Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 279 New Year’s Eve is coming

"Hey, little Nanfeng, watch this heroine kill three times in a row!"

As soon as Nan Feng left the room, he saw Wan Yu jumping out.

She imitated the movements of the hidden weapon master in the TV series, and gracefully dropped three small cannons at Nan Feng's feet.


With the crackling sound of the cannon being thrown, Nanfeng covered his chest in an extremely exaggerated manner and shouted: "The heroine Wanyu is indeed well-deserved, but you secretly attacked me, and I, Mr. Chu, will never accept it!"

"Then try this heroine's trick: Buddha's Angry Tang..."

Wan Yu said that she was going to throw all the cannons in her hand to the ground.

"No, no, no!"

Nan Feng hurriedly tried to dissuade him, "Isn't it okay for me to be convinced now?"

This handful of throwing cannons was thrown down, and its lethality was not high, but it made Nanfeng's ears tingle.


Wan Yu laughed loudly at Nanfeng: "Nanfeng, happy New Year's Eve."

"Happy New Year's Eve, Wanyu."

Nanfeng asked with a smile on his face: "Have you enjoyed your time here these days?"

"Of course I'm happy."

Wanyu is like a free cloud, and the bright smile on her face is like a ray of morning light piercing the clouds.

In the past few days, Nanfeng took his group of people around and played around. The three of them were like children taken by their parents on a spring outing, having fun.

Wan Yu really felt a little happy and reluctant to miss Shu.

"But let me tell you, I could be happier."

Wanyu blinked, stretched out her hand and said playfully: "Congratulations on getting rich, bring me the red envelope."

Nanfeng's eyes widened: "We are the same generation, and you still want to get a red envelope from me?"

"This red envelope was not given to me by you, but by the old man."

Wan Yu took out a red envelope with amusement: "I saw this red envelope with my name on it at the door of my room early this morning. I originally planned to return it to your elders.

"It turned out that this red envelope was too light and thin, and it said Wan Yu personally signed it. I couldn't help but opened it and took a look."

Nanfeng took the red envelope and opened it. Inside was a thin piece of red paper.

[Happy New Year’s Eve, little girl, I’ll give you a red envelope to celebrate the new year. 】

[Although my money is controlled by Nanfeng’s grandma, as the saying goes: The debts owed by the father will be repaid by the sun. 】

[Just go to Nan Feng and ask for the red envelope. This bastard is rich, so don’t be polite to him. 】

[ps: If possible, remember to remind him in a subtle way that his poor grandpa doesn’t even have money to buy cigarettes or alcohol now. 】

[ps: Also, you must not tell Nanfeng, his grandma, or me about this matter, please, please. 】

The old man also drew an expression with folded hands on the paper.

"This Lao Deng."

Nanfeng cursed and said: "He just had a heart bypass two years ago, and now he still wants to smoke and drink?

"Why doesn't he get a perm?"

If the old man hadn't lost control of himself as he got older, smoking and drinking all the time, he wouldn't be left without a penny under the control of me and his wife.

"Don't tell me, just for the old man's good looks, even if he gets a perm, some people will believe him even if he says he's only forty years old this year."

Wanyu gave a thumbs up and praised, then curiously pointed to the signature on the red paper.

"But why did your grandfather leave the name [Lin Danda], and the word "egg" is missing a dot."

Nan Feng looked at the words on the red paper that looked like dog scratches and curled his lips: "My grandfather's name is Chu Zhongtian."

Wanyu smiled awkwardly.

You can't blame her, it's really Grandpa Nanfeng's handwriting that isn't very good.

"Wanyu, wait, I'll get you a red envelope."

Nan Feng sighed, although the old man was a bit deceptive.

But my debt will be repaid by my grandson.

Fortunately, although he forgot to bring his luggage, he did not forget to bring back the red envelope.

"No, I'm kidding you."

Wan Yu quickly grabbed Nan Feng and said, "Whether it's your grandpa or you, I can't accept the red envelopes from you two."

I am not related to Nanfeng's family at all, nor have any ties to each other. It is already very good to eat, drink, play and have fun here, so how can I collect any more New Year's money?

