Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 116 Can this be explained?

When everyone was almost halfway through breakfast, Zi Qiao walked in with one hand covering his butt and the other holding the wall.

"Lu Ziqiao, are you posing?" Nan Feng teased with a smile.

Zhan Bo also said: "Ziqiao, why are you looking paler than before when you were sick? Are you still having a stomachache?"

"Don't mention it." Zi Qiao carefully moved and sat on the sofa, "I don't know what happened, but I kept pulling it last night until my rectum almost fell off."

Zi Qiao cursed in a low voice: "What a damn unlucky person!"

"Then did you do anything last night..." Meijia asked curiously.

"Is there anything?"

"Bah bang bang..." Meijia clapped her hands heavily.

Zi Qiao's pale face suddenly turned dark: "What are you talking about?"

Zi Qiao was also speechless. She finally recovered from her illness, and she also saved a little money to pick up girls by cheating. She chose a great target from thousands of choices. She spent so much time dating and falling in love. Just counting on getting to home plate last night.

You know, he hasn't eaten meat for a long time.

By the time they finally got through the process of leaving, the two of them had already gone to the hotel to take a shower and change clothes.

As a result, I actually had a stomachache again!

Another dozen minutes passed, and when I came out of the toilet, I was immediately asked by Nini to take another shower.

Also, who can accept that the other half just finished having sex and then...

When I came out of the shower in a hurry, I found myself having a stomachache again.

In short, this night I just washed my stomach and then took a shower after I had my stomachache.

I went back and forth several times, and I was almost bald, but finally I couldn't resist and went to the hospital.

Zi Qiao looked up to the sky and sighed: "What a bad luck!"

"Unlucky? I think it's retribution." Meijia mocked Zi Qiao, but seeing his sickly appearance, she found it boring.

She stood up and said to everyone: "Don't leave after breakfast, everyone. I just learned how to make cakes recently. Let you see my skills!"

Meijia hummed a little song and opened the refrigerator. When she looked into the refrigerator door, she exclaimed: "Ah!"

Nanfeng quickly covered his ears.

"Where's my olive oil? Why is there so much of my olive oil gone? I plan to use this olive oil to make cakes!" Meijia took out an oversized honey jar and pointed to the less than half of the contents left in it.

“Who touched my olive oil!!!”

Zi Qiao looked at the honey jar in Meijia's hand and exclaimed: "Is this olive oil? Isn't it honey?"

"This is the olive oil I finally asked Xiao Hei to bring me! It's completely handmade!" Meijia said viciously, "Lu Ziqiao, what did you do to my olive oil?"

"I thought it was honey... In order to stay in shape, I mixed it with salad yesterday afternoon." Lu Ziqiao looked innocent.

Meijia slapped the table and yelled: "Lu Ziqiao, are you sick? You eat things that are not yours! Do you know that this handmade olive oil is very rare? I am going to use it to entertain senior brother!"

"Can you blame me? Who asked you to put the olive oil in the honey jar?" Zi Qiao didn't take it seriously. "Besides, you must have been deceived by Xiao Hei. Whose olive oil is sweet."

"You know what the heck, this is purely handmade, so I don't even need to put sugar in the cake."

Meijia looked at Ziqiao and wanted to eat him alive: "Besides, this is my thing, I can put it wherever I want. You beast can wear human clothes, what happened to my olive oil in the honey jar?" "

"Wait a minute..." Nan Feng pointed at the honey can and looked at Zi Qiao in surprise.

"You used so much to mix the salad?"

"Who made it sweet, but not very sweet, so I put in a little more." Zi Qiao pointed to the oversized honey can, "Looking at how big this thing is, I thought it wasn't valuable."

Nan Feng gave a thumbs up to Zi Qiao: "I didn't believe you before when you said you were in good health, but now it turns out that you are indeed in good health."

Zi Qiao was startled: "What do you mean?"

"It means that you ate so much olive oil that the earth fell apart and everyone died after eating so much olive oil. Your physical fitness is really good. It's a pity that you didn't practice horizontal martial arts when you were a child." Yifei said, who was well-informed.

Zi Qiao was stunned for a moment, then realized: "So it's because of this olive oil that I look like a dog?

"Chen Meijia, it's really you who ruined my good deeds!"

