Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 144 The five detectives who were gossiped about

How can two people with different ages, different jobs, and different living environments quickly have a common topic?

This seems to be a very simple question, but it contains a huge amount of knowledge. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many people who feel like they are checking household registration or interrogating each other every time they go on a blind date or date.

In this aspect, our classmate Lu Xiaobu, the author of "Lu's Spring and Autumn", a scumbag who must have an ex-girlfriend within ten miles, and the uncrowned king in love, may have his own unique insights and operations.

But for Nan Feng and Yu Mo, even though their previous worlds were almost completely different, they still have a shortcut that can quickly make the chat atmosphere relaxed and pleasant.

That is, they have a common friend for many years: Hu Yifei.

"You know, Yifei was telling me a few days ago that she felt that she was too fierce and was always troubled by no one chasing her."

Yu Mo's dumbfounding voice came from the other end of the Bluetooth headset, which directly made the four Xiaoxians look at Yifei very strangely.

I can’t tell, but it turns out that you, Hu Yifei, are also troubled by the fact that you are too fierce and have no one to chase you.

Everyone still thinks that you are born with a devilish personality, and you like those who follow me to prosper and those who go against me to perish.

No matter what, it should be a life attitude of "Sister is the queen, shine with confidence".

Turns out I didn’t expect that behind my back I was a little girl who wanted to fall in love.

Zeng Xiaoxian almost couldn't help laughing, but he pinched his thigh to hold it back.

He likes to be mean and seek death, but there is a difference between seeking death and real death.

If you mock Yifei for having a bad temper, Yifei might be in a good mood today and play around with you, but if you mock her, no one will chase her...

She is so impatient.

My career as a TV host has just started, so I can't let it fall into the hands of this female devil.

Several other people also covered their faces to hide their expressions, pretending not to hear.

Although this gossip was not what they wanted to hear, it was much more powerful than they imagined.

Everyone who has recovered from the gossip is now thinking not about whether there will be more exciting content in the future, but how to deal with the furious Yifei.

If you walk too much at night, you will always see ghosts. If you listen to too much gossip, you will always suffer disaster.

It turns out curiosity can really kill the cat!

At this time, Nanfeng's voice that couldn't help but laugh came from the other end of the earphone: "I really didn't expect Yifei to be worried about this.

"Last time Aunt Yuan called me and asked me to help explore Yifei's relationship status. She also lied to me that the male teachers in the school who wanted to pursue her would line up from the school office to the door of 3601.

"Look at her boasting. I don't even have to listen carefully to Yifei's heartbeat. I can tell she is lying just by looking at her erratic eyes and unnatural movements of her hands and feet."

Meijia and others rubbed their faces desperately, fearing that they would laugh out loud next moment.

Zeng Xiaoxian even started biting his index finger, trying to use the pain to stifle his smile.

[In the inner world, Zeng Xiaoxian dressed as a scientific researcher reminded solemnly. 】

[Friendly reminder: If you have two particularly good friends, they belong to completely different circles of friends and have little contact with each other and are not familiar with each other. 】

[Then please never give them the opportunity to sit at a table and eat and chat alone. 】

[Otherwise you will find that all your embarrassing things will be pieced together by them. 】

[If you happen to be eavesdropping at this time, and there are a few other friends around you, then this scene will definitely...]

【so awkward! 】

Yifei's face turned green and red for a while. She clenched her fists and stared in the direction of Nan Feng and Yu Mo, wishing to cut out their tongues.

You two are heartless. I don’t know how much I have worried about your affairs.

I'm working so hard here, so exhausted, but you guys are hiding here eating hot pot and chatting, and you still dare to use me as a topic? ! !

Yifei stood up and wanted to rush up to settle the score with these two guys.

Xiaoxian and others hugged Yifei tightly and covered her mouth. Meijia quickly lowered her head and started typing, then quickly put the phone in front of Yifei.

[Peerless Little Diao Chan]: "Sister Yifei, calm down, be sure to calm down! We are both following and eavesdropping. We are not being justified in the first place. Now we are the ones who will be embarrassed if we rush forward."

Yifei struggled to break away from Zhanbo and Xiaoxian who were holding her, and angrily picked up the mobile phone on the table.

[Feifei Fei Fei is a very beautiful giant rabbit]: "We are not being reasonable. If they are talking behind my back, am I being justified?"

