Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 594 Orangutans can also go to heaven (combined chapter)

Accompanied by the wolf cavalry, Romi, Lius and other technology hunters came to the city.

The employer they escorted, the herdsman Cone, had completed the contract at this moment. After hearing that he was a trainer of the Far Traveler Clan, someone came to pick him up, which made Cone a little flattered.

He was from a small tribe.

He had never been treated like this before.

"It's different now," the soldier who led him saw the doubt and said, "Since the Red King came to Shandi, the potential of the trainers has also been mobilized-not only is he an extraordinary trainer himself, but he can even share this power, which is really unexpected."

In the past, in addition to being able to better control the herd and make herding easier, the trainers were actually no different from ordinary herdsmen.

Only when there was a beast disaster,

they could use their abilities to help the tribe avoid it in advance, or set bait to confuse the beast...increase everyone's chance of survival.

Frequent beast disasters.

It also created the status of the trainer.

However, this is only a temporary solution.

In the final analysis, the beasts in the beast disaster are too fierce, and ordinary beast trainers can't do anything to them; and the cattle and sheep grazing on the grassland are too docile, so too strong beast training skills are unnecessary.

It's neither high nor low.

It's stuck here.

Therefore, even if the Shandi tribe has the ability to train beasts, which is quite rare in the eyes of the outside world, it has not caused much change and turmoil... until the appearance of Wumian broke through this limit.

When the Red King allowed ordinary people in Shandi to completely possess the ability to fight against the beast disaster, some people once predicted that the status of beast trainers might plummet - because the logic that originally supported it no longer existed.

But the result is just the opposite.

People's demand for beast trainers has increased, making this profession directly a hot commodity.

The reason is also very simple--

"Boneyard wolves, beaked gorillas... and what is that, am I seeing it right?" Romi secretly looked at it while poking his companions with his elbows, "Is it a land bat and a swamp velociraptor?"

Lius held his glasses and nodded.

They had already seen the appearance of wolf cavalry and the process of capturing beaked gorillas.

But when they really arrived in the Land of Light.

After entering the wall and sending off their employers, the technology hunters began to move freely.

They found that there were more than two kinds of wild animals everywhere, but they were the most numerous. After all, they were the main component of the animal disaster besides beaked gorillas.

As for the others, they might just be passing by.

Then they were caught.

"The ones following them should be the trainers of the Land of Light..." Liu Si said, "In addition to traditional livestock, the range of animals that can be domesticated has greatly increased."

"How do you explain this?" Romi looked at him with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

In the past, if there were any problems during cooperation, his companion could usually answer them.

However, this time he was destined to be disappointed.

"...It's hard to say." Liu Si shook his head, as if to change the subject, and talked about something else, "I saw it in the research notes of a senior, and he proposed a guess."

"From the perspective of anatomy, the most active humans today - that is, us, our body structure does not seem to have evolved on this land: according to the gravity coefficient calculated by the mechanics, humans should be more slender and light to glide directly or simply become heavier and larger, with enough friction to step on the ground... at least like the Shak people."

"Compared to this world, humans are like outsiders."

"Oh, you said this." Romi thought for a while: "But I remember that the mainstream school of mechanics has refuted what you said - if we are not the native race of this land, why are we so adapted to the environment here?"

Especially, as the strength grows.

From exaggerated strength, speed and recovery ability, to physical changes that can withstand extreme environments such as high temperature, low oxygen and toxic gas erosion.

There are many manifestations that even exceed the scope of carbon-based organisms. If you think about it, it is even more outrageous than mechanical skeletons.

Isn't this the result of evolution?

"I know all this too." Liu Si nodded, "But what if... this adaptability is acquired after birth?"

Work hard and you will become stronger.

Aiming will make you more sensitive...getting hit will make you stronger.

These self-repairing characteristics can also be reflected normally in ordinary organisms, but in terms of the "cultivation" system that is now widely popular on the continent, it seems too exaggerated.

