Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 277 There are two elders at home, noisy

Nanfeng parked the Digger Zero in the parking lot near his old house, and took Wan Yu and the other three on foot towards home.

"Nanfeng is back. Did you bring your friends?"

"Yes, bring a few friends back to celebrate the New Year."

Along the way, people kept saying hello to Nanfeng. Wan Yu and the three of them didn't know how many times they heard the above conversation.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but sigh: "Nanfeng, you seem to be very popular here."

Nanfeng smiled and explained: "The surname Chu is a common surname here. Basically half of the village's people are on the same family tree. They are all relatives here, so of course they are familiar with it."

"So that's it."

Wanyu looked around like a curious baby: "'s so full of life here."

Guangu, who is not good at Chinese, did not understand the meaning of Wanyu's words: "What is [full of vitality]?"

Zhang Wei didn't look back and explained concisely: "The poor are full of vitality."


Wan Yu waved her hands repeatedly: "I really think this place is very good. Look at the flowers, trees, and the way everyone enjoys life leisurely. It's really nice.

"It feels like something out of Tao Yuanming's poem."

Nanfeng smiled helplessly after hearing this: "...Wanyu, these are not flowers and trees, they are vegetables planted in the yard.

"They are not enjoying life leisurely. It is purely because everyone is as tired as a dog outside. After finally coming back during the New Year, of course they choose to show off."


Wanyu muttered in a low mood: "I thought..."

Nanfeng and Zhang Wei just smiled when they saw this.

Perhaps only in the eyes of young lady Wan Yu, life can be so poetic.

In addition, even Tao Yuanming, who wrote poetry, had to "rise in the morning to clean up the wasteland and return home with a moonlight load to hoe."

Even so, Tao Yuanming's vegetable gardening skills were terrible. Otherwise, how could he write "The grass is abundant and the bean sprouts are sparse"?

Guan Gu asked directly: "Wanyu, have you never been to the countryside before?"

Wanyu shook her head.

Although she likes traveling, she has never seen such a rural scene like this.


Nanfeng smiled and said: "Then let's experience it well this time."

A few people were walking and chatting, and while they were talking and laughing, they could already see the shadow of the old house.

As the saying goes, the poor are rich in culture and military. Zhang Wei and Guan Gu knew before that Nanfeng's family was not very poor, but they still didn't expect that Nanfeng's old house was so wealthy.

Zhang Wei was almost shocked: "I thought you were just referring to the old house, but it turns out it is really a house."

"Calm down."

Nanfeng said disapprovingly: "The times are progressing, and the times are developing. The old house looks bluffing, and it has long been inferior to the current residence in terms of habitability and convenience.

"But our family doesn't pay too much attention to where we live. We can just make do with it."

Zhang Wei almost gritted his teeth when he heard this: "Just deal with it?"

What a saying from Versailles!

He really wanted to have such a decent house.

Unexpectedly, Wanyu nodded in agreement: "Indeed, I also think that the living environment does not need to be too big, it is too good, just make do with it.

"Otherwise, like my manor, it would take dozens of minutes just to drive to the gate of the manor, which would be extremely troublesome."

Zhang Wei:......

Very good, there are experts.

This is really incomparable.


After Wan Yu finished speaking, she seemed to hear a crisp sound. She looked around curiously: "What is this sound?"

"It's my heart, the sound of my simple and kind heart breaking."

Zhang Wei covered his chest and looked up to the sky with great exaggeration and sighed: "There are so many rich people in this world, why can't there be one more like me?

"From now on, I will start to take revenge on the world!"

"Zhang Wei, you'd better not turn black."

Sekiya joked: "If you continue to be black, you will become an African lawyer."

"That's right." Zhang Wei nodded.

Wanyu blinked: "But I seemed to really hear a crisp sound."

Nanfeng sighed helplessly. He raised his eyes and looked inside the old house: "This is another fight."


Wan Yu, Zhang Wei and Guan Gu were shocked by Nanfeng's words.

Before Nanfeng could say anything more, the three of them saw an old man running out of the house in a hurry, and another white-haired old man chasing and beating him with a cane.

"Fuck, if you keep doing this, I'm going to fight back. Your bones can't stand a beating from me."

The old man who was running at the front was obviously scared to death after being beaten, but he was very tough-talking. He was still chattering and shouting as he ran.

However, the old man who hit people with a cane was even more emboldened: "You stinky boy, if you have the guts, hit me back. If you don't fight back, you will be my son!"

"But I am your son!"

Seeing this, Nanfeng couldn't help but touch his forehead with his hand.

【I knew it! 】

When Wan Yu and the other three saw this scene, they were stunned.


"Nanfeng, the old man in your family... is in great physical condition!" Guan Gu was silent for a moment, then gave a thumbs up in praise.

Zhang Wei also laughed repeatedly: "Nanfeng, your family is really full of martial virtue!"

