Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 591 Gift (Combined Chapter)

“Knock, knock.”

A figure crawled in with a knock on the door and placed the tray in front of the two people’s desk, which was filled with tea for the guests.

The figure didn’t say hello and ran out again.

The bee man prince Hui picked up a cup of tea.

In the past, when he was among the anti-slavery fighters, he never needed anyone to serve him, but... seeing the figure who just came in, he didn’t know what to say.

Because, it was a baby beaked gorilla.

These animals usually run and walk on all fours, and only stand up at critical moments. This baby was too young and too weak to go to the construction site, so it had to be raised in the camp.

After a long time, he was influenced by what he saw and heard, and his movements and trajectories were learned like a real person.

"...I didn't expect it could be done this way." The bee prince took a sip of tea and said frankly with a hint of helplessness and admiration: "What's in your mind?"

"The wandering tribe has always lived on animal husbandry, and using animal power has been a tradition since civilization... There's nothing surprising about it, right?" Another person said, "It's just expanding the category."

It was Lu Meng.

Not long ago, he received a report that it was the season for harvesting grain in the swamp. A large number of pack animals were needed to transport materials, and suitable oxen were needed for farming next year... After cooperating with the Shandi tribe, these problems were largely resolved.

For example, the Far Traveler Clan, it certainly gained a lot of benefits from the trade between the two places and rose rapidly.

And the village swamp people who did business with these herdsmen were also happy.

From the total amount.

With the Shandi livestock entering the swamp, now as a village collective, every grain-producing village can own at least one ox.

In the past, only towns controlled by large gangs could afford to buy livestock, but now it can be said that it is very different.

The key point is that once the land of Shan is stable and peaceful, and there are no frequent animal disasters, the number of pack animals that the wandering tribe can provide will continue to increase.

When the production of the village is saturated, the spare labor force will be absorbed by the newly opened industrial factories... The development of both places can spiral upward.

Hui laughed.

Sometimes he didn't know whether the other party really didn't understand what he meant, or was just pretending to be stupid.

Of course he understood the lifestyle of the wandering tribe... But it was the first time he heard of using the method of domesticating beaked gorillas to replace manual labor.

These giant apes are tall and strong, especially their IQ, even if it is not as good as that of intelligent and civilized creatures, is still far beyond other wild animals.

After training.

They are fully capable of simple repetitive labor.

Orangutans even have "hands".

Operating some tools is no problem.

It can be said that the workload of an adult beaked gorilla in a day is equivalent to that of four ordinary wandering laborers-and the latter are from the stone mines, which is considered to be experienced.

The population of Shandi is not comparable to that of the city-states in prosperous and wealthy areas. Even if they are absorbing refugees to settle down, it is still a long process.

During this period, the successful domestication of the beaked gorillas has just made up for the shortage of labor. If they can be further trained and equipped with tailor-made tools in the future... they may become a group of special technical workers, and their potential is immeasurable.

"With them, how long can you speed up the construction of your defense line?" Mr. Gray decided to ignore the other party's stupidity. He didn't believe that the Red King didn't understand the value of it... After all, this was the method that the other party came up with.

"Five months... half a year." Lu Meng replied, "According to the current amount of work, the Great Wall of Shandi can be sealed half a year in advance."

This is only the outermost wall.

However, it is indeed a miracle to be able to do this now.

Not only the swamp engineering department, Shandi herdsmen, and the laborers left behind by the roaming ground are working at full capacity... the beaked gorillas really play a huge role.

As the beast disaster recedes, cleaning up free wild animals is also on the agenda.

It's just that in the past, the tribes of Shandi would wait for them to retreat on their own, but this time, people took the initiative to attack - with the mobility of wolf cavalry, it was almost equivalent to a pack of wolves hunting.

Needless to say, the other wild wolves had been caught long ago... The most difficult one left was the solitary and intelligent beaked gorilla.

Therefore, Lu Meng mainly used trapping tactics to capture and harvest in batches.

In addition to the white tent, there are many other traps... They may not be effective for ordinary wild animals, but they are special attacks on beaked gorillas with a certain degree of intelligence.

Just like dealing with humans.

Sometimes it's not about how smart you are, but about letting the opponent's greed destroy itself.