Just when Yifei was furious, Nanfeng and Yumo, who had been chatting and eating for a while, finally continued chatting again.

"Well, Yifei has been like this since she was a child. She is stubborn and refuses to admit defeat on the surface. She always pretends to be confident, but in fact she is very weak on the inside."

Yu Mo's voice was full of sorrow: "I still remember when she was a child and she confessed to a boy, but she was told that she always thought that Yifei was also a boy and that she was her best brother.

"Yifei didn't say anything on the surface, as if nothing had happened. When school was over, I looked for her for a long time and finally found her hiding in a corner, crying secretly."

Nanfeng just smiled: "She has always been the one who is the most reluctant to bow her head. She was also like this when she was learning martial arts from my old man when she was a child.

"While I was sitting on my horse's feet and listening to my old man scolding me, I looked up at the sky to prevent my tears from flowing down.

"Even if you practice until your legs become weak, you still have to hold your head high and your chest high and say that one day you will be able to beat all the senior brothers in front of you."

Nan Feng said calmly: "Actually, I have always advised Aunt Yuan not to be too impatient, because no matter how cruel and powerful Yifei is, she has never lacked the ability and motivation to move towards a better life.

"According to Yifei's own words: a strong life requires no explanation."

Yu Mo pouted and sighed: "But as a good sister, I hope that no matter how tough her life is, she can still have a shoulder to lean on, even if it is a small shoulder."

"Don't worry, she will." Nanfeng said firmly, "Those who move towards a better future will definitely meet their fellow travelers on the road."

Yifei snorted inwardly, and the anger on her face was visibly reduced.

Of course she was angry that the two were talking about her behind her back, but what she was even more angry about was that these two bastards actually made fun of her embarrassing things.

The two of you are sitting at the same table eating. You are so far apart that you can't talk about anything, but you have to complain about me to make the chat atmosphere relaxed and lively?

What kind of harm is this to friends!

Although if I were replaced by one of Nan Feng or Yu Mo, I would most likely start the conversation around their common friends.

But even if she, Hu Yifei, is usually quite reasonable, there will always be times when she is unreasonable.

Anyone can complain about me and talk about me in private, but not you two.

If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work!

But when Yifei discovered that these two people were not joking about her embarrassment, but were sincerely considering her, she was no longer so angry.

You two bastards have some conscience and remember how good I am to you.


The corners of Yifei's mouth curved, but the next moment it quickly changed back to that angry look.

"Of course, as for Yifei's bad temper, she can only make her future boyfriend a human sandbag." Yu Mo said with a smile, "If Yifei can vent all her bad temper and all these whims in With her boyfriend, our life will be much easier."

【It makes sense! 】

Xiaoxian and Zhanbo nodded subconsciously when they heard this.

Yifei looked at the few people angrily. If it weren't for the fear of being heard by Nanfeng, he would have patted the table and asked these guys what they meant.

Nanfeng then joked: "If you say that, this man must be thick-skinned, otherwise he will not be able to withstand the torture of Yifei, a deadly female devil."

"Ha..." Zeng Xiaoxian covered his mouth tightly before he laughed out loud.

Hu Yi Fei:……

I thought all my thoughts just now were just random thoughts, and I just wanted to destroy Nan Feng and Yu Mo's humanity!

They are just two bastards who are making fun of me! ! !

"Yes, I think Teacher Zeng is very good. He is a nice person and his work is not bad. The most important thing is that with his bitchy character, he is able to share a room with Yifei to this day. Whether it is his tolerance for Fei's cuisine or His ability to withstand blows must be very good."

Yu Mo asked expectantly: "I have long thought that they have a problem. Nanfeng, do you think there is something fishy between Teacher Zeng and Yifei?"

Now Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't help but laugh. He saw the three good guys Meijia, Wanyu and Zhanbo staring at him in surprise, as if they couldn't wait to ask.

Zeng Xiaoxian broke into cold sweat on his forehead and quickly shook his head into a wave.

I'm not, I don't have it, don't listen to their nonsense.

Aren't we here to listen to the gossip of Nan Feng and Yu Mo? Why did the topic turn to myself and Hu Yifei?

We were discussing their gossip for a long time, and Nan Feng and Yu Mo were not idle either.

Why are everyone so gossipy? Is the love apartment a gathering place for gossip?

But you gossips are gossips, and you can't spread rumors about me and Hu Yifei.

