed beast was submissive on the surface, but its eyes were fixed on Lu Meng, revealing primitive brutality and murderous intent - once Lu Meng let go of control, it would undoubtedly go berserk.

Seeing this, Lu Meng stretched out his hand.

Press it on the broad and hard brow of the beak-billed beast.

It was as if it was struck by lightning, its long neck trembled, and it coiled together wiltingly.

Before this giant beast in the elder stage becomes honest, I'm afraid we can only use the same method as other beak-billed beasts to tie it up together and slowly train it.

If it really cannot be tamed.

You can only wait until the city building task is completed, the permissions will continue to be unlocked, and you can switch to more advanced modules to tame them.

"Should we rush to the Baimei clan?" Qike came forward to ask for instructions.

Just like Wu said before facing death.

The beak-billed beasts are still besieging the valley walls: they will not stop their activities because of the death of Faceless. With the elder-stage giant beasts taking the lead, the Baimei clan's fortifications are bound to be breached.

When the time comes, hundreds of beak-billed beasts will pour into the river valley together... It will definitely be a tragedy on earth.

Qingrong on the side looked solemn.

He said nothing, but he knew in his heart: Even if he rushed over now, it might be too late.

And even if it’s too late.

With Lu Beiyou alone and no one cooperating with him, it would still be difficult to stop the beast disaster.

It seems that the Baimei clan is destined to suffer this disaster.

But I can’t blame others...

"We will go," to everyone's surprise, there was no urgency in Lu Meng's words that matched the situation, "but before that, we must clear out the beak-billed beasts along the way."

With the Wolf Cavalry and the controlling Long Neck around, it wouldn't be difficult to clear out the scattered Beak-billed Beasts even without him taking action.

After hearing this, Qingrong became anxious.

He took a step forward: "Red King, I have something to ask of you, and please do it as soon as possible..." The envoy of the Baimei clan no longer had the indifferent attitude he had during the first meeting.

When it came to what he really cared about and was completely impressed by Lu Meng's ability, Qingrong's look and tone became sincere and sincere.


A ray of red light appeared in front of him, and the slender inscribed blade was unsheathed, stopping Qing Rong from bowing and saluting, but using the back of the blade.

"I know what you are going to say." Lu Meng looked at the stunned Qingrong and sheathed the sword, "But you don't have to worry."

"Someone has already taken care of it."

"Fools...just carry it to your death!" The round figure in a cloak was running panting, sweat seeping from his white and tender skin and soaking into the gorgeous silk clothes at the back.

Ren Lin wiped his sweat.

Behind them, the roars and cries of the beak-billed beasts could be heard in the distance... There is a high probability that this barrier city defense will not be able to hold up.

Ren Lin was accompanied by a dozen elite warriors. The surroundings were not a valley full of green but sandwiched by cliffs, but a flat wasteland.

Surrounded by open spaces.

The warriors looked alert, but they did not look around behind them, but looked at the sky.

"This way." An officer pointed the way.

"Help, help me." Ren Lin panted, and two or three warriors came forward, holding him and following him.

"This is... the Valley of Revenge."

Someone murmured.

There was a hint of fear in his tone.

At this moment, they had left the valley station where the White Eyebrow Clan was located. Strictly speaking, they could even be said to have left the Land of Flash.

They came to the scope of the Land of Revenge.

The main road connecting the East and West Continents - the Valley of Revenge, its entrance is connected to the White Eyebrow Clan.

It's just that it's called the "Valley of Revenge".

The place where everyone was, was a vast wasteland with no grass growing around it, and there was a faint smell of burning in the air.

"No... I'm in the wrong place." Ren Lin took out his pocket watch, looked at the magnetic needle spinning around on it, and threw it down, "It's this way!"

The so-called Valley of Revenge.

It is not a valley or trail in the literal sense... but refers to the only safe route when crossing the Vengeance Land, which is a spatial range that cannot be marked by geographical features.

Beyond this boundary.

Outside is death.

Even at different times and seasons, the scope and route of the Valley of Vengeance will have subtle changes and modifications. If you casually take a fixed and old map and think that you can safely pass through the Vengeance Land... then you will definitely die without a burial place in the end.

Only the merchant guilds, technology hunters and other organizations that have been traveling here for many years have rich experience in judging where the safe area is.

This is a unique skill.

Ren Lin naturally could not reveal it to the White Eyebrow Clan - they have always shared it internally.

It was already evening, and the sky was gradually getting dark. The setting sun was shining, like blood covering the earth.

Mixed with scorching wind and sand.

A desolate and bleak scene.

Through the rolling heat waves, bypassing a hidden cliff, everyone actually saw a complete tent in front.

"Sure enough!" Ren Lin was extremely happy.

This should be the caravan that was going to come to the White Eyebrow Clan. He once told Wu Ma that he didn't know their whereabouts and progress, maybe they were delayed on the road... This was of course a lie.

In fact, the caravan was stationed in the Valley of Revenge.

In this way, it was most convenient to receive Ren Lin's orders and requirements, let them come when they wanted, let them leave when they wanted, everything depended on the situation.

With the supplies that were originally intended to be sent to the White Eyebrow Clan, their caravan could stay as long as they wanted.

However, what surprised Ren Lin and others was that.

There was no guard outside the tent.

This was not in line with the norm... Maybe it was because the environment outside the Vengeance Land was too torturous, and the caravan members were not very willing to do this hard work.