Nanfeng covered his eyes and couldn't bear to look at it: "Just get used to it, get used to it."

Wan Yu curiously asked Nanfeng: "Nanfeng, who of the two is your grandfather?"

Nanfeng looked at Wanyu in shock when he heard this: "What do you think?"

Wanyu smiled sheepishly.

The elderly duo who were quarreling and swearing finally saw the Nanfeng quartet standing at the door of the house watching a play.

"Dad, stop fighting.

"There are outsiders here, aren't you making people laugh?"

The beaten old man pointed in the direction of the south wind and said.

The old man holding a walking stick yelled loudly when he heard this: "There is a ridiculous outsider here, and you can't even recognize your own grandson?"

The old man who was beaten took a closer look and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Hey, he is really my unfamiliar eldest grandson.

"Why don't you go out in the wild today and think about going home?"

Nanfeng's face darkened.

He looked at the Guan Gu people and said, "How about the four of us find a place to celebrate the New Year together."

The three of them could only laugh repeatedly at this time.

They now understood what Nanfeng meant when he said that his old man had a weird temper and was not very good at talking.

This old man Chu does have quite a personality.

"You don't have to look at what's going on now. Where can I go if I don't come back to celebrate the New Year?"

Old Mrs. Chu kicked his bastard son who had not been very talkative since he was a child. He gently waved to Nanfeng: "Come on, let me see if my little Nanfeng has lost weight."

"Grandpa Zeng."

Nanfeng walked up with a smile on his face to help Old Master Chu, and then called out to Old Master Chu: "Grandpa."

Mr. Chu patted Nan Feng on the shoulder and said with great enthusiasm: "Not bad, my body has become quite strong recently. How long do you plan to stay home this time?"

"If you don't quarrel with me, I will stay at home for a few more days."

The old man nodded heartily and said: "That's okay, I'll bear with it.

"But we can't bear it for long. We, grandfather and grandson, will probably have to quarrel in a few days."

Nan Feng nodded in agreement.

"By the way, these are the three friends I brought back for the New Year."

Nanfeng introduced the two parties: "This is my old man and old lady."

"This is Wanyu, Guan Gu Qingqi and Zhang Wei."

Wan Yu and the other three greeted the two elderly people warmly.

What happened just now was so unexpected that they didn't take a serious look at the two old people in Nanfeng's family until now.

The old man is in his sixties this year, but he looks about fifty. His thick black hair makes programmers jealous to death.

He was wearing a black tunic suit, his waist was straight, and he looked upright, courageous, capable, and resolute.

For a moment, Guan Gu and others couldn't connect the old man in front of them with the little old man who had just been beaten and ran away with his head in his arms.

The old man is nearly ninety years old. His hair is gray, but his energy is rare. His expression is peaceful and loving, and his eyes are full of calmness and gentleness. His whole person is similar to Nan Feng.

The two of them stood together. From appearance to temperament, the old man looked exactly like Nan Feng when he got older.

"The magic of Guangu..."

After listening to Nanfeng's introduction, the old man looked at Sekiya: "Are you a Japanese who has lived a good life?"

Nanfeng let out a sigh of relief.

Thank God, even if the old man can no longer speak, he will not say bad words to the friends brought by his grandson.


Guangu nodded with an embarrassed expression. He was a little worried that Nanfeng's grandfather would not welcome him because of his nationality.

"He looks quite decent, and since he is the friend Nanfeng brought back, he must be no different."

The old man asked curiously: "But do you really have to wash the dishes seven times in Japan?"


Where did this rumor come from?

Facing the elders' questions, Guangu could only stammer: "My family is a cooking family, but I have never heard of this rule. It must be made up randomly."

"That's good, otherwise if you come to our house, we will be exhausted just washing the dishes."

The old man said cheerfully.


The old man couldn't bear to listen, so he whipped his cane at his son who couldn't control his mouth.

"You talk a lot, why don't you hurry up and tidy up the room with your wife for the children to live in!"

"Don't I respect the culture of my guests? If they really ask for a plate to be washed seven times and we don't wash it, then isn't that a lack of hospitality?

"You're scolding me for this too..."

The old man muttered angrily.

The old man was immediately furious: "Why don't you go quickly!"

Seeing his father staring at him viciously, the old man had no choice but to return to the house.

The old man shook his head and smiled at Guan Gu and the others: "You three, don't take it too seriously. Nanfeng's grandfather is just a bit straight-forward and not very good at talking. He is quite good in other aspects.

"He has had this character since he was a child. No matter how hard I teach him, I can't teach him enough to make you laugh."

"No no……"

The three of them waved their hands.

In fact, the old man looked at them with cheerful eyes, and he sincerely welcomed them to celebrate the New Year.


This was indeed the first time they had seen someone more stubborn than Zhan Bo.

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