"Thank you, Red King...Thank you, Mr. Lu."

Ronin spoke, his tone solemn.

With Mr. Gray's platform, it was naturally impossible for him to object, not to mention that the bee man himself also recognized the reality.

He clasped his hands into his fists and performed an ancient ritual that was rare in the world - this was passed down by Galahad, the first generation of gentleness.

And this is said to have been restored and interpreted by Huairou Zhe from ancient image data, and has a history that is older than the existing empire.

Except for the heirs who practice ancient martial arts.

Others won’t use it and don’t deserve it.

When Diwu did this, besides apologizing and thanking him, he also acknowledged Lu Meng's identity and admitted that the other party was better than him.

——But in Lu Meng’s eyes.

A soldier bowed to him, which still looked a bit weird... He didn't even have five fingers.

He returned the gesture with a fist in his arms.

The movements are standard and the reactions are crisp and clear.

Diu felt warm in his heart: The other party was so calm, he held back during the battle, and he did not humiliate him too much after defeating him - with Mr. Gray here, even if he did this, the anti-slavery people would not be able to say anything. Words come.

Such generosity and philosophy.

Even among new anti-slavery people who have just started practicing ancient martial arts, they still need special teaching and patient explanation.

In order to let them understand the principle of using force to stop killing.

In contrast, Lu Beiyou has been able to achieve this since Jie Ge just came into contact with the martial arts of the Huairou Master...

He is indeed the legendary Red King.


Diu didn't understand it very well. He could be persuaded by simply telling him about his acquaintance with Mr. Gray and his anti-slavery actions.

He had to come up and beat himself up first.

As if the purpose was to beat him up...

I can't find any reason to refute it.

However, just like the truth he wanted to tell the Red King before, he also found a way to twist it before he said it... The other party may have noticed this and adopted the same method.

Just replace the foreshadowing with fists.

From a certain angle, it's really thoughtful.

Thinking of this, Diu hesitated and said: "Mr. Lu, I have something to tell you, about those words before..."

"No need." It was Mr. Gray who replied, but the Beehive Prince interrupted him again, "Mr. Lu has known about it for a long time. He has discussed this matter with me before."

Diu: "Huh?"

In the organization, Mr. Gray can always figure out other people's thinking, and can even guess what the other person is going to say before they speak.

And this bee prince is a person who pursues efficiency. When he is anxious, he likes to speak for others and say everything himself.

If you are in a hurry, save money.

The anti-slavery people were used to it.

But, you said Lu Beiyou already knew, what...

"'The enemy of the enemy is not necessarily a friend', this is what I told you - but you did not say the second part: the friend of the enemy is also an enemy." After saying that, the bee prince looked away from Di. Wu turned to Lu Meng, "Especially in the merchant guild... in Long En's eyes."

"In the swamp, in the flashland... Red King, you have defeated the plans of the merchant guild one after another, which surprises me." He changed to a more formal title, "What surprises me even more is that Long En's side The response was mediocre, which led us to make a judgment call.”

"Perhaps, the lost profits of the Merchant Guild in these two areas are nothing, not enough to make them angry, or in other words: not enough to make Long En take notice."

Lu Meng looked at the panel himself. The Merchant Guild still showed the word "Neutral" favorability.

Thoughtful, he said nothing.

Hui continued: "Now it seems that this made us anti-slavery people misjudge the importance of the guild strategy, which is also one of the factors in this defeat... Maybe it was within Long En's expectation... But At that time, it showed that the more important point was——"

"Lu Beiyou, there is no need for you to be enemies of the merchant guild." He said in a solemn tone, "If we just continue to develop quietly like this, they may not come to you again."

——But, if it has anything to do with anti-slavery people.

That's different.

Long En will instantly regard you as a thorn in his side. This represents not only him personally, but also the vast land and recruiting capabilities of the huge empire he relies on, the trade network across the continent, and nearly unlimited wealth, and even the ability to The interest exchange route that runs through the old enemies of the Holy Kingdom and the United City... as well as countless dependent forces.

Even though it seems to be falling.

But it represents the era itself.

Resonance with history.

This continent has a history of slipping from glory, so it is not surprising.

Anti-slavery opponents certainly needed help.

But even if a new red king is added, it will not be able to escape this era.

It may even implicate others.

They were crushed together.

"'Enemy of your enemy'... doesn't mean you, Lu Beiyou." He said calmly, "but it means us. We may not necessarily be your friends, and we may not necessarily be our friends."

It was associated with anti-slavery people.

For the illusory ideal of liberation, use everything you save.

Might as well do it for a limited time.

With more protection, we have won over the people of Swamp and Shem, and created more blessings.

"This is Xiquan's suggestion... or an order to me." Hui said, "He has paid attention to you... To be honest, he rarely expresses his views to me so directly. On the one hand, maybe it's because we haven't embarked on the journey. On the other hand, I also wondered if he was boxing all day long and the processor was rusty... Fortunately, it wasn't. "

A few muffled laughs could be heard scattered among the crowd.

It is different from being half in awe and half in awe of Mr. Gray.

Making fun of their boss is a popular activity among anti-slavery people, and even the serious Gray himself is not immune to this.

But, in the bee man's teasing tone.

And with a hint of complexity.

Like envy.

Jaeger and Bo on the other side looked at each other and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

They had known the order before.

Understand the organization's decision on how to deal with the relationship with the Red King - it is best not to have a relationship.

And this is not done out of malice.

It is precisely because of too much concern.

Therefore, when the atmosphere between the two parties was cold for a while, they wanted to clarify, but after all, this was not a reason that they could tell the parties themselves.

"But now it seems that our initial judgment was also very wrong..." Hui's tone changed, and he was about to say something when suddenly a siren sounded from all around.

The anti-slavery people suddenly became nervous.

Lu Meng pointed to the ground: "This is my village."

It was normal for the guards to come over.

Before they could breathe a sigh of relief, they heard "Ahhhhhh-who demolished the house I repaired!"


Like Warman's voice.

They all looked at Lu Meng.

It was you, the Red King, who did it yourself...

But then, Mr. Gray made a gesture and ordered: "You guys should find a way to deal with it yourself and tell the truth."

He looked at Lu Meng again, saw the other person nodded and said, "We will discuss it in detail later."

Then he followed them and left the scene in a hurry without stopping.

It is in line with this bee man's usual style.

By the time the anti-slavery people reacted, they were already surrounded by villagers, guards and soldiers.

They could only look at each other: "..."

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