Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 112 Wanyu catches cicadas with great force behind him

"Senior sister, I'll give you the power bank."

Zhan Bo handed the power bank he carried with him to Xiong Nini: "Are your and Ziqiao's mobile phones going to run out of power so soon?"

Xiong Nini smiled awkwardly after hearing this: "I'm not very interested in movies to begin with, not to mention that every romantic movie nowadays is really uglier than the last. I watched it for only a few minutes and I couldn't stand it anymore. I lowered my head to check my phone."

As for Zi Qiao...

[Ziqiao leaned against the wall and looked helpless: I know it’s best to keep your phone charged when picking up girls... But I squatted in the toilet for dozens of minutes. What else could I do without checking my phone? 】

[You can’t randomly chat with the big brothers who come and go next door, right? 】

"Since you don't like to see..."

Zhan Bo originally wanted to ask again: Since you don't like watching movies, why do you want to accompany Zi Qiao?

As a result, his words were on the tip of his tongue and he was forcefully pulled back.

Dali looked at the naive and ignorant Zhan Bo and hesitated to speak.

[Do you really think that everyone comes to see a movie just to watch a movie? 】

At this moment, I saw a girl dressed in high school with her head lowered and her back bent, as if she had just been scolded by her baby mother.

She quietly sat back in her seat and silently packed away the snacks on her seat, then opened her schoolbag to put the snacks in.

I don’t know if it was because there were too many things in the schoolbag, but the girl buried her head in the schoolbag for a long time before she finally sorted it out.

As if she felt that the space in her schoolbag was not big enough, she took out another Doraemon clock, then squatted down and put all the snack bags into her schoolbag.

After finishing all this, the high school girl lowered her head and left gloomily.

None of this seemed to alarm anyone.

Except for Dali, who had been watching silently from the moment the high school girl came in.

[Judging from the shape of the bottom of the schoolbag, there should be a box-like object that is not small in size at the bottom. This kind of box-like object does not need to be organized, so her actions of organizing the schoolbag are more like looking for something. 】

[Judging from the style and size of this schoolbag, the volume of this schoolbag is enough to hold the box and a bag full of snacks. There is no need to take out a clock that is not too large. 】

[And judging from the way she walks, there should be nothing on her hands. 】

So he squatted down vigorously, turned on his mobile phone's flashlight and looked around for something under the seat.

"Dali, what are you doing?" Zhan Bo and Nini asked curiously.

"I seem to have dropped my keys. Let me look for them."

Using the light of a flashlight, he found the clock and...a pen under the front seat.

A pen?

Dali didn't act rashly, she just turned off the flashlight and sat back down.

"Did you find the key?"

"Yeah." Dali nodded lightly.

The key to the truth has been found.

Nini looked at the science and education film being played and murmured to herself: "How come these days even science and education films look more interesting than romance films..."

"Done." Wanyu ran out happily and snapped her fingers at the curry sauce. "Let me tell you, it's easy to get killed if you want to leave the radio equipment inside."

Curry Sauce gave Wanyu a thumbs up, "Wanyu, you are awesome."

But soon Curry Sauce raised his own question: "Are you sure that when we listen this time, the headphones won't be filled with the sound of electricity like last time?"

Wanyu pulled the curry sauce to an inconspicuous position and explained: "Guan Gu asked Xiaohei, there was too much noise last time because this thing has not been completely improved and upgraded, and the pen is located far away from Zhanbo Too far, and the distance between the clock and the upper and lower areas is adjusted too large.

"This time I put the pen so close and the clock was within ten meters of them. How could something go wrong again?"

Wanyu is full of confidence and very proud of her wit.

[I am really a clever little genius. 】

"But if this radio equipment requires so much trouble to hear clearly, then why don't we just put the bug in the detective's toolbox on our seats?"


Wan Yu clapped her hands in sudden realization and said, "Yes, why didn't I think of that!"


"Oh, let's forget about it for now." Wanyu took out a Bluetooth headset and handed it to Curry Sauce, "Let's quickly listen to what they are talking about."

The two put on Bluetooth headphones, and this time there was no sound of electricity that made Wanyu and Curry's eardrums hurt. The voices of Zhan Bo and Xiong Nini seemed to be whispering in their ears.