"I ruined your good deeds? It's obviously you who ruined my things!" Chen Meijia gritted her teeth and said, "It's just too easy for you to make you look like this, so why don't I just kill you!"

"Chen Meijia!"

"Lu Ziqiao!"

The two stared at each other fiercely.

"I/I will fight with you!"

Ziqiao and Meijia rushed towards each other and were soon wrestling on the sofa.

"Ziqiao and Meijia are fighting, should we do something?" Wan Yu said.

Nanfeng thought for a while and agreed: "That makes sense..."

Then he cleared his throat and said in a standard broadcasting voice: "Okay, hello everyone, viewers, welcome to the S1 season's raceless, genderless, unlimited super super super super free fighting competition love apartment finals, I am Chinese flow explanation [South Wind Knows My Mind].”

Everyone present gave a thumbs up.

"No, actually I want to say whether we should persuade..." Wan Yu was covered by Yifei before she could finish her words.

Yifei whispered into Wanyu's ear: "Think carefully next time you meet someone like this who can eat a sumptuous breakfast while watching people fight, and Nanfeng, the voice of nature, is responsible for the on-site commentary. I don’t know if the opportunity will come until the Year of the Monkey and the Moon of the Horse.”

Wan Yu thought for a moment and immediately put on a bright smile: "Nanfeng, is your throat dry? I'll get you a glass of water."

The eldest brother looked at the farce in front of him, turned to Guangu and said: "It happens every day here..."




"Okay, now we can see that the two sides have been fighting impatiently, and player Chen Meijia still uses regular hair-pulling attacks to test.

"Contestant Lu Ziqiao was not to be outdone, and used the Gusu Murong family's [Dou Zhuan Xing Shi] to deal with it. Everyone knows that this stunt is about fighting back, and now both sides are pulling their hair and are in a stalemate. This is a point of reference. It’s a competition of strength and endurance.”

"But although player Lu Ziqiao can use [Star Shift], player Chen Meijia still has a natural advantage as a woman in the hair pulling skill. If this continues, the situation will be very detrimental to player Lu Ziqiao."

Everyone was watching the fight and listening to the commentary, and they didn't forget to put something in their hands to eat.

"Some are eating, some are watching, and some are listening. This is definitely the most delicious breakfast I have ever had in my life!" Zeng Xiaoxian's appetite increased sharply.




"...Is it so interesting?"

The eldest brother thought for a while and walked straight to Guangu's bedroom.

"Elder brother?" Guangu controlled the wheelchair and followed him.

Nanfeng continued to explain at this moment: "In addition to pulling each other's hair, the two are also verbally attacking each other. This will also test the mental and psychological endurance of both parties.

"If this is the case, Chen Meijia's original advantage will be gone. After all, being thick-skinned has always been Lu Ziqiao's biggest advantage.

"Okay, now both parties are no longer satisfied with simply pulling hair. This is...

"Oh my God, contestant Chen Meijia actually used a move [360-degree spiral twist] directly on the soft flesh of contestant Lu Ziqiao's waist. The power of this move is not inferior to Black Tiger Afu's [tornado destroys the parking lot] .

"Contestant Lu Ziqiao was so angry that he was caught off guard by this move, which can be seen from his white and red face.

"Did player Lu Ziqiao lose like this?

"No, he used the legendary [Sunflower Acupuncture Hand], and all his moves were aimed at Chen Meijia's itchy spots. Now Chen Meijia's [360-degree spiral twist] may be ineffective.

"Our martial arts instructor, Ms. Hu Yifei, how do you analyze this counterattack by player Lu Ziqiao?"

Hu Yifei was stunned by Nanfeng's question, and she pointed at herself in confusion.

Seeing Nanfeng keep silent and continue eating, she suddenly realized: "Ahem, hello everyone, I am Hu Yifei, the martial arts instructor.

"To me, the [Sunflower Acupuncture Hand] move itself is mediocre, but Lu Ziqiao's advantage lies in his surprise. The most important thing is that he knows Chen Meijia's itchy spots very well. Almost every move is directed towards him. He launched an attack on the nearest itchy spot, and the intensity was just right.

“You must know that not everyone can maintain control of the strength under the dual attack of hair pulling and [360-degree spiral twisting], so [Sunflower Acupuncture Hands] just makes people itchy and loses strength.

"If the hand is too heavy and causes player Chen Meijia to feel pain, she will only push harder, and then player Lu Ziqiao will have to endure even more pain."

