"Are you awake?"

Inside the tent, Ji Hai suddenly opened his eyes, and what caught his eye was the simple and heavy painting on the roof. It was a chronicle passed down by word of mouth by the ancestors, telling about migration, hunting, animal disasters, inheritance... and the battle between the sky fire and the giant beast.

Hearing the sound, he wanted to turn his head to look.

But his neck was completely fixed, unable to move at all - he only then noticed that his whole body was covered with thick bandages.

The air was filled with a smell of medicine.

From time to time, the skin felt a tingling pain, and then a layer of coldness seeped in, which penetrated into the bones and made people feel quite comfortable.

The moment he touched the ground, his legs softened and he almost fell to the ground, but he still forced his muscles to stand up.

The Red King specially borrowed the ancient maintenance bed from the boss Kurt in the Dancing Skeleton Man's Shelter, and now it is placed in the No. 1 Watchtower.

It's really annoying to compare people.

But if he had known Dr. Zhong before, he would never have imagined that the gloomy middle-aged man at that time had become a completely different person in less than a year, so cheerful that he was even a little off the track.

Dr. Zhong was in a really good mood.

However, as long as Lu Beiyou himself disagreed with such a statement, it would eventually be just speculation... What Dr. Zhong really cared about was that when that person performed the operation himself, the professionalism he showed was faintly better than his own.

As for the raw materials.

As the interpretation of the intelligent core deepened.

Ji Hai's life was another matter.

It seemed that the other party had no ill intentions.

Ji Hai was speechless.

With such a magical tool, it would be very useful.

"What is this? Is it necessary to go through so much trouble?" A lady in a white robe with a silver-gray pattern on her collar walked in and happened to see Ji Hai doing rehabilitation training. "If it were me, you should just amputate your limbs... Oh, it's not too late now."

It is said that he practiced in the White Eyebrow Clan.

I'm afraid that even if the intelligent core is fully interpreted.

The rest, each line of work is like a mountain of difference.

"Nothing." Doctor Zhong looked normal.

Since the establishment of the medical department, we no longer have to do those dirty things in the past, and what we need is basically the job of curing diseases and saving lives.

Not to mention the magical ability to greatly speed up recovery...

Ji Hai gritted his teeth and didn't hear clearly.

No one can say for sure whether this was planned by him on purpose. After all, if the signal was not transmitted through the watchtower in the west of Shandi, or if the troops in the swamp were a little late... Even if the beast disaster was solved in the same way, the injured would not be able to use ancient black technology such as the repair bed.

Doctor Zhong can only understand the part that can be used for medical treatment.

The swamp has now achieved a rare peace, with fewer conflicts and killings, and the repair bed has no use even if it continues to be kept.

Then, it can only be described as a "miracle".

"37.8 degrees... still a little feverish, but it's not a problem for you." Doctor Zhong put down the thermometer and motioned to Ji Hai, "Get out of bed and walk around - you don't exercise much, your muscles are atrophied, and you've been lying in bed for almost half a month. If you don't move, it won't be good for your recovery."

The interpretation has begun to stagnate.

This is also normal. Mechanics can stand at the end of the world with just three intelligent cores. Over the past few hundred years, the university has trained countless experts and scholars, and it dare not say that it has exhausted all the wisdom.

"Who... are you?" Ji Hai said vaguely.

"You have nothing to do here."

Without saying anything, he stuffed a thermometer into the young man's mouth: "Be careful, don't bite it."

He wore a mask and a white robe.

"Except for the torso, the burns are 80%... I can't help but boast that I am a miracle doctor." Doctor Zhong said, "But young man, you have to be prepared. The expert consultation fee is not cheap... Don't look at me like that. Don't you understand the joke? Besides, your father and the White Eyebrow Clan have already paid for it, although it is not in Kai coins."

Luckily, the Medical Department has made a breakthrough in the progress of interpreting the intelligent core, and Doctor Zhong himself is an expert in the field of organ transplantation.

- Of course, this can hardly be called "specially", because when the support team from the swamp arrived in Shandi, they also brought a disassembled and packed maintenance bed, which Ji Hai could use as soon as he was picked up.

A volunteer who has experienced almost all new drugs in the laboratory can be used.

Plus the fuel engine power supply.

"Skin replacement surgery..." Ji Hai murmured.

Skin replacement surgery can only solve the problem of large-scale burns on the epidermis and prevent subsequent infection, but the damage to deep muscles, blood vessels, nerves, etc., is an irreversible injury to normal people.

It is a place of war.

The only regret is that.

Dr. Zhong can stand out in the swamp and is valued by the Double Blade Group. This naturally proves his talent. It stands to reason that except for those professional mechanics, few people can challenge him in the professional field... But in front of Lu Beiyou today, he feels that his talent is not a talent at all.

"My last name is Zhong, the chief of the swamp medical department." Dr. Zhong put on gloves and began to remove the bandage for Ji Hai while checking the wound. "The implantation and growth of the new skin are very good, and there is no rejection reaction... You are really lucky."

Finally stabilized.

And the skeleton boss, for some unknown reason, had a good impression of the Swamp King. He only collected some symbolic rent and broke the convention to allow him to take away the repair bed, which was the "treasure of the store".

Combined with the efficiency of the ancient repair bed itself, it can be said that as long as there is still a breath, and you can live to lie on it... then you can save your life.

Ji Hai nodded and climbed out of bed obediently.

And in order to cure him.

One new achievement after another, as if it were free, is a great achievement and reward for a researcher.

So he didn't know... After the sky fire, his injuries were more than that simple, and he didn't know how incredible it was to be able to get out of bed and walk so quickly.

"Amputation?" Ji Hai was shocked.

"The operation was successful... but you'd better not move around before I finish the examination." The man who spoke saw him wake up and walked to his side.

However, based on Dr. Zhong's understanding of the Red King.

This young man played a doctor, but he was an outsider after all. He was able to get away with it because of the vacation that Lu Meng fought for and the special medicine left behind.

"Miracle..." Doctor Zhong on the side couldn't help but murmured as he watched this scene.

"What did you say?"

Roaring day and night.

Perhaps, other treasures were obtained.

Even if the medical department has integrated all the medical resources of the original swamp, including talents in practice and research... but the ancient technology stored in the intelligent core is vast and difficult, even if it is just the field of biological genes, there are many branches.

On the other hand, those madmen also need to repair beds in order to maintain the mechanical parts on their bodies...

They may not be able to achieve such an effect.

It is a middle-aged man that Ji Hai has never seen before.

All of them are the experience accumulated during the Double Blade Group period.

The easiest to use are still the most superficial things.

Doctor Zhong rolled his eyes and said unhappily.

What you think is what you get.

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