Wanyu and Curry Sauce's eyes lit up, and they held their breath in unison and began to listen to the conversation between Zhan Bo and Xiong Nini.

At this time, Nini was joking with Zhanbo: "So did you originally want to watch science and education movies with that girl named Wanyu?"

"Yes, it's a pity that she rejected me."

With the guidance of Nanfeng and Yifei, Zhanbo is now able to accept Wanyu's rejection, but he still feels a little disappointed when Zhanbo talks about it.

"Ah..." Wan Yu breathed out softly, and her ears began to feel a little hot.

Xiong Nini then asked: "Why did she reject you? Is it because she doesn't like you?"

Wanyu pouted and muttered: "If you don't know how to ask questions, don't ask them. Why are you asking blind questions? I just don't like watching science and education films. It's not, it's not..."

"It's not what?" Curry Sauce's eyes widened in excitement, like a turtle rolling wantonly in a melon field.

Wanyu knocked Curry Sauce on the head: "Children, don't ask so many questions, just listen honestly."

Curry Sauce pouted and continued to eat the melon seriously.

I only heard Zhan Bo say dejectedly on the other end of the earphone: "Senior sister, to be honest, I don't know if Wanyu likes me or not."

Zhanbo's voice was full of grievance and confusion: "Sometimes I feel that she is very close to me, as close as if we are only 4 centimeters apart.

"Sometimes I feel like she is far away from me, as far away as 384,000 kilometers away."

"4 centimeters... Zhanbo can't be that short." Curry Sauce complained softly.

Wanyu glared at her fiercely: "Curry, don't talk nonsense."

Curry Sauce made a zipper gesture towards his mouth.

Wan Yu murmured to herself: "4 centimeters and 384,000 kilometers, what do these mean?"

"384,000 kilometers is the average distance between humans and the moon."

"...It turns out to be the moon."

Wan Yu murmured softly, and then patted Curry Sauce happily: "I didn't expect that Curry Sauce not only knows how to speak pornographically, but also knows this."

Curry Sauce pointed at himself in surprise: "Me? I didn't speak. Didn't you let me talk nonsense?"

Wanyu's eyes widened: "Then who was talking just now?"

"I thought you were talking to yourself just now." Curry Sauce also moved towards Wanyu fearfully. .

"That's what I said just now." A childish and very rational voice sounded. The blend of childishness and mechanical rationality seemed out of place.

Especially in a place like a movie theater where the lights are not very bright, the already weird sounds mixed with the whistling cold wind are even more disturbing.

Both of them were startled. They raised their heads and looked around for a long time without seeing anyone.

"Dian, there won't be any dirty things in the cinema..." Curry Sauce was so scared that her tongue was tied up.

Although Wan Yu was also on tenterhooks, she still managed to hold on and said, "What age are we in now? Feudal superstition is not advisable."

"Then, where does this sound come from?"

"Alas..." The voice sounded again, and the cold helplessness in the tone was more like the pretentious sigh of the executioner before execution.

Wanyu and Curry Sauce held hands and shivered.

"Don't look up, look down."

"Look, look down... shouldn't ghosts be floating in the sky?"

The two of them looked down and saw a little girl licking a lollipop and looking at them helplessly.

"Why is the first reaction of all of you is to look up? Are you subconsciously ignoring people who are under 1.5 meters tall?"

Standing 1.4 meters tall and licking the lollipop vigorously, I finally made up my mind to change the main task of this period of puberty from completing my graduation thesis as a freshman to exercising and increasing my height.

I am already shorter than children of the same age, and my development is later than others. If I miss the growth and development in the past few years, I will really only be around 1.5 meters in my life.

"I'm sorry, little sister."

Wan Yu apologized sheepishly, and soon she discovered that the little girl in front of her was the genius child sitting next to Zhan Bo.

[Oops, we're going to be discovered! 】

Wanyu almost wanted to grab the curry sauce and run away, but then she thought: No matter how smart this little girl is, she doesn't know us.

Moreover, there are many people in this world who are super geniuses whose IQ exceeds the standard but their emotional intelligence fails.

Just like Zhanbo, Zhanbo...

There are also exhibitions.

The person who can match Zhan Bo's brain waves should be similar to Zhan Bo.

Someone who can also match Zhan Bo's brain waves thought so.