It even has a sense of use and disuse.

Liu Si looked at his palm: "The theory of genetic modification has a certain influence at the end of the world. Their school has even conducted experiments and found examples from the previous reports of the Berserkers of the Shak Kingdom. It is basically about to become the mainstream...but it has never been suspected of us humans."

"The mechanics believe that they have not seen any traces of genetic modification in humans...but what if this is just because the current detection level is not enough?"

"You know, compared to that ancient civilization, even if we have worked hard for thousands of years, the part that can be revived is only ten thousandth...even one billionth, just like digging out a Mars that has not yet faded from the extinguished ashes."

On this point, technology hunters have a say.

"Indeed." Romi put his hands on his hips: "Then what part of our human body do you think has been modified? I have read the puberty education manual left over from ancient times... There is no big difference between us, we are all two Only one eye and one mouth.”

"Including the Sons of the Scorched Earth?" Liu Si asked back.

"Uh." Romi paused.

Both of them are sons of the green field among humans, but he has forgotten this... these compatriots with different hair and eyes.

"You want to say that the Sons of the Scorched Earth were transformed... but we all know that they are a subspecies that gradually evolved in the wasteland after the demise of the old empire..."

Tech Hunters pass archaeological remains.

It is confirmed that before the present world, there were at least two unified civilizations.

One is closer, the Skeleton Empire thousands of years ago. The current continent is built on their ruins.

The other is an ancient civilization that didn’t know when it started or how long it existed before the Skeleton Empire.

Not to mention technology hunters, even long-lived skeletons cannot judge the origin and survival of this civilization, whether this civilization has another era, and whether there is an earlier civilization before it.

It can only be collectively referred to as the "Old Empire".

The skeleton men who overthrew the old empire and established a unified continental regime were accordingly called the "Second Empire".

In today's world, there is no force that can compare with their influence.

"According to the book "Evolution" written by the old empire, the evolution of living things can often be recorded in millions of years," Liu Si said softly, "but from the demise of the old empire to the establishment of the second empire, no matter how long it was, it was only a few generations... short Time of chaos, is this enough for us humans to evolve subspecies like the Sons of the Scorched Earth?”

Romi closed his mouth.

He knew that he would definitely not be able to argue with this companion academically, and he had no such intention.

The reason for my rebuttal was just to raise my own questions, hoping to get answers.

"Then what do you think we should do?" He murmured softly, "If we can understand this problem, we don't need to be technology hunters. We can go directly to the end of the world to apply for professors."

"Don't worry." Liu Si smiled, "Those mechanics have been arguing about the problems we can think of for hundreds of years... Each company has also given its own hypothesis."

"And what I just thought of..." The technology hunter looked into the distance. Surrounded by a priest, his whole body covered in black robes and his face completely hidden in the shadows, he slowly walked towards the team of animal trainers. , "It's just one of them."

The priest, like other congregants, had a cluster of eye-catching silver-gray marks on his back, but what was different from the people around him was that the ashes on his back also shone with a trace of red, which was painted with special paint.

Like firewood that is about to burn out.

It's like a flame about to be rekindled.

"Is that the Red King?" Romi was attracted by his gaze, "Is that what Shandi calls the First Fire?"

As for Embers and First Fire, they had already inquired about this new faith.

In addition to Liusi, there are other technology hunters recorded in manuals.

Liu Si did not answer, but heard a long burst of music.

The man in black robe put something to his lips and blew it, and the animal trainers around him sang together, forming a series of symphonies in an instant, floating along the Great Wall.

Just when technology hunters are puzzled.

Countless white figures screamed "Oooh" and flew over and over from the inside and outside of the wall. Their powerful claws climbed on the cracks in the rock. There was a burst of thunder and the ground shook.

But it was the beak-billed orangutan who had lost his job.

In other words, it's time for them to rest.

While maintaining order, the animal trainer distributed prepared food to these giant apes, each with a full basket... Only the man in black robe who was the first to blow the bone-calling sound did not move.

