Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 136 Fei’s innovative cuisine

Although the door and balcony of 3601 have been locked now, the doors and windows of the four bedrooms are still open, and there is a range hood running at full power in the kitchen. It is estimated that in five or six minutes, this smell will disappear. So disgusting.

As the smell faded, the sound of Yifei's retching also gradually decreased. Before Yifei could fully recover, several people quickly opened the door quietly and walked toward 3602 on tiptoe.

"I really didn't expect Yifei's poison resistance to be so low after maxing out her combat power." Zeng Xiaoxian poked his palm excitedly, raising his eyebrows and smiling, "Then can we become the masters in the future? ?”

Zi Qiao patted Zeng Xiaoxian on the shoulder sympathetically: "Teacher Zeng, I understand that you want to overthrow the tyrannical rule of the female devil, but you have to understand that no matter how weak Yifei is, we cannot touch her."

"Then this time..."

"This time it's because we're playing sneak attack, and Yifei doesn't hit women. Do you think Wanyu and the others will mess around with us next time?"

Zeng Xiaoxian looked at the four Yu Mo girls, who waved their hands in rejection.

Just kidding, just because Yifei doesn't hit women doesn't mean that she has no other ways to deal with them.

Fighting between girls, that's what it's called...


Ahem, in short, if there is no legitimate reason, it is absolutely impossible for the four of them to challenge Yifei.

"Oh, I thought the sun and moon would change the sky from now on."

Seeing that Yu Mo and others were unwilling to cooperate, Zeng Xiaoxian's plan to overthrow the Demon King was still in its infancy.

While Xiaoxian and others were talking, Hu Yifei walked in with a pale face.

"You guys are really good at locking me up in 3601 alone." Yifei pointed and threatened, "You...Zeng Xiaoxian, just wait. If you have the ability, you will have to open one eye even when you sleep."

Zeng Xiaoxian rubbed his ears to make sure he heard correctly, and then shouted unconvinced: "Hu Yifei, are you mistaken? Everyone is involved in this matter, why are you staring at me alone!"


"Who made you scream the loudest just now?"

Hu Yifei pursed her lips viciously and walked towards Xiaoxian. Zhan Bo, who was sitting next to Xiaoxian, stood up with great discernment and smiled flatteringly at Yifei: "Sister, sit down."

Yifei sat down and put her hand on Zeng Xiaoxian's shoulder. The smile on her face was charming and dangerous: "If you want the sun and the moon to change the sky, you have to show some skills.

"Either you are smarter than me, or you are stronger than me, otherwise why do you stand up and become the master?"

Curry Sauce carefully said to Yu Mo and Wan Yu on the left and right sides: "It turns out that Sister Yifei has been eavesdropping outside. Fortunately, the three of us didn't nod just now."

Yu Mo and Wan Yu patted their chests with lingering fear. It was really dangerous.

Xiaoxian turned his head stiffly and stared at Nanfeng and Ziqiao with eyes pleading for help.

【help me! 】

[One of you is commanding, and the other is inciting the crowd. Both of you have greater responsibilities than me. You can’t leave me alone! 】

Nan Feng and Zi Qiao acted as if the matter had nothing to do with them.

Teacher Zeng’s experience tells us that when a team commits a crime, the person who is most likely to be targeted is often not the one who commits the biggest crime.

But he is the one who dances the most energetically and jumps the most happily.


Zeng Xiaoxian's flattering smile was tightly covered by Yifei, and she said softly: "It's okay, we have a long way to go."

"Everyone, let's go and start our labor test." Yifei got up and walked towards 3601.

Everyone looked at each other and headed to 3601.

Although the special smell permeating 3601 has not completely dissipated, it is now a smell that humans can tolerate.

Everyone gathered at the dining table, and Wan Yu looked at her open bedroom door gloomily: "It seems that the four of us will have to put on new sheets and quilts tonight... Nanfeng, you didn't open my closet, did you? "

Nanfeng shook his head.

Wan Yu breathed a sigh of relief: "That's okay. There shouldn't be too much smell on the clothes. Putting some lemons in the closet should help. Nanfeng..."

Nanfeng made an OK gesture: "I have enough lemon tubes there."

Yifei's cough interrupted everyone's chat, and after she recovered, she said with a ferocious smile: "Everyone, the content of the labor test is very simple.

"That means each of you will have to taste the innovative Filipino cuisine I made. Those who are full or unable to eat will be eliminated. The one left to the end will be the winner of this test."

Everyone nodded without surprise.

From Yifei not letting them go out for dinner, to 3601's strange food smell, if everyone still doesn't know that this test is related to eating, then they are too stupid.

But as everyone knows, after hearing the news, the hearts of all the contestants finally dropped.

Filipino innovative cuisine, this name seems to have an ominous black air.

But before your heart is completely cold, everyone has one last question.

"What does the test of labor have to do with eating?" Yu Mo helped everyone ask, "I thought the test of labor was just a housework competition."

Yifei said confidently: "What's the point of competing in housework? Besides, haven't you heard of hard work?

"This proves that those who can endure hardship are certainly the most hardworking. What's wrong with calling this a test of labor?"

