Everyone looked up at the steel behemoth.

The extreme vehicle size of nearly six meters long and two and a half meters wide makes it like a temporarily sleeping lion, just waiting for the right time to make a roar that resounds throughout the world.

The blazing sunlight poured on the black body of the car, and all the heat was drained away in an instant. In the end, what was reflected in everyone's eyes was only a dim light as cold as cold iron.

The driver's cab window was opened, and Nanfeng stretched out his head and looked down at the people who were not as high as him.

"How is it? Isn't it shocking?"

"It's really shocking..." Yu Mo let out a long breath.

Guangu twisted his stiff neck: "I feel like my neck is sore when I look up."

Curry Sauce even shouted directly: "Teacher Nanfeng, you have bought a heavy truck!"

"To be precise, it's a heavy-duty off-road RV."

Nanfeng stopped the car, turned off the engine, and jumped down from the cab.

"Everyone, let me introduce you now, this is the Digger Zero produced by Digger Heavy Industries.

“Rugged, tough looking, roomy, louder, everything I needed in one go.

"The most important thing is that it is also a blue card, and you only need a C1 driver's license to drive it."

"Digging... heavy industry?"

Zi Qiao was shocked: "Have all those in heavy industry started building cars these days?"

Zeng Xiaoxian patted Zi Qiao on the shoulder and said: "This is called industrial diversification, and many groups are doing this now.

“It’s not uncommon for people in heavy industry to build cars. Maybe someday even people selling mobile phones will start building cars.

"In addition, in order to seize the RV market, Digger Heavy Industry has almost fully equipped the Digger Zero this time, and the price/performance ratio is super high."

"Teacher Zeng, you know so much." Wan Yu praised.

Zeng Xiaoxian let out a devilish laugh: "That's right, you don't even know who recommended the car to him."

He was the first person to know what kind of car Nanfeng wanted to buy. If this Digger Zero didn't reflect Brother Xian's temperament, he wouldn't have asked Yu Mo to borrow a car yesterday.

After all, it comes down to whether a roadster or a convertible is more popular.

After all, although big stars also ride in nanny cars, they drive luxury supercars themselves. This is what big stars should have.

Zhan Bo looked at this black Optimus Prime-like RV, and suddenly felt that the convertible sports car he was sitting on no longer smelled good.

Hu Yifei saw Zhan Bo's longing eyes and knew what he was thinking. She hit Zhan Bo hard on the head.

"Don't think about it. You've just passed the driver's license test and still want to touch a big car of this size. It's better to wait until you have mastered your driving skills."

In fact, as a man among men and a monster among women, Yifei likes this rough and domineering Digger Zero more than Zhanbo.

If she hadn't been watching Zhan Bo today, she would have really wanted to kick Nan Feng away and sit in the driver's seat to enjoy her handjob.

But the days are long, and driving doesn’t necessarily have to be today anyway.

When Zhan Bo heard his sister's words, he thought about it and thought it was the same. Anyway, the car wouldn't run if it was placed here.

Based on the relationship between me and Nanfeng since childhood, as long as I am proficient in driving skills, there is absolutely no problem in borrowing his car to drive.

Besides, Bumblebee may not be inferior to Black Optimus Prime.

So he laughed happily again.

"Okay, everyone, let's go quickly, it will be too late."

Nanfeng turned around and came to the cabin. After pressing his fingerprint, the electric pedals that folded on the body slowly fell down.

He opened the door, and what everyone saw was the solid wood floor of the cabin, the six-person table facing the door, and the leather seats on the left and right sides of the table.

Nanfeng gestured to everyone: "Get in the car."

Meijia was about to walk to the car immediately, but Nanfeng instinctively backed away.

He pointed to the elbow in Meijia's arms: "Are you sure you can take it with you to the TV station?"

"Teacher Zeng said you can bring it."

Meijia replied matter-of-factly: "When Teacher Zeng's show ends, we won't even know what time it is when we come back. We can't just keep the chicken in an iron cage and starve."

She patted the pet backpack on her back: "Don't worry, I put the elbow in the bag when I went to the scene to make sure nothing happens.

"And I've prepared dog biscuits for Sauce Knuckle, so he won't go hungry."

"Dog biscuits?" Guangu's eyes lit up.

Yu Mo patted Guan Gu on the shoulder: "Guan Gu, you really can't compete with Jiang Yuzi for food anymore!

"One cannot, at least one should not do that."

She still feels a little broken when she recalls the scene of Sekiya stuffing dog biscuits into her mouth one after another that night.

Sekiya murmured: "But the dog biscuits are really delicious."

Seeing everyone giving him strange looks, Guangu stood up his chest and defended: "If you don't believe it, you will know after eating it. I will go to the pet store to buy it for you guys."

"no, I'm fine……"

"Thank you, whole family..."

Everyone waved their hands and refused.

Nanfeng looked at the elbow in Meijia's arms and said, "As long as you don't let the elbow suddenly come next to me when I'm driving, then you can take it with you."

"Thank you Nanfeng." Meijia smiled sweetly.

According to the pre-arranged arrangement, Meijia, Jiang Yuzi, Yumo, Guangu and Curry Sauce successively set foot on Nanfeng's Digger Zero.

As soon as the four people and one dog got in the car, they started looking around curiously.

If the door is used as the central axis, the right side is of course the cab area, while the left side near the door is the kitchen area.

Cabinets, sinks, microwaves, induction cookers, refrigerators, range hoods... all the equipment that a kitchen should have.

Except Nanfeng’s favorite dishwasher.

