Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 580: Borrowing a Knife to Kill

As soon as he mentioned this, Bee Man couldn't help but see a hint of pain and annoyance in his tone.

If we must start from the strategic level, Ronin Marian also dealt a heavy blow to the United City before he died: the United City's rule over remote places relying on edge towns was not very reliable in the first place, and the generals who are now in charge cannot If they attack, their power will only shrink further.

This way.

From the Valley of Vengeance to remote places, plus the surrounding destinations, the Storm Mouth Coast, and Aversion...the entire central part of the Eastern Continent will become a hollow zone for the United City's power, completely cutting off the North and South United Cities.

This is also the first step for anti-slavery activists to become active.

There is a gap between the North and South United Cities.

But when facing rebellious slaves.

The noble lords will still put aside their conflicts and truly unite again. This is not a conflict.

Now that they can cut off the connection between the two parties, it can even be regarded as a major victory from a certain perspective... However, they could have paid a smaller price.

"Long En saw that the separation of the North and South United Cities was an unstoppable trend. Even the merchants' guild was powerless... Of course, he thought about making up for it." Hui looked at Lu Meng, "So there was a fight between the swampland and the south. Shen intervened."

Once these two areas are opened up.

It can be said that the North and South United Cities are directly adjacent to each other.

Although due to the rainforest environment and the impact of animal disasters, United City may not be willing to rule by itself, but it can still be done by supporting local agents and only enjoying the benefits without taking responsibility.


All these plans failed.

Without these two strategic locations, the route from a remote place to South Union City becomes insignificant.

You may also be attacked along the way.

It seems that Long En decided to give up on this piece of tasteless and useless piece of chicken ribs, but he used it to inflict heavy losses on the anti-slavery people.

Bring out the last bit of value.

"As a result, you won't be able to organize large-scale operations in a short period of time. Even if the North-South United City seems to be cut off, their caravan will still not be attacked when it passes..." The person who spoke was Lu. Dream, "Or, 'free competition'."

This is a corridor that runs through the Eastern Continent.

After losing the influence of the United City, it will once again become a neutral zone and become the object of competition for countless surrounding forces, each based on their own abilities.

Doing business in such a chaotic territory.

Just like when the merchant guild made its fortune.

Difficult, but not impossible.

It's just not safe anymore.

"That's right." Hui nodded, "And now I think about it, with the decline and desolation of Aikuang Town and the Depression Lagoon, the overall industry of South Union City has gone downhill. The remaining Colons and Wandering End will no longer have military strength. It's just a larger fishing village, and only Kaidun City can still maintain its advantage in forging military industry. "

With the rise of Northern Union City, and the fact that they have traditionally owned important grain-producing terms of trade, the South needs the North even more.

This is what Long En is interested in.

After the contact was cut off, these sword-wielding nobles, who had always been unruly and were not yet under his control, became even more anxious.

"You have to be prepared," he said.

Lu Meng nodded lightly.

If there were natural disasters and another brown drought-like famine occurred in South Union City, they would be desperate to prevent another rebellion. They didn't know what they would do.

First thing that comes to mind.

It is to open up the connection between the north and the south.

And the first one to bear the brunt is Shandi.

However, there may be too many people here who are thinking about it. Preparing one is still preparation, and preparing ten is still preparation. They are all the same workload.

There are no special fluctuations.

"Now that I think about it, my biggest mistake was that I misjudged the importance Long En attached to you... Just because he didn't take action doesn't mean he didn't see it." The Bee Prince hid back in the shadows, even if it wasn't visible on the outside. But as an old man, Hui Zhenzhen still feels uncomfortable in his bones because he can't bask in the sun. "Now he has not only severely damaged our anti-slavery people, but his authority in the country will be further improved, and the situation seems to be heading towards the United City." On the negative side, this may not necessarily be the case for his own merchant guild..."

Luring anti-slavery people into action, voluntarily abandoning remote corridors, and severing connections between the north and the south can induce the nobles in the south to take action - they are enemies anyway.

At first it looked like giving up.

And be able to take care of both.

What the other party is best at is killing people with a borrowed knife.

Gray sighed.

The weakening of the United City and the strengthening of the Chamber of Commerce... I don't know whether this situation is easier or more difficult to deal with...

He led the anti-slavery people to settle down in [Stober's Adventure], and he rose up and developed among the powerful bandits. It can be said that he was like a fish in water.

But once they actually face the United Cities.

Meet the man behind it.

Whether it was the balance of power that could be mobilized or the depth of his plans, he still felt somewhat inadequate.

It can only be done with sacrifices little by little.

in exchange for living space.

And that elusive victory.

Long En was able to stay behind the scenes, so that his own power would not suffer a substantial blow.

"What should we do about the prison robbery?" Lu Meng asked.

"Now that we know it's bait, we can't get on the pole to bite the hook." Hui said, "The people Kami brought have been returned. As for Diu..."

He pursed his lips in the direction of the construction site.

This ronin was carrying bricks so fast that he forgot everything else... With his war-level physique and speed, he could almost replace a small engineering team.

Plus the labor tradition of anti-slavery.

Even if Lu Meng went down himself, he might not be able to match him.

Mr. Gray's words were very clear.

At this point, under the current situation, the prison break can only be cancelled.

And that's why.

He revealed so much to Lu Meng.

A failed plan is equivalent to waste paper, and its only remaining value is to be used as a topic of conversation.

"Hmm..." Lu Meng thought.

He could hear the deep resentment buried in Gray's calm and even relaxed words.

Just as the bee man said.

In the vault dungeon, many anti-slavery companions were imprisoned. As the Tengu Emperor went there for vacation every year, they were also tortured.

Until death.

Such an ending is even more tragic than being directly sentenced to death after being caught by the imperial police.

But from a certain perspective, Tengu has an exceptionally good vision. Ordinary criminals are not qualified to enter this prison vault.

The "toys" that he can choose are all people with extraordinary talents and strong wills in certain fields. It is more interesting to make such people kneel down and be convinced.

The time to play and enjoy.

It is also longer.

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