Nanfeng put down the food in his hand: "Okay, thank you very much for the analysis made by our martial arts instructor. It can be seen that Lu Ziqiao is indeed in danger this time, but since he can achieve results, it means that his [Sunflower Point Acupuncture" Hands] are indeed perfect.

"So how should contestant Chen Meijia respond to contestant Lu Ziqiao's tickling attack?"

The senior brother came back with a drawing board, pen and paper, and he closed his eyes for a moment to relax, then suddenly opened his eyes, his wrist moved like lightning, and almost in the blink of an eye, a sketch floated to the ground.

Curry Sauce picked up the sketch and was shocked.

“Elder brother, I didn’t expect you to speak so slowly and draw so fast?!”

Everyone looked at it curiously and saw that this sketch showed the wonderful moment when Zi Qiao and Mei Jia were fighting.

Nan Feng and Wan Yu knew something about painting. Judging from their artistic aesthetics, this sketch was not just a quick one.

Light and shadow, composition, lines, layers, everything is almost perfect.

The sketch that the senior brother drew in less than three seconds is already a ceiling that most art students will never be able to touch in their lifetime.

"In addition to being called the Little White Dragon in Langli, Senior Brother also has a title: Human Flesh Camera!"

Sekiya slowly returned to the living room in his wheelchair, his voice full of pride: "No matter what kind of moment it is, he can remember it immediately and draw it with a sketch within three seconds."

Wan Yu gave a thumbs up: "I kind of know how valuable this sentence is when you said that senior brother has won many awards when you introduced him."

"Very good, here you can see that our photographer Mr. Du Jun has preserved the wonderful moments of this game for us." Nanfeng was also slightly distracted, but soon remembered his important commentary duty.

"Let us now turn our attention to the competition field again. Now player Chen Meijia has been defeated in a row. If there is no other action, then the balance of victory will completely shift in the direction of player Lu Ziqiao."

Zeng Xiaoxian looked satisfied: "Look at this life, there are breakfasts, fights, commentary, martial arts instruction, and now photography...this life, these days.

"We are too happy."

Everyone else nodded.

"So happy..."

The senior brother is still drawing sketches, and Curry Sauce is responsible for picking up the sketches one by one and passing them around to everyone.

"Pay attention." Nanfeng's voice became nervous, "Contestant Chen Meijia used a move [Black Tiger Eviscerate], which was a big mistake.

“As we all know, [Black Tiger Evisceration] is ineffective against heartless people like Lu Ziqiao!

"No, this move [Black Tiger Digging Heart] is just a feint. Her real purpose is to expose player Lu Ziqiao's defensive flaw. The [Electric Light Poison Dragon Diamond] on the other hand is player Chen Meijia's killer move!"

"Can she succeed?


Nanfeng said excitedly: "This move [Electric Light Poison Dragon Diamond] successfully hit player Lu Ziqiao's waist, causing a fatal kidney shot!

"You know, although our super super super free fighting competition is called unlimited fighting, [Monkey Stealing Peach] for male players and [Black Tiger Heart Digging] and [Kato Eagle Finger] for female players are too lethal. Large is prohibited.

"Then apart from these three forbidden moves, the [Electric Light Poison Dragon Diamond] targeting the male player's waist is the most brutal and fatal blow."

"Let's take a look at the condition of player Lu Ziqiao. Player Lu Ziqiao fell to the ground instantly and was in excruciating pain. It seems that even one shot of [Electric Light Poison Dragon Diamond] by player Lu Ziqiao, who is said to have an indestructible kidney, can be fatal."

Wan Yu looked at the situation in front of her and was slightly worried: "Feifei, is it really okay for them to fight like this?"

"Don't worry, it's just a small fight." Yifei's eyes were so vicious, "It's not the first day that Ziqiao and Meijia have made such a fuss, they know it all.

"Even if they don't know what's going on, they still have me as the martial arts instructor to hold things together.

"I will take action before they get really cruel."

Wan Yu felt relieved after hearing Yifei's words and continued to watch the game happily.

“Contestant Lu Ziqiao fell to the ground, will player Chen Meijia take advantage of the victory to pursue it?

"She hesitated, she actually hesitated. To be soft to the enemy is to be ruthless to yourself. As an excellent super super super free fighting player, how could she make such a mistake.