Being able to catch beaked gorillas is one aspect, and more importantly, being able to tame them.

In the past, even if herders captured beaked gorillas, they mostly abandoned them because their meat was inedible - the hunting cost-effectiveness was too low, and the tribal hunters were unwilling to take action, which to some extent further encouraged the gorillas' fearless arrogance.

In addition, like the beaked beast, the beaked gorilla is also extremely difficult to tame, and the difficulty of quantification is probably even higher than that of the bone-burying wolf.

However, Lu Meng was well prepared.

Moreover, to a certain extent, he could make these beaked gorillas work for him, and the ability to tame beasts was only auxiliary, not the main factor.

In this way, he could obtain such a large number of free strong laborers who had almost no other needs except food.

Greatly speeding up the construction of strongholds.

After listening to the time given by Lu Meng, Mr. Gray pondered for a moment: "Okay, then half a year."

"In the meantime... Diu will still stay here to help you deter other coveting forces that may come."

His words were calm, but every word seemed heavy, containing unimaginable weight.

Because that's just the way it is.

That is a war-level martial artist.

Even if it is not suitable for charging on the battlefield, its actual value is worth thousands of troops.

He knew why Lu Beiyou was so eager to build defensive fortifications and erect long walls on the grassland. He even thought of such an unorthodox method despite all the troubles and set his sights on wild beak-billed orangutans... all of this. Forced by the situation.

In other words, he was trapped.

"Lu Beiyou is trapped."

If you tell ordinary people that they are like the Red King at the height of their power, but at this moment their hands and feet are actually tied...then they will definitely think that you are crazy.

However, Mr. Gray knows:

This is a fact.

Moreover, this is precisely due to his war-level status.

Today's Shandi seems to be developing in full swing, and this is actually the case... But if it loses the Red King, it does not have the strength to independently fight against another war-level one.

The earthen wall, watchtower, and wolf cavalry mobile support mode are enough to resist the beast disaster...but if another war-level enemy comes, it will probably be killed directly.

This is why Diu led the team at the beginning. He had the confidence to dare to go deep into the flash ground even though he had only a dozen people. Of course, the result of his battle also proved what would happen if he rashly entered the flash ground with the Red King. same result.

Afterwards, Diwu reported to Hui, and the bee prince denied the idea that Lu Beiyou, as a new war-class, was hiding his strength - he judged that it was Lu Beiyou whose strength increased again during this period. , so that the intelligence of the anti-slavery people seemed to lag behind.

This conclusion,

In fact, it's even scarier than Diu's guess.

In other words, his current strength is not only far beyond the average war level... but also has the potential to continue to improve, which is visible to the naked eye.

This kind of strength is estimated to be equivalent to the two powerful ministers and ministers of the Holy Empire, the prince of the Shark Kingdom, and the generals of the United City who have truly achieved military exploits. They are only a handful on the entire continent... But with Mr. Gray's From a global perspective, this is far from enough.

After all, he is only one person.

Difficult to separate.

When the Red King is in hiding, the enemies may be wary and dare not take action... but once you leave, they will not hesitate to use all kinds of methods.

Ultimately, deterrence is not enough.

It is not enough to rely on one person's strength to make the other party dare not act rashly, at least so that the person who takes action cannot bear the consequences of revenge.

——Suppress everything.

It has to be done to this extent.

Throughout the ages, there have only been a few.

Among the heroes of this generation that Hui had seen, only the queen known as the Stone Demon had touched the edge... but that was all.

The Red King today is amazingly talented, and there may be hope of reaching that level in the future... but at least not yet.

Moreover, he heard a secret from Xiquan.

Or a hazy feeling.

It seems that those who can surpass the war level must first have certain qualifications as a prerequisite... Otherwise, even if they work hard throughout their lives and achieve all the conditions, they will only be locked on the threshold in the end.

As if, their choice.

It's all prescribed.

Of course, one of our chips may be burned out, so we can't take everything we say seriously.

Back to reality, Lu Beiyou can only try his best to make up for this weakness. When the avatar is weak, he develops the power of the land, raises military armaments, and builds city defenses, so that it can also fight against war-level armies. Protection - or in other words, can help him hold off another enemy of the same level.

If you are not prepared for this.

