He thought about it, and a light screen appeared in front of him, and the list scrolled.

Module list.

Finally, a row of items stopped.

However, it was still gray.

Locked, unable to click.

——【Whistleblower (A-level)】

Because installing it requires test permissions to be unlocked to A-level, it is naturally unresponsive now.

You can only browse it.

But this does not mean that Lu Meng is not familiar with it.

The Whistleblower, like the White Eyebrow Clan, is one of the abandoned projects remaining at the bottom of the game, and will not appear in the starting world during normal play.

Only through the module can it be unlocked and added to the game.

However, as a real world.

These abandoned projects exist in the form of clues.

The experience of the White Eyebrow Clan has reminded Lu Meng to pay attention to changes in this regard, so that when Zero Two appears, he can identify his identity and be prepared.

——The guards used to guard this whistleblower are all beemen from the swamp or Shek warriors of the Skeleton Group... In other words, there are no humans.

The Shek tribe originated in the late Second Empire. The Empire used humans through gene editing surgery to transform them into "law enforcers"; the origin of the Hive tribe is a mystery, but the skeletons almost unanimously said that they had never seen them in the Empire... They would only appear later.

For the Whistleblower, who is not a citizen of the Second Empire and lives in seclusion in the reservation tribe.

They naturally have never seen them.

There is no way to distinguish.

Zero Two has an obsession with peeling people's skin, but after all, he is a robot and does not know how to adapt. When he realized that these guards were not human, he just knocked them down without taking any further action.

After all, even if they peeled off their skin.

They can't turn into humans.

The Whistleblower was not created for the Shek tribe and the Bee People.

And it is precisely because of this.

Lu Meng can guide Zero Two to "escape" without loss and without making him suspicious, and run to the designed direction.

That is, by his side.

Even hinting to the other party that he is the same kind.

Under normal circumstances, Ling Er would not be in a hurry to retreat. If he had been in contact with the skeletons for a long time, he would be exposed as soon as he checked the identification code.

Instead, he was in a hurry.

Ling Er would never have calculated that in addition to the ability of the whistleblower, the face-pinching module could achieve seamless skin replacement, which was very lifelike.

Then he could only reserve the conclusion for now.

Wait until he returns to the organization in the future to confirm it... However, he can never go back, there is no such opportunity.

What Lu Meng wants is to use Ling Er's death to make his identity an ironclad evidence - and then send him to the place of revenge.

It took such a long detour.

But it was worth it.

He looked at the army behind him: the Skeleton Corps soldiers, they were born martial and brave, needless to say, their only flaw was the common problem of the Shek tribe - backward weapons and equipment.

This was even more true for the Skeleton Corps that had wandered in the wilderness.

However, after Lu Meng's arming, with the warrior armor left behind by the United City, each Broken Horn warrior became a heavy infantryman. Regardless of quantity or quality, their weapons were even better than the regular army of the Shak Kingdom.

On the other side, the crimson wolf cavalry covered the plain like a tide: with the assistance of the entire Eastern Shem tribe and the trainers of the White Eyebrow Clan, Lu Meng only needed to use the B-level trainer module to eliminate the wildness of the Bone Burial Wolf, and the rest of the work could be left to them.

The number of domesticated mounts has expanded in large numbers.

Because the Bone Burial Wolf was not enough, Lu Meng specially offered a bounty. If one was captured, a large reward of coins would be awarded based on its physique, health and other dimensions... Encouraged by this, a wolf hunting wave was once launched among the herdsmen.

During the entire beast disaster, the migrating Bone Burial Wolf Pack was almost hunted to death.

In the wild, wolves are certainly a terrifying threat.

But as the things in Shandi and the major tribes were integrated and gathered together by Lu Meng, a large army was mobilized to escort and eliminate threats... In front of the civilized war machine, the organization of the wolf pack was not worth mentioning.

After being dispersed, those who were not captured on the spot fell into the hands of hunters from various tribes.

For riders, the official drawings of the wolf saddle designed by Qi Ke and improved by Lu Meng have been delivered to the leatherworkers in the skinning town, and large-scale production and promotion have begun. In Shandi, there is no need to worry about the problem of raw materials.

With the assistance of riding equipment, the difficulty of training is greatly reduced. Almost all the bee soldiers from the swamp who meet the conditions should be selected, and the time for batch formation is also faster than before.

At the same time, it is also convenient to develop more tactics.

Today's wolf cavalry has officially exceeded the thousand-man regiment... This number is already quite impressive. You must know that the number of burial wolves as mounts plus the number of replacements is an astonishing number of meat consumed every day.

In a sense.

They eat much better than their masters, the hardy bee riders.

Only the food produced in the swamps, plus the domesticated herds of the Shan tribes, can afford the daily expenses of such a unique army.

The advantage is that the wolf cavalry is no longer just a scout or a small-scale harassment as it was at the beginning. This thousand-man regiment is enough to crush the enemy even if it charges head-on on the battlefield.

And their mobility is far superior to other troops.

In addition, there are the original armed forces of the Shandi tribe: in addition to the warriors of the North Wind Clan who have pledged allegiance to Lu Meng, the scale of the soldiers of the White Eyebrow Clan is even larger. In terms of the number of troops alone, their tribe has exceeded the total number of the swamps in Shandi.

These warriors from wandering tribes may not have received professional military training and are also insufficient in weapons and equipment. After all, even if the weapons seized from the United City are excluded, Shark Village has its own military production line... But no one can question the morale and bloodiness of the herdsmen.

This is in the beast disasters of generations.

Refined from blood.

Like dry grass, it seems that it is about to break and shatter, but in fact it has the toughness that can't be blown away by the strong wind, and there is hidden vitality.

In addition, there are crossbow troops trained by Cang Cui... Even though the Embers Cult is not military-oriented, the Crusaders established under Griffin's leadership are small in number, but they are the most cybernetic organization in the entire cult... And there is also the engineering department of Woman, which is stepping up the construction of fortifications on the border of the Vengeance Land...

It can be said that this is the armed force that Lu Meng can mobilize now, and it is only conventional forces. Without considering himself - whether from the perspective of combat power or scale, from the quality of armaments or the ratio of arms... From many aspects, they can already be regarded as a rare strong army in the world.

On the surface of the continent, except for the three major countries.

There are not many forces that can match it.

Not to mention ordinary gangs.

However -

The Vengeance Land does not represent the power on the surface.

It is the shadow of history.

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