Look at Hu Yifei's's not bad, her figure...ahem, her character...

Yes, look at Hu Yifei's personality, how could any man like her?

Absolutely, absolutely impossible!

Hu Yifei stared at Zeng Xiaoxian with a look of displeasure on her face, and instantly felt that she had beaten him too lightly just now.

I haven’t said anything yet. What do you mean by this look of fear and avoidance?

Am I so unworthy of your love?

Nanfeng replied affirmatively: "I have long thought that there is something fishy between these two people, but Yifei is extremely proud, and Teacher Zeng is extremely cowardly.

"If we want to see any progress between these two people, we might as well look forward to how far Zhan Bo and Wanyu can develop."

Zhan Bo and Wanyu were originally the melon eaters in the melon field, but they never expected that they would also turn into melons.

The two shy people blushed instantly, their eyes glanced at each other subconsciously, and the two shy and ignorant eyes fled away at the slightest contact.

[It’s so embarrassing, so embarrassing. 】

Wanyu lowered her head shyly.

[What did Wanyu mean when she looked at me just now? 】

[What on earth was she thinking? 】

【Should I...】

Zhanbo was full of tangles in his heart.

"Zhanbo is not good at socializing, but Yifei doesn't know how to date and likes to give advice. Every time Zhanbo has a crush on a girl, she wants to decide their life-long affairs. ”

Yu Mo sighed and said, "It's rare that Yifei didn't take the initiative to intervene this time. I don't know if Zhan Bo and Wan Yu can be together in the end."

Nanfeng hit the nail on the head: "The problem they have now is not whether they like each other or whether they are compatible, but that Wanyu has not thought about the future direction at all."

Wanyu's shy expression gradually changed.

"Wanyu is different from Meijia and Curry Sauce. The two of them want to take root in their love apartment, Meijia wants to live a stable life, and Curry Sauce wants to realize her dream happily.

"But for Wanyu, the love apartment is just a stop for her. She left home for freedom, but she has not yet thought about what she should do and what she wants to do after she is free.

"You have to wait until she figures this out before anything can happen between the two of them."

Zhan Bo and Wanyu both raised their heads and glanced at each other, their eyes changing from shy to thoughtful.

Yu Mo nodded: "Speaking of Meijia, she and Zi Qiao..."

"Beginning early."

"But why do I feel that Meijia still has lingering feelings for Ziqiao?" Yu Mo asked weakly

Everyone looked at Meijia with satisfaction, it's your turn too.

Meijia pouted helplessly, looking like she had expected it but was still very unhappy.

You know it yourself.

Yifei, Xiaoxian, Zhanbo and Wanyu have all been talked about by them. According to the two of them, they are chatting one after another, and it will be their turn sooner or later.

But I'm still angry.

Seeing that Nan Feng and Yu Mo wanted to continue talking, several people quickly turned off the listening devices.

You can't listen to this anymore. If you continue to listen, who knows how many things they are ashamed to say will be heard by others.

Several people looked at each other, it was obvious that they had placed a listening device to eavesdrop on Nan Feng and Yu Mo's gossip.

Why did these two people sound so normal, but going around and around revealed their old ways one by one.

As several people gave up eavesdropping, the scene instantly became quite awkward.

Although many things Nanfeng and Yumo talked about are not unknown to everyone, such as the things between Zhanbo and Wanyu, the atmosphere of Yifei and Teacher Zeng being happy enemies, and the current situation of Meijia and Ziqiao falling in love and killing each other.

But as long as everyone is clear about this kind of thing, it’s okay to talk about it in private behind the person’s back.

But the act of breaking the window paper in front of the parties like this...

[Peerless Little Diao Chan]: Tonight we...

[Fei Feifei’s very beautiful giant rabbit]: What happened tonight? Didn’t we just go out to eat hot pot together?

[Brother Xian is a real man]: Yes, yes, I’ve been craving this hotpot for a long time.

[Tang Monk Shampoos and Loves Rejoice]: That’s it, except eating hot pot, we know nothing and hear nothing.

The five people just ate hot pot with their own thoughts, and the originally sumptuous hot pot meal became tasteless.

Time passed in such an awkward atmosphere, so that the five people with extremely complicated thoughts did not pay attention to the surprised eyes of Nan Feng and Yu Mo who had finished their hot pot at the corner.

I'm coming

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