"By the way, this is the red envelope in front of Zhang Wei and Guan Gu."

Wan Yu took out two more red envelopes and handed them to Nan Feng: "The three of us have the same intention. We accept the old man's wishes, but forget about the new year's money."

"All right."

Nanfeng also knew that with Wanyu's character, they would not ask for the New Year's money from his family.

Unless the old man gives it to them tonight.

He put away the three red envelopes and said with a malicious smile: "Now if the old man quarrels with me again this year, I will have bullets to fight back."

Nanfeng despised people who complained behind their backs, so he would definitely complain in front of the old man.

Wanyu covered her mouth and snickered: "You two are really quarrelsome. I've seen you quarreling several times in the past few days."

"What an unfortunate family."

The south wind looked at the sky and sighed.

When I was young, I was free and carefree and only wanted to have fun, while my old man was strict and strict.

Now the older he gets, the more he looks like a child.

Wan Yu stretched her head and looked around: "Speaking of which, I didn't see anyone in the house early this morning. Where have they gone?"

"The old man probably went to the ancestral hall to be a mascot. As for my grandfather and grandmother, they must have been picked up by their disciples and grandchildren to have lunch.

"Today's lunch is probably going to have to be settled by the four of us ourselves."

Nanfeng said with a smile on his face: "But they will be back in the afternoon, and they won't just let the four of us have New Year's Eve dinner at home."

He looked up at the too-quiet house: "So what are Zhang Wei and Guan Gu doing? Why didn't they hear anything?"

Wan Yu lowered her head and smiled sheepishly: "They went to buy fireworks."

Nanfeng's eyes widened again when he heard this. He stammered and asked in disbelief: "Here, all these fireworks and firecrackers were used by the three of you?"

Wan Yu stuck out her tongue: "Except for the fireworks that will be put into the sky during the New Year, there are no fireworks left for children to play with."

"Then you are really awesome." Nanfeng admired from the bottom of his heart.

You know, he bought several boxes of fireworks and firecrackers, and they were all played by these three "children" who were over seventy years old in total.

The most important thing is that you are done...

What do I play?

"Don't worry, Guangu and Zhang Wei have already gone out to buy some. We still have something to play tonight."

Wanyu said sheepishly.

Compared with big cities like Shanghai, the regulations on the management of fireworks and firecrackers in rural areas are obviously not that strict. Fireworks and firecrackers in villages are not only cheap, but also in large quantities.

So the three of them, who were still young at heart, got a little addicted to playing.

Especially Zhang Wei. For a stingy person like him, he only received one or two fireworks during the Chinese New Year in the orphanage when he was a child. If he were asked to spend money to buy something that disappears once burned, Zhang Wei would definitely not be able to afford it. Pay this money.

Zhang Wei, who had not played with fireworks much in his childhood, really played with great enthusiasm this time. He even proposed the idea of ​​"if you have money, give money, and if you have power" to buy fireworks with Wan Yu and Guan Gu.

In fact, Wan Yu and Guan Gu paid for it, and Zhang Wei helped carry the fireworks and clean up.

"All right."

Nanfeng thought for a while and said, "Then what are we going to do during the day?"

Wanyu bit her fingers and thought carefully.

Today is New Year's Eve. It's definitely not convenient for them to go out and play like before, but what can they do at home?


She had an idea, snapped her fingers and said, "Let's prepare the New Year's Eve dinner together."

"We? Prepare New Year's Eve dinner?"

Nanfeng pointed at himself and Wanyu: "Do you mean me or you when you talk about us?"

He didn't have much hope for Wanyu's suggestion.

Let's put it this way, even though everyone in the apartment laughed at Hu Yifei's cooking skills every day, Nan Feng and Wan Yu's cooking skills combined could not compare to hers with one hand.

After all, the egg fried rice made by others is still edible. The two of them put it together. Their only cooking experience was that Nanfeng helped Guangu.

Even if it's not just the two of them, according to Nanfeng's knowledge, Zhang Wei's cooking skills are not very good.

Not all orphans will be able to teach themselves how to cook without any teacher. Such children are usually the protagonists of cool novels.

In fact, the cost of cooking is the highest for a person who lives alone.