Hui couldn't think of any other reason.

But before that, there is an obvious solution: invite another war-level person to sit in and help protect.

"Don't worry about Diu's lack of experience," the bee prince stretched out his withered fingers and rubbed the rim of the cup, "Don't look at him like this now... When the anti-slavery people were first established, one time the Union City people discovered our We organized a large army to encircle and suppress the temporary stronghold. Even I felt that I had to abandon the vehicle to protect the commander and made a plan to move. It was Diu who led the newly formed militia to hold on for seven days and seven nights...until Xiquan arrived. "

Hui usually doesn't talk much, but that's when he can always guess the other person's thoughts. He has already made a plan in his heart, but he has no interest in speaking.

But when he met the white-haired young man in front of him, whose thinking was very different from that of ordinary people, the Bee Prince felt elusive and at the same time realized for the first time that he might still have some chatty qualities.

"Mr. Hamut has followed Jaeger to the south. To be honest, I can't stay here for long... But Diu is different. I just got a message - Tin Fist is back." Hui said, "The headquarters is temporarily here. There’s no need for him.”

Lu Meng noticed that when the bee prince mentioned the news about Tin Fist, his tone was relaxed from the bottom of his heart. It was completely different from the tense tone when his operation was foiled by Long En a few months ago.

It seemed like all worries were lost.

"Should I tell that ronin gentleman what he said?" he said.

"... That's not necessary." Hui laughed awkwardly, "Don't let Diu think I despise him."

He added:

"Let me tell them myself."

As an anti-slaver, the bee prince did not conceal the news of Tin Fist, to some extent, he wanted to borrow his influence.

——This "killing machine" is back.

Even if the anti-slavers suffered any disastrous defeat, the United City would not dare to pursue the victory;

It is precisely because of him that everyone has experienced many lows, and they are always like rooted weeds, revived in the spring breeze, and can't be eliminated.

If the anti-slavers hear the news of Tin Fist, they will also cheer up a lot.

No matter the strength or status, many people can't compare.

Hui looked at Lu Meng again.

There was a hint of solemnity in his eyes.

During this period, although neither side took the initiative to mention it, since that conversation, they all knew that they were in a certain community of interests.

With Shandi as the core, the connection between the North and South United Cities was cut off. Although both sides judged that Long En might stand aside and not take the initiative to attack, the United Cities did not belong to him alone.

Once under pressure from the nobles, or if the Tengu Emperor simply had a fit, the Imperial Army and their generals could still march at any time.

It goes without saying that Lu Beiyou had to keep Shandi, and once the Imperial Army opened up the north and south, it would also be very likely to threaten the anti-slavery people's current secret base "Spring Eye".

The anti-slavery people had just suffered a setback, and the Tin Fist was unable to sit in the situation... What Hui did not say was that that period was indeed their most critical time.

Otherwise, he would not have come to Shandi in person.

Real-time monitoring of the situation, convenient dispatch.

However, the harvest was better than expected.

The forces led by the Red King did change the production and life of the people under his rule, and at the same time, they did not tend to move closer to other corrupt forces.

It can be said that as long as Lu Beiyou is still here for one day, it will be difficult for the Imperial Army of the United City to go south and cross Shandi.

From this perspective.

The other party's "trapped" is what Hui likes and even expects.

But, this cannot be permanent.

It must change.

The bee prince stood up and raised his robe. A black and gold box suddenly appeared above the table, as if out of thin air. It is long and square, and its size even covers the entire round table.

But the action of falling is quite light.

There is no sound.

If the other party had hidden this box on his body before, I don't know where to put it. The size is already more than half the size of the bee man - this move made Lu Meng a little amazed.

"The trick I practiced in prison before..." Noticing his gaze, Hui smiled: "Just treat it as a parting gift... But it's shabby. You hope to return this gift to me after you use it. Although it may not be very valuable, it is given to me by others after all, and it is not easy to resell it."

"Okay." Lu Meng nodded.

As he watched the bee prince leave, a line of subtitles appeared in his sight:

[Anti-slaver (friendly)]

Is it just the third level... Lu Meng was a little surprised, but from another perspective.

A war-level ronin.

Plus this...

He lifted the box and felt its weight.

That was really a big gift.

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