The giant beast roared in the distance, getting closer and closer.

The beak-billed beast successively broke through the first valley barrier, and destroyed the traps and roadblocks set by the soldiers along the way.

During this process, the rhinoceros may be injured.

But not too much.

And the reason why the Baimei clan was still able to buy time to build the camp even though there was no resistance from the fortifications... that was because someone delayed the progress of the beak-billed beast herd.

Accompanied by the roar of the beast.

Faintly, there was a bone xun blowing.

Floating in the wind.

Finally, when the sky was getting dark, the indigo tent appeared on the charred earth.

On the edge of the wilderness, a staggering figure appeared.

There were already many scars on Ji Hai's body, and his original white robe was also covered in dust and blood, and was in dilapidated state.

He is working hard to get here.

Every time he took a step, a muscle in his body twitched uncontrollably, which greatly slowed him down.

And in front of him.

There were actually a few prairie gophers running around. Judging from their fat appearance, you could tell that they were well fed by Ji Hai's leftovers.

Under Ji Hai's urging, the gopher

One buries its head into the dry and brown earth, digs the soil quickly, and then digs it out again after a while... And some are blocked after digging for only a few steps, indicating that this direction is wrong.

“In the land of vengeance, animals are sometimes forgiven more easily than humans—they survive.”

Ji Hai silently recited ancient prophecies and teachings.

At the same time, he kept in mind... the knowledge that person told him.


The smallest prairie gopher emerged from Ji Hai's arms, suddenly looked back, and screamed in horror.

No need for Xiaoqi to remind you.

Ji Hai also knew what happened——

Beak-billed beast.

The earth shook like a mountain, and a high-pitched cry erupted through the long neck.

The herd of beak-billed beasts finally broke out of the river valley.

Chased to the place of revenge.

Given Ji Hai's physical condition, he had already reached his limit after delaying and dealing with things for so long.

There is no extra physical strength to confuse this whole herd of beasts.

Otherwise, it would just be that strange disease.

can kill him.

In the distance, one can already see the stretching tents set up by the Baimei clan.

Although temporarily rushed.

But at first glance, the indigo-colored canopy is connected into one really feels like a majestic one.

Ji Hai can even see it.

Many people rushed out of the camp and waved to him.

But soon another companion came out and quickly hugged them and pulled them back.

Which seems to...

And his own father.

But there is still such a long distance between him and the camp.

And in the wilderness, as a human being, racing against a beak-billed beast is undoubtedly a dead end.

Ahead lies the land of vengeance,

Behind is the rhinoceros.

Normally, if the Baimei clan's river valley barrier was breached, they would be caught in the middle...

A desperate situation indeed.

Ji Hai stuffed Xiao Qi back into his arms and stopped without caring about the menacing beak-billed beasts behind him who were rapidly closing the distance.

"At this time, if you want to be a hero..." The young man took off his mask, revealing his delicate and handsome face. He looked extremely thin due to exhaustion and pain.

Be a hero.

The best way is to turn around immediately and stay away from the Baimei clan... use your last strength to blow the beast taming bone xun to lure away the rushing beak-billed beasts.

Ji Hai held the bone xun tightly.

This was the only way he could save the Baimei clan after analyzing the situation while he was under house arrest - and perhaps the only thing he could do for Shandi.

A vigorous beak-billed beast, full of energy, had already surpassed the herd and ran first to a position dozens of meters behind Ji Hai.

Several plump prairie gophers were so frightened that they quickly burrowed into the soil.

this distance.

Considering the speed of these long-necked behemoths, it only takes a few seconds.

The beak-billed beast had already let out an excited chirp.


The bone fragments shattered and exploded before its eyes, completely blinding the beaked beast for a moment.

Ji Hai used the strength of his twisting body to throw the bone xun in his hand with all his strength, hitting the beak-billed beast's head.

The young master of the Baimei clan did not blow the bone xun, but suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky!

Just in time.

The sun is setting in the west, and the twin moons in the wasteland are beginning to reveal their outlines.

The night is like a curtain.

Just like in a dark tent, there is no daylight.

Then, the fire exploded.

The man directly cut off the copper pillar, and the iron chain as thick as his wrist was torn apart like plasticine in his hands.

Lu Beiyou looked at the shocked Ji Hai and just said: "I have a way to save people, but there is a prerequisite, or necessary condition."

"——Become my subordinate."

Ji Hai couldn't understand his tone... It was as if what the other party said was not about negotiating conditions or a deal, but that the process must be actually carried out.

Otherwise, it cannot be achieved.

At that time, Ji Hai had no time to think about these issues. He just subconsciously asked:

"But what can I do like this?"

"You have a talent for taming beasts that is no less than Wumian's, even if it is not something you have acquired completely by nature... You are the young master of the White Eyebrow Clan, and you naturally have political advantages..." Lu Beiyou really counted them one by one in front of him, "To some extent, I came here just for you."

A discarded character that did not appear in the game, the real ruler of the White Eyebrow Clan.

At this time point before the start of the game.

He found a way to contact him.

"Besides, there is the Bloody Rebellion... Lu Jin, Chad... They should all be your friends." Lu Beiyou stretched out a finger and poked the deepest secret of Ji Hai, which he would rather be imprisoned here to protect. But before the other party trembled with vigilance, he immediately said, "Don't be nervous, I also know that you are looking for anti-slavers-but it happens that there are a few people here who can introduce you to each other."

Jeg and Bo, one is a wanted assassin on the list of United City, and the other is a mentor who recruits and guides newcomers to join the anti-slavers... Among the anti-slavers, they are also important figures.

"The most important thing is..." He raised the face that looked 70% like Ji Hai - when he saw the young patriarch in person instead of relying on his memory, he adjusted his face again.

Ji Hai watched.

The faces of the two people, from the bones, eyebrows... to every detail, completely overlapped.

Except for the temperament.

There is no difference.

"I need you to be my substitute." Lu Beiyou, the white-haired Red King said: "This is a dangerous job. You will hide your identity many times and go deep into danger... If necessary, you may even die for it."

After saying that, he changed the subject:

"But, when will you die - only I can decide this time."

"Before that... live well."

"Don't waste such a life."


I won't die yet!

Ji Hai looked up at the night sky, his pupils suddenly dilated, as if he saw something incredible... unbelievable.

The stars rose and flickered on the dark curtain.

Then, he opened his eyes.

- They met eyes.

In an instant, countless orange-red beams of light descended from the sky, covering the charred earth.

Revengeful Skyfire!

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