So Wanyu relaxed quickly. She glanced at the curry sauce on the side, and then asked with a smile: "Little sister, what are you doing out here alone?"

"What are the sisters doing in the bathroom?" Dali asked seemingly confused.

"Shh!" Wan Yu told Dali pretending to be mysterious, "Sisters are doing a very, very important thing. This matter cannot be known to too many people, so you must not tell others."

Dali nodded obediently: "Oh..."

"You're so good." Wan Yu wanted to reach out and touch Dali's head, but Dali turned his head and dodged him.

She protected her head vigorously and kept in mind the advice Nanfeng gave her: "Don't let your head be touched, or you won't grow taller."

Of course she knew that this sentence had no scientific basis, but she must listen to what her mother and brother said.

Let’s talk about it when I’m an adult.

Wanyu and Curry were amused by Dali's words, and they completely treated her like a child.

Curry Sauce smiled and gestured: "Don't worry, little sister, your mother is so tall, you will definitely grow very tall too."

My mother?

Even though he is as smart and witty as Dali, his mind was shut down by the words of curry sauce.

Why does she swear as if she has seen my mother with her own eyes?

And the height you indicated is not consistent with my mother’s height. This height is more like...

Sister Nini?

Dali felt that they must have misunderstood something, but no matter how much she thought about it, she couldn't figure out how they had misunderstood like this.

It feels like I just thought of a possibility and then believed it.

But is this reasoning too hasty?

Dali won't be able to figure it out for a while, but there's no need to force yourself to think about something that you can't figure out, especially if it involves the thinking gap between normal people and geniuses.

Sometimes it's not just normal people who can't figure out what geniuses are thinking, but geniuses can't figure out what they are thinking either.

Although they have basically similar brain structures, the things they come up with can be so different.

The wonder of life is truly amazing.

"Thank you, sister." Dali thought for a moment and skipped the topic for the time being.

She took out a handful of lollipops that she had just removed from the fruit flowers from her pocket and handed them to Wanyu and Curry Sauce: "Thank you, sister, please give me some candies."

"Thank you, little sister." Curry Sauce took the two lollipops with bright eyes, and then handed the unopened snacks from the bag behind Wanyu to Dali.

"Little sister, my sister also wants to treat you to something to eat."

"Thank you sister, but I still have to go to the bathroom." Dali held the snack handed over by the curry sauce, and was suddenly bombarded by the enthusiasm of the curry sauce and felt a little at a loss.

After all, anyone who knows her, except Nanfeng, will not regard her as a child who needs snacks and toys.

"It's okay, sister will help you put the things in the bag." Wanyu took the bag from the bag and tied the snacks in Dali's arms, "Okay, thank you for the lollipops, my sisters like them very much. .”

Wanyu smiled and touched Dali's head.

Dali instinctively turned her head to avoid it, but at the moment of avoiding it, she hesitated, so Wanyu's hand gently placed on her head.

Curry Sauce handed Wanyu a lollipop, and he opened a lollipop and held it in his mouth and asked vaguely: "Little sister, what's your name?"

"Zhuge Dali."

"Zhuge... Dali?" The smile on Wanyu's face froze, and the lollipop in Curry Sauce's hand almost fell to the ground.

Why would you name a little girl Dali?

Wanyu and Curry Sauce looked at each other and could only laugh dryly: "This name is really special."

"Thank you, sisters, I'm going to use the bathroom." Dali said calmly.

"Ok, no problem."

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief involuntarily as they watched Dali's figure disappear around the corner.

Although Dali is a very knowledgeable little girl in their hearts, the other little girls are similar to their peers, but who makes Wanyu and Curry Sauce feel guilty?

"It's rare to see you so generous. You give away your snacks as if it's free." Wanyu joked with the curry sauce while opening the lollipop.

Curry Sauce held a lollipop in his mouth, and the joy in his voice was sweeter than honey: "Because I have never eaten this lollipop, and the snacks given by others are more delicious than the ones I bought myself."

"Eat, eat, don't forget the important things." Wanyu said, licking the lollipop.

So the two held their breath and listened to the sound on the headphones again.

Around the corner, a small head poked out.

I'm coming

The chapter [Who is the Detective] is expected to end tomorrow.

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