"I don't deserve the title of 'general'." The skeleton next to the security spider said calmly, "I'm just an ordinary foreman of the empire."

"--Then, what about General Screamer?"

"He's out for something, so I'll be responsible for receiving you." Punk laughed twice and spoke in a mechanical tone, which seemed quite strange.

In terms of identity, this skeleton is indeed the foreman responsible for producing mechanical spiders in the empire, but that was in the past.

Now, the empire has long been dead.

Most of the factories managed by the other party have lost the ability to manufacture iron spiders and security spiders. What can be driven now is just the inventory accumulated over the years.

But he did not deny the other party's words, nor did he dare to deny it--

Because, in the words popular in human society today... Spider Foreman is an absolute war-level.

Even considering the changes in memory and the decay of the body, this skeleton is still an existence that cannot be underestimated, and is also their powerful ally.

The only problem is.

As a member of the [Screamer] model, he only obeys the former commander of the Screamer Corps, "Screamer"... As the name suggests, that general is the prototype of all Screamer MK1 skeletons.

In human society.

It is probably equivalent to the relationship between father and son.

Sure enough, after hearing that his Screamer General was not here, Spider Foreman's interest and attitude obviously declined. He threw the chip directly to Punk: "This is what you asked me to bring back... I don't understand why you and the General care about him so much."

"Ouch." Punk took it carefully, fearing that he would crush it if he was not careful, "Spider General... Spider Foreman, you are not unaware of the cunning and unpredictable nature of humans. We don't want to fall for the same thing again."

Spider Foreman did not comment: "My children are out of oil... According to the agreement, you have to fill them up for me."

"Of course." Punk agreed and raised the chip in his hand. The transparent crystalline silicon exuded psychedelic colors under the scorching sun. "I will send someone to oil and paint your beloved offspring... I'm free anyway, do you want to take a look with me?"

He pointed at the chip and invited.

Spider Foreman: "Yes."

Punk laughed again, but his face was as stiff as a rock. As he waved to the top of the towering Abuse Tower, several skeletons came down, carrying maintenance tools and fuel in their hands.

However, these skeletons are different from Punk and Spider Foreman... They don't have heads equipped with optical receptors and central processing units.

"..."Seeing this, Spider Foreman seemed to be touched by something and said, "Are they... Your Majesty's 'Storm Slaves'? This is the first time I've seen them."

"What else?" Punk laughed, "You and I both know that he is the only one in the empire who is qualified and willing to do such a thing."

"General Screamer and I are just providing them with a place to live... Please."

He made a gesture.

The Spider Foreman did not respond to him immediately, but watched the headless skeletons known as "Storm Slaves" refueling the safety spiders and iron spiders behind him... After a long time, he saluted like a Screamer:

"...Everyone, thank you for your hard work."

Of course, the headless skeletons did not respond to him - they had lost their heads and central processors, and after such a transformation, they no longer had their own consciousness. Even as mechanical life, they were no different from being killed.

They could only follow the set procedures.

Execute orders.

Wiping over and over again, the mechanical spiders under his command were also rusty.

"Hmm." Punk maintained his posture and continued to gesture.

The Spider Foreman then turned his eyes and followed the engineer-type skeleton into the Abuse Tower.

Inside the tower, there were more skeletons working... Without exception, they all lost their heads.

Everywhere you look, there are abandoned instruments and machines, as well as several fallen safety spiders. In the vast hall, there are rows of ancient maintenance beds and lab tables that are extremely precious in the outside world... But many of them are damaged and can no longer work.

Spider Foreman did not have any special reaction to this.

Because everything is similar in his mechanical factory.

A thousand years is too long.

Even for skeletons, it is enough to destroy many things.

It is in ruins.

Punk took the skeleton all the way to the third floor. Unlike the various instruments on the first two floors, there are various electronic torture instruments and cages here.

And without exception, they are all for skeletons.

This made Spider Foreman feel a little uncomfortable.

But when he thought that this was the arrangement of General Screamer, he had no objection and said no more.

"Just like humans lose their reason and become like animals, those 'children' have no ability to restrain themselves, and occasionally we need to discipline them." Punk did not shy away, "It will probably be used once every few hundred years."

Most of the cages are empty.

Hearing this in Spider Foreman's receiver, his words became more credible.

At this time, a noisy and hoarse voice came from the empty third floor:


Spider Foreman's attention was drawn to it. It was obviously a mechanical sound, and Punk smiled and said:

"It's right here."

As he said that, he walked over.

In a rusty steel cage, a skeleton was bound tightly with shackles. Unlike the companions downstairs, it had a head.

And, unlike Engineer Punk and Screamer Spider Foreman, this skeleton's head was a large protruding camera, which could undoubtedly see far away.


Seeing the two people coming, the skeleton seemed to be furious. He stood up suddenly, and the steel body and shackles rubbed out a burst of sparks. His arms grabbed the railing fiercely.

"Skeleton warrior..." Spider Foreman was stunned. He recognized the other party's model - because of the existence of this iconic camera-shaped head, their perception ability is beyond ordinary people, and they often serve as snipers in the empire.

However, he didn't understand why this type of skeleton was called a "warrior" - in comparison, his "Screamer" had more bonuses in close combat ability and was more suitable for modern battlefields. The Screamer Corps was also one of the most famous and powerful in the empire.

On the contrary, the skeleton warriors were usually sent to the police camp. Except for the end of the empire, the world was quite peaceful most of the time, factories were fully productive, and materials were extremely abundant... It was the most wonderful period, with almost no crime, and the police camp only needed a little supervision, it was a place for retirement, and there was no need to fight.

In the later period, the empire was in turmoil.

The work of maintaining public order was also handed over to the law enforcers who had been transformed and were strong and healthy...

Could it be that when the creator designed the skeletons, he thought that these models who were good at using bows and crossbows were more suitable to be warriors... This was very difficult for Spider Foreman to imagine.

"Why doesn't it speak?"

Spider Foreman noticed that the skeleton warrior in the cage did not communicate with any other meaningful words except struggling wildly and making sounds similar to "Agnu".

Obviously, its head was still intact.

Seeing his companion in this state, it was scratched and sparked. Spider Foreman felt a little bit reluctant and subconsciously wanted to open the cage.

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