Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 233 Wanyu’s confusion

Yu Mo touched Wanyu's head: "So are you sad because you were kicked out of school?"

Since the last game, Wan Yu also found an opportunity to tell Yu Mo her true identity. Only then did Yu Mo realize that the quirky little girl in front of him was actually the daughter of Lin's International Bank.

Wan Yu nodded, then shook her head: "Yes, but also no."

She looked up at the rising moon in the sky, with indescribable confusion in her eyes: "Actually, I don't like music that much. To me, the New York Conservatory of Music is no different from other universities.

"From the moment I escaped, I was prepared to be kicked out of school."

Wanyu sighed: "It's just that in my imagination at the time, I should have lived my ideal life now.

"I will read the withdrawal notice calmly, then close the computer and continue the life I dream of without any regrets."

She paused, then muttered with her head depressed: "Instead of being like now, working a part-time job that she doesn't like, looking at the email that she was expelled from school after get off work, exhausted, her head empty and unable to say a word. .”

"Do you regret it?" Nanfeng asked.

Wan Yu hesitated for a moment, and finally shook her head firmly: "Never."

As she spoke, Wanyu clenched her little fist and knocked hard on the handrail of the elevated building: "Actually, I left home not only because my father wanted to arrange a blind date for me, but also because I spent a long, long time thinking about it. Understand one thing.

"No matter how good my father is to me, I will always be his good daughter in this family, and in the eyes of others, I will always be just the eldest daughter of Lin International Bank.

“All my labels have my dad’s name on them, and my dad’s will determines my life more than my own.

"I don't like this, so I have to leave my father's shelter and find my true self."

She paused and looked at Nan Feng and Yu Mo nervously: "Don't you think I'm being pretentious? I've obviously lived a life that everyone dreams of...or a life that no one dares to imagine, but... I’m still not satisfied.”

Before this, Wan Yu had not told her friends about these things, but they couldn't understand her at all.

In their eyes, Father Lin is almost a perfect father except for being a little busy and domineering.

This is indeed the case. In Wanyu's heart, her father is always the best father.

But cubs must grow up without the protection of their father.

Nanfeng pondered for a moment and said with empathy: "Live your life for yourself, not for others to see."

Yu Mo looked at Wan Yu with burning eyes: "Human life is very short. If we don't live according to the way we like now, then we don't know if there will be a future."

"thank you all."

Wan Yu smiled sweetly and said, "I thought you would think I was pretentious like my previous friends."

"A hypocritical person is one who claims to be independent while still enjoying everything he hates with peace of mind."

Nanfeng smiled and encouraged: "We generally call it bravery if you dare to think and do something like this."

"But bravery alone is not enough."

Wan Yu lowered her head, and even her voice became much duller: "Before I ran away from home, I always felt that as long as I could be free, I would immediately be able to live the life I really wanted.

"Unfortunately, it didn't happen. After I got my freedom, I didn't know what kind of life I wanted to live."

She smiled self-deprecatingly: "Curry sauce is better than me at this point."

"Curry sauce?" Yu Mo's face showed the same surprise as Yifei, "Are you envious of curry sauce?"

"why not?"

Wanyu's face showed a look of longing: "Curry Sauce has dreams and a life she loves.

“Now she has been working hard towards her dreams and the life she loves.

"But what about me?"

Wan Yu paused and continued: "Before I ran away from home, I always thought that being free was my dream.

“But after experiencing this period of life, I realized that freedom is only the foundation of dreams, not the whole story.

"So what are my dreams and what is the life I love after I'm free?"

Wanyu shook her head: "I can't understand."

Yu Mo sighed: "Dreams are not just something you can't figure out. Living a life you love is not something everyone can do."

"But I must figure it out, otherwise there will be no point in running away from home!"

Wanyu choked with red eyes: "I left a letter to my father before I ran away from home. I told him that I would not go back until I lived the life of my dreams.

"I must walk home with my head held high, instead of running back in despair to be a good daughter to my parents again."

Yu Mo hugged Wanyu distressedly, even nuzzling the confused and stubborn girl with her head obediently.

Nanfeng just smiled.

"Wanyu, do you feel particularly confused now?"

Wanyu was stunned for a moment, then nodded heavily.

"It's okay to be confused."

Nanfeng said firmly to Wanyu: "Confusion is just the dizzy feeling of freedom, you are just not used to the feeling of freedom.

"Think slowly and you will figure it out."

"Then what if I never figure it out?" Wanyu was extremely scared when she thought of this possibility.

"No way, absolutely impossible."

He paused, and then said lightly: "I have a friend who used to have the same troubles as you.

"He was once a very good pianist, but he had to give up the piano because of an accident... That's enough for you two!"

Nan Feng looked angrily at Yu Mo and Wan Yu, who were holding back smiles: "Can you respect the storyteller?"

Wan Yu was clearly sobbing with red eyes just now, but now she was biting her finger to prevent herself from laughing: "Nanfeng, there are no outsiders here, so just be honest.

"Is this friend you are talking about yourself?"

Nanfeng's expression did not change, and he still said harshly: "What are you thinking about? You already said he is a friend of mine."