[Nan Feng: No kitchen is complete without a dishwasher! ! ! 】

On the other side of the left side of the car door, the four people guessed that the part where the door was closed should be the bathroom of the RV.

There is a small staircase on the far left that winds all the way up, which should lead to the terrace on the roof that can be freely retracted up and down.

Looking at the space in the car, which is almost the same as a small house, several people's mouths never closed.

Meijia and Curry Sauce were running around in the car noisily, wanting to touch the whole car up and down.

"Nanfeng, now I believe you are really rich." Meijia said with a look of amazement.

In fact, everyone knows that Nanfeng is a rich man. Even if his family background and previous glorious experiences are not considered, a boss who has the ability to give his employees nearly two months of annual leave and let them work from home, you say that his dubbing studio is not Making money is definitely fake.

But usually, everyone really has no idea about Nanfeng's wealth. After all, he lives in a shared apartment like everyone else. He only eats sandwiches and lemonade, and doesn't like to buy clothes or luxury goods.

His spending power seems to be just a little bit better than everyone else's.

This is indeed the case. Nanfeng, who was born in a martial arts family, does not have so many fancy purchases, otherwise he would not be able to pass the test of his family's old man.

There is no rule in their family not to hit children. The old man really dares to hit them hard with his casserole-sized fists.

But it would not be wrong to say that Nanfeng only made money without spending money. The place where he really burned money was the pile of large musical instruments in the musical instrument storage room.

These instruments are much more expensive than the Digger Zero.

It's just that for this group of music idiots, they may know that the prices of these instruments are ridiculous, but they will never have a specific concept.

In comparison, Digger Zero was more shocking to them.

The only person in the entire apartment who knew how much Nanfeng's musical instruments were worth was Wan Yu, but unfortunately, Nanfeng's ability to make money was not worth mentioning in front of Miss Wan Yu.

Therefore, comparing people to others will lead to death, and comparing goods to goods will lead to throwing away.

Comparing yourself with others is tiring, and the most important thing is to be happy yourself.

Nanfeng shrugged and did not continue the conversation. If he continued talking, it would be like he was showing off his wealth.

He just reminded: "The bunch of buttons on the top of the car door are various control switches for the entire car, so you should pay attention.

"Also, even if it's an RV, you still have to sit tight and fasten your seat belts when driving."


Zeng Xiaoxian, who was sitting in the back seat of the convertible, stood up, crossed over Zhanbo and pressed the car's horn: "Brother, are you guys okay? Time is running out."

Yifei patted Zeng Xiaoxian's hand and cursed, "You're the only one who's still an old driver. Don't you know that you can't just honk your horn in a residential area?"

"Leave now."

Nanfeng made an OK gesture towards Xiaoxian, and finally reminded everyone in the car: "Because I just picked up the car yesterday, and there are still many things that are not fully equipped.

“But there are snacks I bought in the drawer under the seat, and there are drinks in the refrigerator.

"Although you can't run around while driving, you can still eat, chat, and watch TV."

"Damn, what kind of imperial treatment is this?"

Zi Qiao smiled flatteringly at Nanfeng and said, "Your car should be able to seat more than five people. Is it too late for me to sit in there now?"

Nan Feng smiled at Zi Qiao expressionlessly: "Fuck you!"

If you want to get in the car now, why did you go there early?

Zi Qiao pouted.

Nanfeng closed the car door, turned around and climbed into the cab. The four of them also sat down obediently and fastened their seat belts.

"Let's go, Target TV Station!" the two drivers shouted in unison.

Then Nanfeng watched helplessly as Zhanbo started to start up at a very fast pace, and then slowly drove towards the TV station.

Slowly, slowly, slowly...

"Depend on!"

Nanfeng shouted in surprise: "Zhanbo, what's going on? Yumo, your car is out of gas, right?"

Four helpless sighs came from behind.

Yu Mo said helplessly: "I actually seriously suspect that Zhan Bo not only failed to find the accelerator, but also pressed the brakes the whole time."

Sekiya said with emotion: "I hope Zhanbo will not break my record of Thirteenth Lang in Central."

Curry Sauce had already dug out snacks from the drawer and shared them with everyone present. While eating, she murmured: "Zhanbo shouldn't go around Central thirteen times, right?"

"I'm afraid he'll drive the Central Link for thirteen hours."

"Ah?" Meijia exclaimed.

Nanfeng still didn't start. After all, the roads in residential areas were small, and the Digger Zero was also too big. There was no room for overtaking or driving together.

In addition, Zhanbo is still a novice, so having such a big car behind him will only make him more nervous.

So he could only watch Zhanbo move forward quietly, and waited until the convertible sports car disappeared from his sight before Nanfeng started.

When the two drove onto the highway, Zhanbo seemed to finally find the accelerator.

As a result, Zhanbo's speed skyrocketed.

From being able to be overtaken by a child on a bicycle with training wheels, the speed has skyrocketed to being able to race an electric car on the roadside for 300 rounds before finally falling behind.

Let’s just say that the speed has skyrocketed, right?

Nanfeng had tried his best to take care of Zhanbo's speed, but after a while Zhanbo was still far behind him.

Digger Zero drove all the way in the direction of the TV station, and soon came to Nanfeng's favorite viaduct section.

The reason why he likes viaducts is also very simple, because there are no big trucks on the viaducts. In theory, the Digger Zero is the size limit that can be used on the viaducts.

Great, now it's finally my turn to be the boss.

If nothing else, Nanfeng's smugness will continue until he gets off the viaduct.

However, this situation usually involves some surprises.

Unconsciously, the cars in front stopped one after another, and soon a stagnant traffic flow appeared in front of Nanfeng.

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