The beak-billed orangutan was extremely excited after receiving the food. Although he didn't know why he was caught here, he was tired from working every day... but the only good thing was that he had a full esophagus.

Compared to being in the wild.

That's quite rare.

But they were obviously extremely hungry. After receiving the food, they did not start scrambling for food like the apes in people's minds. Instead, they first strangely raised the basket in their paws in the same direction -

Towards the man in black robe.

The man in black robe raised his hand, showing his strong knuckles.

"Whoa whoa!"

The beak-billed orangutans shouted excitedly, then took out a piece of food from the basket and threw it at the man in black robes, landing at his feet. After a while, it piled up like a mountain.

As the bone sounds accompanied by the animal trainers sounded again, they began to reveal their true nature and ate in large quantities. After a feast of gluttonous food, they were each led back to their workstations.

Naturally, the man in black robe did not pick up the orangutan food on the ground to eat, but let others clean it up and turn around to use it next time.

"...It's also a god." Liu Si understood clearly the way the other party controlled the beak-billed orangutan.

——It is difficult to tame these beak-billed orangutans simply by relying on the animal taming abilities of wandering tribes. Otherwise, the people in Shandi would have done it long ago, and why would they wait until now?

However, they are intelligent.

This is both an advantage.

It's also a weakness.

Just like people can be deceived and brainwashed, if the orangutans have cognition, they can also use cognition to control them.

Just like the old ape that Romi, Liu Si and others met, it was a tribal organization formed under the guise of the White Tent "Sanctuary".

——The current situation is the same.

The difference is that they transferred the belief of the beaked gorilla in the White Tent to specific people.

The first fire of the flash land.

The herdsmen's ability to tame animals is only used as a bridge of communication... This requires much less talent and energy consumption than forcibly controlling and taming them.

Just like the scene just now.

It is easy to accept food.

But if you want so many animals to take out their own share and share it with each other... then they must be their leaders.

In this way, it is like commanding subordinates.

The elder beaked gorilla is the former "beast king" who retreated.

Liu Si was surprised.

Others are thinking of using their abilities to tame wild beasts... Only he is thinking of using his ability to tame animals to preach to them?

This is no longer a heretical concept.

—— Orangutans can also go to heaven.

Of course, this is only effective for animals of this type... The other party obviously made a specific plan and program.

There are other methods to tame other animals.

It's good as long as the result is the same.

"That should be the Red King." Liu Si judged, picking up Romi's previous words, "People in the wandering tribe said that he is the most powerful and greatest tamer in the history of Shandi... I thought it was exaggerated before, but I didn't expect it to be underestimated."

He couldn't judge the specific taming ability, but seeing that the gorillas fully understood the meaning, it should be extremely strong.

Just talking about this thinking.

It's all a wonder.

It is precisely because the Red King has developed a variety of different taming methods and cleverly targeted the habits and characteristics of different creatures that other tamers who are not as strong as him can also use their existing abilities to pry the giant beasts that were originally untamable.

The scope is suddenly opened.

The tamers in Shandi began to have a lot of room for their skills, and it is natural that there is a shortage of talents.

As for the specific rewards...

With Liu Si's knowledge, he dared not force himself to imagine. He could only say: If someone judged their potential only from the past alliance of grassland tribes, no matter how high the expectations were, it would be underestimated.

And this reminded him of the hypothesis that he had not finished talking to Romi...

If humans are really outsiders.

Flash, that is where they first appeared.

"Everyone, the Red King invites you."

At this time, a personal soldier in iron armor discovered the technology hunter and rushed over to invite: "If you don't mind... this way."

They hurriedly returned the greeting, which was of course acceptable.

However, before leaving, Romi and Liu Si looked at each other and looked at the distance at the same time, looking at the priest who was gradually leaving in the opposite direction under the escort of the Embers Cult. Silver gray and sparks were jumping on his black robe.

Isn't he just doing this?

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