Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 598: Setting up a Station

Hearing this, all the tech hunters sat up subconsciously, showing a different level of importance than at the beginning.

After some communication, they almost all recognized Lu Beiyou as one of their own... the proportion was at least more than 80%.

The only thing missing.

The other party was not a member of the tech hunters after all.

Although this was also an essential difference.

But to listen to the communication of a silver card owner, these details can be completely ignored.

"Mr. Lu, please speak." As the second leader, Romi spoke.

He heard a hint of request in the other party's tone.

"Then I won't hide it." Lu Meng smiled, "After entering the pass for a few days, everyone should have seen the scenery of the flash land. I wonder what you think..."

"Is it possible for tech hunters to set up relay stations in our flash land?"

Hearing this, Romi suddenly realized: "Relay stations..."

Relay stations are stations that tech hunters use to rest and replenish supplies throughout the continent. The largest ones also serve as trade, diplomacy and even military fortresses.

Being able to set up a large relay station often means that the technology hunters control the local area, or have close cooperation with local forces.

For example, the headquarters of the technology hunters today, Black Scratch Town, was once developed from a relay station, and its remains are still in the town.

And the Depression Lake Town, which was purchased cheaply from the United City, can also be regarded as a large relay station for them to some extent.

Lu Meng mentioned at this time that what is needed is not an ordinary rest station, but a large relay station like the latter that can establish contact with technology hunters at any time, exchange technology, and facilitate trade procurement.

In the territory of the Shak Kingdom, under the promotion of Bayan, the technology hunters set up a large relay station in the Stan Desert. Lu Meng went to just one of their sub-bases.

It can be said that communication with technology hunters is one of the important factors in promoting the development of the new policy and allowing the Shak Kingdom to catch up in the field of technology.

Now, excluding the top black technology such as the research results from the intelligent core, the infrastructure of the swamp and the flash land under Lu Meng's control is still behind that of the Shek Kingdom, so that they need to use food exports in exchange for the other party's replacement of obsolete mechanical equipment... Instead of this, why not go directly to their superiors-the technology hunters?

Even if the technology hunters can set up a station in the flash land.

It can also solve or at least alleviate the demand of the Embers for mid-range mechanical prostheses...

Romi and Liu Si looked at each other.

To be honest, setting up such a relay station is a big deal, and the local politics, economy, security and location factors must be fully considered.

Either the local area is particularly dangerous, and there are many ruins waiting to be explored, and the relay station is needed to protect it, such as the relay stations they set up in the Valley of Vengeance and Stob Garden, and the relay station set up in Arak, which has now been destroyed by the Lord of Insects and turned into a throne.

Or, it is to cooperate with local forces, and it cannot be an ordinary force, at least the three major countries... The Holy Kingdom is hopeless, and the remaining Shek Kingdom, United City, and Technology Hunters have stations.

For the rest, they will also set up some at the transportation hubs, which will be much smaller in scale and only used for transit, and the environment must be safe.

There are no relics worth exploring in Shandi. There are endless grasslands and barren mountains as far as the eye can see, which meets the requirement of a transportation hub... But in the past, beast disasters were rampant, and the technology hunters were powerful but not stupid. They didn't want to fight with beaked beasts from time to time, so they never planned to set up a station here.

"Mr. Lu... Your Excellency the Red King, this is not something we can decide." Romi took a sip of the wine on the table. The white eyebrow liquor was spicy, but he smiled and said: "But we will definitely bring your suggestions to the headquarters, and we are willing to be your sponsors."

Liu Si on the side nodded and said:

"Although I can't guarantee it 100%... But from my point of view, the probability of the headquarters passing is very high."

Today is different from the past.

Today's Shandi is very different from before. The Great Wall has risen out of thin air, blocking the long-necked beasts and the lurking enemies outside, and safety is guaranteed.

The nomadic tribes were unified under the Red King, and the interactive trade support with the swamps made the development of the two places complement each other and advance by leaps and bounds.

Construction is also in full swing.

It can be said that the technology hunters have fully met the conditions for setting up a relay station here.

For them, it is also profitable.

The recommendation mentioned by Romi and Lius is based on this, helping to strive for the headquarters to set up a large cooperative station here, such as the Stan Desert Relay Station or the Gray Relay Station.

This is a treatment only available to the three major countries.

——This is not because the two high-level technology hunter leaders have such a big face.

But they recognize the potential here.

Especially after meeting the Red King, whether it is the other party’s strength, governance, animal training... or even knowledge and literacy, it is enough to convince them, as well as the Black Scratch Headquarters, and even the inner ring boss behind it.

All of them are silver cards.

As long as the conditions are met, even if there may be internal disagreements, Romi believes that these watchers will not mind making it convenient overall.

That is why, even though being a sponsor would involve great risks, the two were still willing to help push the process forward… Maybe it would be me who was being offered a favor?

“That would be the best,” Lu Meng said with a heartfelt smile, raising his glass: “Thank you both.”

For him, once the plan to set up a relay station is established, there is another benefit that cannot be ignored in the short term -

If the technology hunter decides to set up a station.

All the expenses during the period are fully funded by them, and the local forces do not need to pay a penny.

This is the wealth and absolute confidence of the mechanics... Of course, you can also say that in their eyes, this is a manifestation of distrust of outsiders and not wanting anyone to interfere.

They are two sides of the same coin.

But in this process, when the technology hunter builds the relay station, it is inevitable to hire local laborers, purchase materials, and spend money on food, clothing, housing and transportation... All these things drive the income and profit of the entire industrial chain.

Finally, the relay station was built.

It will also bring long-term and lasting benefits.

It can be said that once the plan to build a relay station is launched, the whole process is "windfall", a huge profit... Even if there are some disadvantages, compared with the benefits that can be obtained, it is definitely a flaw that does not outweigh the merits.

But correspondingly, the Black Scratch headquarters will also consider very carefully when deciding to set up a station - it can be said that such benefits cannot be begged for, and the local conditions must be met first.

Even if you are a silver card owner, it will not work, and face cannot be exchanged for so much real money.

This is also the reason why Lu Meng never tried to actively contact the Technology Hunter headquarters in the past, but developed the flash land first.

When the time comes, just a little push.

It will come naturally.

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