"Sure enough, contestant Lu Ziqiao deliberately showed weakness to the enemy. He activated [Plane Parking at the Airport], used his head as a plane, and crashed directly into contestant Chen Meijia's airport.

"Can he stop successfully?

"Success! The plane hit the airport smoothly, and the Meijia player was instantly pushed back to the sofa."

Nanfeng picked up his job: "Wait a moment, this attack by Lu Ziqiao treats the opponent as an airport. Does it violate the competitive principle of respecting the opponent in the Super Super Super Super Free Fighting Competition?

"Let's go into ten minutes of commercials first..."

“No ads!!!”

Everyone shouted in unison.

Nanfeng curled his lips and put down his job: "Okay, let's skip the commercials and go back to the competition to thank our sponsor Mr. Sweet Potato Pigeon for his exclusive title support.

"Let's connect with Ms. Lin Wanyu of the Women's Independent Association: Ms. Lin Wanyu, do you think this attack by Lu Ziqiao violates the Super Super Super Super Free Fighting Competition's competitive principles of respecting opponents, or is it more serious? We can directly write a short essay to say He insults women?”

Wan Yu was startled, but she didn't expect that she would have her own drama.

But soon she also cooperated with her acting skills: "Judging from the perspective of the Women's Independent Association, as long as the Lu Ziqiao player is not attacking for the purpose of obscenity or insult, then we will respect the non-racial nature of the Super Super Super Free Fighting Competition. No gender, no restrictions on the three no principles.”

"Okay, thank you Ms. Lin Wanyu for your answer.

"Let's turn our attention back to the competition field again. It seems that player Chen Meijia was caught off guard by this move [the plane stopped at the airport].

"So, this is the charm of super super super free fighting. Before the opponent completely loses his fighting ability, you can never underestimate the opponent, let alone be merciful.

“I hope player Chen Meijia can learn lessons in the future.

“Of course, the outcome is still undecided, and it is too early to say that Chen Meijia has been completely defeated.

“But facing player Lu Ziqiao’s now full-power [Sunflower Acupuncture Hand·Concussion Version], the balance of victory has gradually shifted towards player Lu Ziqiao.

"Wait a minute, what's the matter with player Lu Ziqiao's long-term stiffness?

“I understand, it’s the olive oil, the olive oil that Mega players take before the game that plays a role at this most critical time.

"Contestant Lu Ziqiao, he, he, he is about to have diarrhea!

"This means that both sides must decide the outcome at this last limited moment."

Seeing that the battle was getting more intense, everyone put down their bowls and chopsticks and watched the final decisive moment intently.

"Contestant Chen Meijia reacted. She rolled forward and landed behind contestant Lu Ziqiao. Could it be that she was going to...

"Oh my god, it is indeed the most deadly [Millennium Kill] for player Lu Ziqiao who has been suffering from diarrhea all day. If this hit hits, player Chen Meijia will completely end this game!!!

“Did she hit?

"She hit the target!!! Although the accuracy of the hastily launched [Millennium Kill] was slightly off and only hit player Lu Ziqiao's butt, it almost knocked the shit out of player Lu Ziqiao.

"Contestant Lu Ziqiao fled to the bathroom in embarrassment, and contestant Chen Meijia won the final victory."

Nanfeng stood up and shouted: "I declare that the winner of the love apartment finals of this S1 season's race-free, gender-free, and unrestricted Super Super Super Free Fighting Competition is:...

"Chen Meijia!!!"

Except for the senior brother who was drawing a sketch and Guangu in the wheelchair, everyone stood up and cheered: "Mika! Meijia! Meijia!"

Meijia wiped her hands with a hint of disgust and saw everyone gathering towards her, cheering and celebrating.

"Mika! Mika! Mika!"

Meijia didn't react for a while: "No, are you..."

Before Meijia could finish her words, everyone cheered and worked together to lift her up and throw her to the ceiling.


Meijia was thrown up and caught high by everyone, and she couldn't help but scream loudly.

“Are you sick!!!”

Everyone laughed.


It’s coming, it’s a big chapter of 5,200 words.

It can be regarded as making up for the debt from yesterday’s update.

This chapter written by Pigeon is extremely crazy, hahaha.

I hope everyone will give me more support, encouragement and suggestions.

Please subscribe, collect, monthly pass, recommend, whatever you want. Please.

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