A sound came from afar.

Because the distance was too far, the sound seemed very slight and unclear-but everyone guessed: this was the collapse of the valley barrier of the White Eyebrow Clan.

The blood-thirsty long-necked beasts.

At this moment, they were roaring in.

Being able to hear the sound means they are not too far away... Thinking of this, Ren Lin couldn't help but urge: "Hurry up and meet them!"

Then hurry back to the United City.

As for what happens next, we will settle it separately.

But just as the tent in the field of vision was getting closer and closer, a warrior at the bottom noticed something was wrong: "My lord, look--"

He pointed behind him:

"The herdsmen are following!"

Ren Lin turned his head suddenly.

On the edge of the Revenge Land, some dense black dots appeared in the sky-although the specific situation was unclear, in this case, who else could it be except the people of the White Eyebrow Clan?

"Are they crazy?" The merchant was surprised. He didn't know the route of the Valley of Revenge, so he rushed into the Revenge Land rashly, and so many people came at once...

"It's just nonsense!"

The White Eyebrow Clan is not unaware of it.

The horror of the Revenge Land.

-The wrath that fell from the sky.

Enough to burn everything.


A few minutes ago.

"But this is our only way out." Seeing his father's surprised expression after listening to his suggestion, Ji Hai affirmed: "Abandon the entire river valley barrier... Go to the revenge land!"

While the iron wall has not been overthrown, let the guards retreat directly and organize the tribesmen to evacuate.

In addition, the White Eyebrow Clan had built some fortifications inside the river valley before, which were originally used to separate other tribes. At this time, even if the first wall collapsed, they can still play a role in blocking.

"As for the elder-level beaked beast... leave it to me." Ji Hai held the bone flute, "Even if I can't be as specialized as Wumian, with my ability, I can try my best to delay their progress in crashing into the city defense."

"In this way, the time gained..."

More than enough.

Before Wu Ma could react, Ji Hai blew the bone flute and jumped onto the top of the city, attracting the attention of all the guards and panicked people.

He quickly repeated his thoughts:

Instead of being trapped in the river valley, it is better to enter the revenge land.

Although, the sky may fall into flames at any time.

But they can also block the beaked beasts.

It's better than being trapped here.

After saying this, Ji Hai felt uneasy.

In history, the Shandi tribe had thought of this method to deal with the beast disaster - however, the final results were not satisfactory.

The tribes that entered the Land of Revenge sometimes suffered even greater losses than those in the beast disaster.

Facing the silent crowd, he was unsure whether to reveal his identity as the young patriarch or continue to explain the back-up plan.

But to be honest, he, the young patriarch, has become a "madman" in rumors. Even in the past, he had no prestige and others might not believe him; and the other preparations were difficult to explain to these simple herdsmen...

Just a moment of silence, and suddenly someone shouted:

"It's the doctor..."

"Doctor, we listen to you!"

In the chaos and noise, more and more people "recognized" his identity and were overjoyed.

Ji Hai was stunned and suddenly realized-

He still looked like Lu Beiyou when he was practicing medicine before, and from a distance, people couldn't tell the difference between them.

This "doctor", the reputation and trust he had accumulated before, now all gathered on him and were used by him.

Even, coupled with Ji Hai's talent for taming beasts that he had just shown, he saved everyone when the beaked beast attacked the city...

The two phases overlapped.

Prestige is even greater than before.

[White Eyebrow Clan: Respect]

"His" opinion cannot be ignored now. For people in despair, whether it is reasonable or unreasonable, it is like a life-saving straw.

"Is this also in your plan..." Ji Hai's eyebrows jumped, whispered a few words to himself, and then looked at his father, the patriarch of the White Eyebrow Clan.

Facing his son's gaze.

Wu Ma had a complicated expression.

The recognition of the guards, the cheers of the people, the judgment of the situation and the excellent ability to tame animals... I don't know when, the rebellious and disobedient child in his impression has now grown to this point.

Or maybe, I just haven't noticed it.

After all, the stupid things Ji Hai did before... now it seems that it may be the right choice.

The way he gave orders.

He is more like a patriarch than himself... already.

The middle-aged man smiled tiredly, and with relief.

Then nodded.

Ji Hai took a deep breath and turned around: "We..."

"Go for 'revenge'!"



"I don't care about that. We can't let them find out." Ren Lin waved his hand and made a quick decision, "We can't let these herdsmen get involved!"

Compared to the White Eyebrow Clan.

They know the route of the Valley of Revenge, and it is safer to move around in the Valley of Revenge; at the same time, there are fewer people and it is less likely to be discovered by the 'eyes'.

The only bad thing is.

The White Eyebrow Clan enters the Valley of Revenge in large numbers... and will attract the beaked beasts that have invaded the valley behind them!

Then I will run away first.

Willn't I suffer an "unwarranted disaster"?

Thinking of this, Ren Lin dragged his heavy body and ran fast, even rushing ahead of the warriors and rushing to the front of the tent.

As long as he gets the supplies...

He lifted the curtain,

A bloody smell came to his face.

The stench that followed, mixed with the scorching air, was so bad and weird that people couldn't help but want to vomit.

Ren Lin did vomit.

He saw: the tent of the Merchant Guild was full of corpses.

Blood and flesh covered the ground.

Strangely, all the corpses had bulging eyes open - organs and tendons were exposed, and their skin had all disappeared.

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