"Okay, okay, friends are friends."

Yu Mo suppressed a smile and said, "Go on, what happened to that friend of yours?"

"Damn, the emotions that were finally brewing were interrupted by the two of you."

Nanfeng coughed lightly and continued: "My friend also fell into a particularly confused period after he had to give up the piano. He didn't know what he should do or what kind of life he should live.

“He thought about it, tossed and turned, and finally came up with a bold idea.

"Since you can't figure it out, try everything you can think of."

As Nanfeng spoke, he couldn't help showing a look of reminiscence on his face: "So my friend did many, many inexplicable things, such as going to the river to catch fireflies in the middle of the night, and racing with the sun at sunrise to see if he could survive the full sun. Descend before ascending.

“I sat in the hospital without saying a word all night, and even played live CS with my eyes covered late at night.

“When he was most bored, he even listened to Teacher Zeng’s The Moon, My Heart.”

Wan Yu finally couldn't help but laugh: "I didn't expect Nanfeng, your... friend to be so boring, even listening to Teacher Zeng's program."

Yu Mo stared at Nanfeng blankly, his eyes like autumn water gradually becoming rippled.

"That's not important. What's important is that he is in the process..."

Wanyu guessed, "Have you found the life of your dreams?"

"Not at all." Nanfeng shook his head unexpectedly.

"How can these things that require meditation and hard thinking be the life of his dreams?"

Under Wan Yu's puzzled gaze, Nanfeng continued: "In fact, the story of him finding his dream life is much plainer than what I just said.

"He just returned to his dusty home one day and found a diary from his childhood. He didn't even open it and he already figured out what he wanted."

Nanfeng said to Wanyu: "Wanyu, you are already in your twenties, do you still have to think hard like a child about what is your dream life?

“After much thought, do you want to be a scientist today, an astronaut tomorrow, or a big star the day after tomorrow?

“Adults don’t dream, only children do.

"The so-called dream life does not require you to think hard and create at all. It has quietly formed along with your three views over the past twenty years.

"You just lack a key to open it now, an opportunity to recall your dream again.

"Believe me, all you have to do now is wait for this opportunity to appear."

Wanyu fell into deep thought for a long time.

Yes, since it is a dream life, it is impossible not to leave a trace in one's life.

So, all you have to do is wait?

"I understand the truth and understand it."

"But if I wait too long, I will still be very depressed." Wan Yu muttered.

Nanfeng laughed loudly: "Then find a way to vent it out."

"Are you venting..."

Wan Yu thought about it but couldn't think of any way to vent her anger that was both enjoyable and cost-effective.

Suddenly her eyes lit up: "Nanfeng, can you lend me your drum set now?"


Wan Yu pointed to the second floor of Digger Zero: "Do you think it would be particularly relaxing if I played a rock song up here?"

When Nan Feng heard this, he immediately looked at Wan Yu with admiration: "You want to play drums in front of so many people, so you are not afraid of stage fright?"

Wanyu rubbed her nose playfully: "This is all a small scene. I have formed a rock band before, and the audience for each performance is much larger than these dozens of people."


Nanfeng rubbed his chin and followed Wanyu's thoughts and thought of a bolder idea.

He looked at Yu Mo first: "Yu Mo, what do you think?"

Yu Mo is also a person who likes to join in the fun. She expressed her support happily: "I really didn't know Wanyu could actually play drums. That scene must be very interesting."

Nanfeng turned around, raised his hands high and clapped his hands: "All the handsome guys and beauties, look over here. My little girl is going to play a rock song on the roof terrace of the car later. Do you like it?"

Now the car owners in the entire area have been assimilated into fellow travelers who like to join in the fun. When they hear someone is about to perform, they immediately applaud and boo.



These drivers never dreamed that one day they would be blocked on an elevated highway and a group of people would gather inexplicably. Everyone was talking, laughing, eating, drinking, and now there was actually a performance.

They have never seen this kind of situation before, and they probably won't see it again in the future.

Nanfeng grinned and revealed his true purpose: "Don't just say welcome, please support us where we should be, and be a warm welcome where we should be.

"How boring is it to just let me, a little girl, perform? There are dozens of people out there and there aren't even a few versatile ones?

“When the time comes, those who are talented can perform and those who don’t know how can sing a song.

"Anyway, I don't know how long the traffic jam will last. If I don't have some fun for myself, I won't be bored to death."

Seeing that everyone was hesitant, he chuckled and said: "The handsome guys and beauties these days are not very good. Why is it that no little girl has the courage yet?"

"Damn, are you kidding us by playing tricks on us?"

A driver in the crowd cursed and said: "I'm just going to do this, it's just a performance. I used to play the guitar to get my wife."

"Wait a minute, I'll get back to the car to get my guitar!"

Immediately afterwards, someone also said: "Isn't it just rock and roll? If anyone can't do it, I will do it too."

"Can I do stand-up comedy?"

Nanfeng said cheerfully: "As long as you have the ability, you can do a skit on the spot."

"Okay, isn't it just a show? As long as the traffic jam lasts, we'll be high tonight!"

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