Especially Zhang Wei, who is poor and stingy, has spent so many years either eating in the cafeteria or eating milk and bread with his left hand and boiling instant noodles with his right hand.

If he is really afraid that his food is not nutritious, he will buy a bag of 21-in-1 colorful vitamins to supplement trace elements in the human body.

This is much cheaper than cooking by yourself.

Sekiya's cooking skills are the strongest in the apartment, but he has never cooked anything other than Japanese food since he was a child.

Forget it normally, they can't eat Japanese food on New Year's Eve, right?

Nanfeng felt that there was no need to try this kind of death-seeking behavior.

Wanyu obviously didn't know that Nanfeng had thought so much in such a short period of time, she was just eager to give it a try

"Oh, let's give it a try, I'm embarrassed to have my grandparents prepare the New Year's Eve dinner again when they come back.

"Besides, I don't plan to take care of all the New Year's Eve dinner. I'm just trying to help out."

Wan Yu also knew that they couldn't handle a New Year's Eve dinner with their strength, but they should have no problem cooking one or two dishes.

"Okay...then what are you going to do?"

"How about making dumplings?" Wan Yu suggested.

"Making dumplings and smashing them?"

Wanyu corrected: "It's about making dumplings."

"I know, but reading it this way makes it feel more contemporary."

Nanfeng spread his hands: "Don't you think it feels like watching the Spring Festival Gala?"

Wanyu thought for a while, then her eyes lit up: "It's true."

"But Wanyu, making dumplings for the New Year is a tradition in the north. We don't have this custom here." Nanfeng reminded.

"I know, I also studied in Shanghai when I was in elementary school and junior high school."

Wanyu said excitedly: “It’s just because there is no such custom that we should try it.

"Especially the lottery game where you put coins into dumplings, I think it's very fun."

She patted her chest and assured, "Besides, I just learned how to make dumplings from a TV series, so there will be no problem."

"All right."

Nan Feng thought for a moment, and realized that there were only a few materials needed to make dumplings anyway, and they could get them together with a little effort during the Chinese New Year.

The most important thing is that making dumplings does not require frying or stir-frying, which is a very reliable choice for cooking idiots like them.

After all, no matter how ugly the dumplings are, it won't affect the taste. If it doesn't work, Guangu will come to the rescue.

"Then let's quickly prepare the ingredients for making dumplings and wait for Guangu and Zhang Wei to come back."


Wanyu waved her fists, looking forward to it.

The two of them first ran to the kitchen to search for a while, and soon they had gathered the ingredients needed to make dumplings.

It's just that they waited for a long time but didn't wait for Guangu and Zhang Wei to come back. Even when Nanfeng called, no one answered, and they didn't know what the two of them were doing.

Nanfeng was a little worried at first, but after thinking about it carefully, these two 180-meter-high men would not suffer a big loss no matter what.

Not to mention, Zhang Wei also brought a hair dryer and a bunch of keys with him.

If the hair dryer is used as a meteor hammer, the power of hitting people is not small, and the bunch of keys can crack people's heads open!

Besides, I have been taking the two of them around for the past few days. Everyone in the village knows that they are his friends, and Guangu and Zhang Wei will not be bullied because they are unfamiliar with the place.

Nanfeng felt relieved a little.

"Why haven't Guan Gu and Zhang Wei come back yet?"

Wanyu, who was in a hurry to make dumplings, slapped the paste and cotton thread in her hand on the table: "Forget it, let's wait while we make it."

Nanfeng looked at Wanyu in confusion.

"It's okay to do it first and wait first, but what are the paste and cotton threads you brought for?"

"This is for making dumplings after we finish making the noodles."

Wanyu blinked and said like a jingle: "First stick it with paste, then thread it with cotton thread. Everyone was in tears after eating it."

Nanfeng was stunned for a moment.

"First stick it with glue, then thread it with cotton thread...

"What a weird way to make dumplings!"

Nanfeng felt that this method was not only outrageous, but also vaguely familiar.

"Wait a minute, which TV series did you learn how to make dumplings from?"

"Wulin Gaiden." Wan Yu responded matter-of-factly.

"But it's a comedy!"

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