When Nanfeng and the others came out of 3603 after discussing the general strategy, they were startled by the pile of cardboard boxes piled up like a hill in the corridor.

"Brother, do these cardboard boxes have to be placed in the corridor?" Nanfeng stopped the moving company staff who were about to leave and asked.

The staff spread their hands and expressed that they were helpless: "The customer just asked us to pile things in the corridor and didn't give us the door key. Even if we wanted to move in, we couldn't."

Curry Sauce looked curiously: "Is 3604 finally going to move in a new tenant?"

"Obviously that's the case." Sekiya commented, "Although the corridors are also monitored, people just pile things carelessly at the door without paying attention. It seems that our new neighbor has a big heart."

The senior brother twitched his nose and sniffed: "It smells so good, it should be..."



"But does a girl really have that much baggage?"

Nanfeng pointed to the hill in front of him. This pile of things was already more than the luggage of Zhanbo, Wanyu and the five of them who stayed together more than three months ago.

Sekiya nodded in agreement: "Besides, it's too luxurious for a girl to rent such a large suite. I guess it may be a couple staying, or a few girls sharing it."

At this time, Zi Qiao and others happened to come out of 3602. Zi Qiao's eyes lit up when he heard Guangu's reasoning: "How many girls? Then can I..."

"No!" Everyone present shouted in unison.

Zeng Xiaoxian patted Zi Qiao on the shoulder with contempt: "Ziqiao, if you dare to attack the new neighbor and affect the reputation of our entire sixth floor, Yifei will definitely kill you."

"Tch, I just want them to introduce their best friends to me." Zi Qiao said with resentment on his face, "The rabbit isn't eating the grass next to its nest. Do you really think I would take action against a girl who lives so close to me?"

Everyone didn't say anything, they just looked at him like animals.

Zhan Bo suddenly asked: "Ziqiao, you and my senior sister haven't broken up yet, why are you planning to find another girl again?"

Although Zhan Bo only met Xiong Nini once, he still had a good impression of his fellow senior sister. After all, there were very few girls who could chat with him.

Moreover, Zi Qiao also promised to talk to girlfriends one by one, so why did he start eating from the bowl and looking at the pot so quickly.

Zi Qiao said honestly: "Breaking up? It's already been arranged on the schedule. It's a matter of time. Since it's destined to break up, of course we can start looking for the next one in advance."

"Scum!" everyone spat.

The seamless connection is too disgusting.

Zi Qiao was not ashamed, but instead puffed up his chest and said proudly: "That's right, I am a scumbag with no morals and no bottom line. All of you are innocent and upright.

"You have the ability to criticize me now. If you have the ability to criticize me in the exam later, don't cheat."

Everyone was immediately speechless.

Seeing that everyone was speechless by him, Zi Qiao proudly walked in the direction of 3601.

At this time, the sofa and coffee table of 3601 had been pushed to both sides of the living room. Yifei and Meijia were sitting on the sofa one after another in similar clothes, waiting for Nanfeng and his party.

There are three rows and three columns of single tables placed in the center of the living room. The desks are far apart from each other. At least with normal eyesight, it is difficult to see clearly the answers written on the next table.

"They actually got so many desks. It seems that Yifei worked hard to have fun." Nanfeng complained silently.

Just by looking at this posture, one could tell that Yifei was serious about it. It seemed that it was not as easy as they thought to make some small moves under her nose.

Ziqiao and Curry Sauce, two poor students, started to feel dizzy and dizzy just when they saw the desk. But when they remembered that the focus of this competition was not answering questions, they raised their heads confidently.

Than cheating, I am super professional.

Referee Meijia looked at the time and greeted everyone: "Everyone can find a seat and sit down first."

"Come, rush, grab a seat." Curry Sauce shouted energetically.

Everyone rushed to sit down. In the end, the four people from Ziqiao's team occupied the four corners, while the four people from Big Brother's team were stuck in the middle of each row and column, acting as a human barrier.

Neither side seems to have the slightest interest in the Feng Shui treasure land in the middle, leaving it empty in vain.

After all, sometimes the best means the worst.

Answer sheets, scratch paper and other related exam equipment are neatly placed on the desk, waiting for the test paper in Meijia's hand.

Yifei smiled and looked at the guys who were whispering to each other as soon as they sat down and asked, "I am your invigilator Hu Yifei. Have you all memorized the exam rules?"

"Yeah." Everyone nodded.

"Very good, please remember that any violation of any exam rule will be treated as zero points." Yifei stood up and added, "Also, you should understand what behaviors are considered cheating, right?"

Before anyone could answer, Yifei had already announced the correct answer.

“Through concealment, deception or other actions that are not in line with the normal logic of exam behavior, to increase one’s own score or to reduce other people’s scores through improper means is cheating.

"Cheating is not allowed within the sight of the invigilator."

Yifei emphasized some words in particular, and then everyone saw Meijia standing up holding the papers and handing them out.