Guan Gu said with a gloomy face: "I don't know what it means to endure hardship and stand hard work, but I know there is an idiom called nonsense."

"That's nonsense." Meijia corrected. ‘

Curry Sauce couldn't help but clapped her hands and praised repeatedly: "Sister Yifei's ability to make things up is almost as good as Brother Ziqiao's."

"So when it comes to enduring hardship and standing hard work, others focus on hard work, but we focus on enduring hardship?" Zeng Xiaoxian looked at the others, "Do you think this is reasonable?"

"It doesn't matter whether it's reasonable or not." Yu Mo looked at the contestants in front of him sympathetically, "If even Yifei thinks that what she makes is hard work... I wish you good luck."

The temperature in the room dropped to freezing point with Yu Mo's words, and everyone felt chills in their hearts.

Zi Qiao patted Nanfeng and said, "Did the bride before not know how to cook at all?"

Nanfeng nodded: "The only time I cooked, the fire shot up to a height of three feet and burned out the range hood."

"That's right." Zi Qiao guessed, "Yifei may have set up this test to tell the groom: You can either endure hardship and eat the dishes cooked by the bride, or you have to work hard and take over the kitchen honestly. "

Nan Feng gave a thumbs up. He thought Zi Qiao's guess was quite reasonable.

As Yifei ran to the kitchen and brought out a plate of dishes that was covered tightly, this officially announced the beginning of the test of labor.

Yifei proudly announced to everyone: "Everyone, you should be grateful for the opportunity to be the first batch of diners of innovative Filipino cuisine.

"Believe me, this opportunity comes once in a lifetime, and you can even proudly engrave this achievement on your tombstone: a great taster of innovative Filipino cuisine."

"Yes, if this achievement is engraved on the tombstone, it is called warding off evil spirits. No monsters or monsters will dare to come near it." Nanfeng praised expressionlessly, "When I die, you must remember to engrave it on me, so that I can Enjoy eternal peace."

"Cut the nonsense!"

Yifei didn't want to listen to their complaints and ridicules anymore, so she opened the lid directly.

A seemingly ordinary plate of shredded potatoes appeared in front of everyone.

"It seems like, without you..."


"...Is it as scary as you imagined?" The senior brother, who didn't know Yifei's cooking skills, made a premature judgment.

Meijia came over with plates and bowls and chopsticks, and divided the plate of shredded potatoes into eight equal portions.

"Everyone, please try the appetizer [Double Happiness]," Yifei said.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but they all hesitated to move their chopsticks.

It's obviously just a plate of shredded potatoes, so how could it be a double happiness?

"How about... the captain comes first?" Seeing that procrastination like this was not an option, Zeng Xiaoxian suggested, adhering to the concern that a dead Taoist friend should not die a poor Taoist.

This proposal was unanimously approved by all participants except the two captains.

Senior brother and Zi Qiao look at me and I look at you. They both want the other to eat first, but they are unwilling to give in in front of the other.

The two of them had no choice but to hold a piece of shredded potato in front of their eyes and observed it for a long time without seeing any clues. When they brought it closer to their noses and smelled it, Zi Qiao only felt a familiar fragrance and pungent spiciness.

"Please." Yifei said.

The two of them gritted their teeth, stuffed the shredded potatoes into their mouths, and swallowed them without even chewing.

However, even so, the two of them fell into the trap.

Zi Qiao covered her cheeks with a look of soreness, and tears kept coming out: "No, no!"

He closed his eyes tightly and clenched his fists desperately: "Water..."

The eldest brother also silently took off his glasses and rubbed his face with his hands: "Oh my god..."

Everyone looked at Yifei in shock when they saw the eldest brother and Zi Qiao. Is your appetizer so scary?

Meijia and Yumo quickly poured a glass of water for Zi Qiao and the senior brother.

The two of them picked up the cups and poured water into their mouths. Only when a full cup of water was poured into their stomachs did Ziqiao and the master regain their language skills.

"Hu Yifei, you, you actually fooled me with ginger!" Zi Qiao shouted angrily.

Yifei crossed her legs: "I told you it's [Double Happiness], hot and sour potato shreds mixed with ginger shreds, what's the problem with that?"

The senior brother nodded silently and added: "What I eat is..."


"...It's shredded potatoes. But it's sour and spicy."

Nanfeng got closer and smelled it. The smell of shredded potatoes was very familiar to him.

"It's okay to just add shredded ginger to shredded potatoes. Who taught you to change the sour and spicy ingredients of shredded potatoes to lemon and mustard?"

"Ah!!!" everyone exclaimed.

Yifei shrugged: "The ordinary spicy and sour potato shreds are too boring, so I wanted to change it. Otherwise, how can we call it innovative Filipino cuisine?

“Besides, ginger, lemon, mustard, these are all good things.

"And if the vinegar is replaced by lemon, will it add more fruity fragrance? Will the spicy food be replaced by mustard, will it be more exciting?"

Seeing Yifei excitedly taking out her phone and opening the memo, Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly realized.

"I understand, she's using us to test her new dish."

Come on, come on, my collection has plummeted recently.

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