Nanfeng just glanced at the so-called geography test paper and concluded that based on the difficulty and depth of the questions in this paper, even Zhan Bo and Teacher Zeng would most likely be able to rely on logic to guess the answer.

After all, there are many different fields. Among all the people Nanfeng knows, the only one who can really do this paper correctly across majors is Zhuge Dali, an all-round academic master whose breadth and depth of knowledge are equally astonishing.

Amidst everyone's ulterior motives, the clock finally hit the hour exactly. Meijia cleared her throat and said, "The exam has officially begun. Everyone can start writing."

Following Meijia's order, the eight people present began to fill in their personal information carefully.

In the first twenty minutes of the exam, everyone was surprisingly honest.

After all, Yifei and Meijia both gave half of the test answers to the two teams. Even if no one knew whether the test answers in their hands were the upper half or the lower half, as long as they scribbled out the answers completely twice, Everyone has at least a fifty-point guaranteed score.

Having said that, it is quite difficult to plan and arrange team tactics in such a short period of time while also remembering the answers to these one hundred irregular multiple-choice questions.

At least Nanfeng himself only had time to remember the answers to sixty multiple-choice questions, and Guan Gu could remember even fewer.

Ziqiao and Curry Sauce even just memorized the answers to a dozen or twenty multiple-choice questions sporadically, and then started to doodle and play with drawing piglets on the scratch paper.

The only people in the two teams who can really finish the 50-point guarantee in the first twenty minutes are the senior brothers who can remember all the details in their eyes in an instant and draw a complete sketch in three seconds, and the science geniuses. In terms of learning, it can be called a photographic exhibition.

As for the cheat sheet for the answers, of course everyone brought them with them, but before they figured out Hu Yifei's path, who would dare to be the first person.

Whether they were confident or scribbling, as everyone present filled up their answer sheets, the atmosphere in the examination room gradually changed.

"Teacher Nanfeng, Teacher Nanfeng, can you hear me?"

Curry Sauce, who was sitting on the far right in the second row, opened her left hand and kept touching her nose to cover her slightly opened and closed lips.

Even she couldn't hear the whisper of curry sauce, but Nanfeng, who was sitting in the middle of the first row, coughed and nodded.

Great, a one-way communication network is established.

Curry Sauce also coughed quickly to convey this information to Guangu and Senior Brother, and then the coughs of Senior Brother and Guan Gu were heard in the examination room.

In this case, Guan Gu, Curry, and senior brothers can tell Nanfeng directly if they want to talk to him.

[1. Please keep the examination room quiet. It is forbidden to talk to anyone other than the invigilator in the examination room. (ps. As long as the invigilator cannot hear us, we are not talking.)]

Xiaoxian and Ziqiao heard the coughing sounds of Curry and others at the same time, and knew that there must be something wrong with them, but there was no way they would report them to Yifei just because they coughed a few times.

Zi Qiao deliberately wanted to observe the situation of his teammates, but there was a south wind on the right, and behind him was Curry Sauce with a silly smile on his face, staring at his every move. The two of them blocked most of his sight, leaving Zi Qiao unable to see the situation. Joe could only see Zhanbo on his diagonal side.

But Zhan Bo is so far away from him, so what's the use of him?

Zi Qiao looked at Nan Feng, and Nan Feng turned his head and smiled proudly at Zi Qiao.

[You are dumbfounded, Lu Ziqiao. 】

Knowing that he could hear sounds that others couldn't hear, how could Nanfeng not take advantage of this to make a fuss.

This one-way communication network may not be very useful when both teams are tightly huddled together.

But once the two teams are dismantled by each other and fight alone, this ability to communicate with Nanfeng anytime and anywhere becomes very useful.

Therefore, Nanfeng, the military advisor's only requirement for choosing seats in the examination room was that Ziqiao and four others should not be allowed to hug each other. Even if Nanfeng and the others were forced to squeeze in, they would have to squeeze these four people away.

It was obvious that Zi Qiao didn't expect that Nanfeng's super hearing could be used in this way. He calculated mentally and unintentionally, but Nanfeng took the advantage.

【you are vicious. 】

Zi Qiao gave a thumbs up, and then was hit in the back of the head with a lollipop.

"Three-point hit, Oye!" Meijia stood up from the sofa and cheered.


[Chen Meijia, are you sick? 】

Lu Ziqiao stared at Meijia fiercely and almost cursed.

Meijia smiled at Zi Qiao and said: "Take the exam well and give me a thumbs up. If you can give a thumbs up in the exam room, why can't I give you a lollipop in the exam room?"

"Of course, you also know that my accuracy has never been good. You won't blame me, Zi Qiao~"

Zi Qiao was so chilled by Meijia's words that he didn't even want to say anything more to her and quickly lowered his head.

It seems that this kind of behavior that is not in line with the logic of normal exam behavior but is not cheating will not attract sanctions from Yifei, but will be warned and stopped by Meijia.

Of course, throwing a lollipop at the back of her head was definitely Meijia's deliberate revenge. This woman dared to say that she was fair and selfless today.

I bother!

I'm coming

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