Afterwards, I saw Secretary Li help Song Mo Ran open the door to his office, and Song Mo Ran carried me into his office.

As soon as he entered, he saw a middle-aged man in a white coat guarding the door, "Director Song, I rushed here as soon as I received your call. How are you?"

The middle-aged man looked at Song Mo Ran politely.

Song Mo Ran ignored him and carried me to the office. He put me on the bed.

As for the middle-aged man in the white coat, he followed behind Song Mo Ran with hurried steps.

I was shocked as well. I didn't expect Song Mo Ran's office to have such a large resting room. It could be considered a home and living here wouldn't be a problem.

"Check his condition!" Song Mo Ran helped me up from the bed and leaned on him.

I nervously looked at the middle-aged man wearing a white coat and a stethoscope.

"Xiao-Xiao, this is Doctor Chen. You can tell him everything about your discomfort." Song Mo Ran looked at me and ordered.

I looked at Doctor Chen and was instantly amazed by his appearance. My first reaction was that this doctor was really handsome, his eyebrows had a very confident and bright color, his eyebrows were black, and even though he was middle-aged, I could tell that he was handsome when he was young, and his eyes were very gentle. Maybe it was because he was a doctor.

I think this doctor should be easy to talk to. If I beg him, will he help me trick Song Mo Ran?

Suddenly, I felt my body sway. It was Song Mo Ran shaking my shoulder.

"What are you daydreaming about? Quickly tell Doctor Chen where you're feeling unwell." Song Mo Ran ordered me with an ice-cold voice.

I looked aggrievedly at Song Mo Ran. My body wasn't feeling well, but he couldn't even be gentler to me.

I awkwardly smiled at Doctor Chen. "My stomach isn't feeling well, and I even threw up."

For the time being, I can only say that I am much better. I just threw up because I was sick, but luckily I got sick just now and managed to fool Song Mo Ran. At least there was something wrong with my body, even though it wasn't really a stomachache.

"Check to see if she has food poisoning." Song Mo Ran stood up and made way for Doctor Chen.

"Food poisoning?" When Doctor Chen heard this, he was somewhat shocked, but he was quickly suppressed by his professional expertise!

Dr. Chen looked me in the face, examined me closely, and asked, "What did you eat in the morning?"

"Nothing, just bread and milk, boiled eggs and sausages." This Doctor Chen must have realized that I was not poisoned by the food. If I was poisoned by the food, then Song Mo Ran also ate the breakfast. How is he fine? Only Song Mo Ran was scared silly and thought that I was poisoned.

"Then how do you feel now?" Dr. Chen asked me again.

I didn't have any problems. I didn't want Song Mo Ran to continue making a fuss so I said, "I feel better. I'll be fine after I vomit!"

"Don't spout nonsense, listen to Doctor Chen." Song Mo Ran interrupted me.

I smiled bitterly and felt helpless towards Song Mo Ran. I thought to myself, "Are you hoping that I have something to do?"

"Oh? Then can Miss Xiaoxiao please stick out her tongue and let me have a look! " Dr. Chen said.

I had no choice but to stick out my tongue at Dr. Chen's request.

Dr. Chen leaned over to take a look, then turned to Song Mo Ran and said, "Director Song, don't worry. Miss Xiaoxiao is not poisoned."

I fell into a state of panic. I was really afraid that the next second, Dr. Chen would tell Song Mo Ran that I was faking my illness and that nothing was wrong.

"Dr. Chen, are you sure? Then why did she vomit? "

Song Mo looked at me coldly, turned around and asked Doctor Chen again.

I could already feel that I was going to be unlucky. I was so anxious that I wanted to dig a tunnel and escape out of this room.

"Oh, Director Song, don't be nervous. There are many ways to cause vomiting!" Doctor Chen looked at me!

Seeing that my lie was about to be exposed, I felt a sense of panic.

I thought that rather than letting Dr. Chen see it, I might as well confess it myself.

However, while I was in a dilemma, Dr. Chen said, "Looking at Miss Xiaoxiao's symptoms, it looks more like she vomited due to her car sickness. I just need to rest for a bit."

This Doctor Chen is indeed very experienced, my illness was immediately exposed by him.

After Song Mo Ran heard this, he coldly ordered Doctor Chen to leave.

Doctor Chen seemed to have felt Song Mo Ran's mood change as he hurriedly packed his equipment and ran out of Song Mo Ran's office as if he was running for his life.

I got up from the bed and went to the door.

"Deceiving me? "You're getting bolder and bolder?" Song Mo Ran's voice instantly turned as cold as an ice-cold cellar.

My body couldn't help but tremble. I turned around uneasily and stuttered, "I didn't …"

Knowing that I was flustered, I lowered my head, not daring to look at Song Mo Ran.

Song Mo Ran walked towards me. I could clearly feel a trace of a dangerous aura approaching me.

Song Mo Ran walked over, raised my chin and asked with a gloomy face, "Why are you lying to me?"

I shook my head vehemently, refusing to admit it. "I'm not lying to you, I'm really in pain!"

"Unwell? You said that your stomach was hurting, right? " Song Mo Ran suddenly smiled sinisterly as he stared at my stomach.

I lowered my eyes and gave a slight nod, not daring to look up at him.

"You're still lying to me? I think your butt is hurting? "

Just as Song Mo Ran finished his sentence, I was suddenly lifted up horizontally by his clothes.

The feeling of weightlessness caused my whole body to panic as I screamed out in fear!

"I was wrong! Song Mo Ran, I beg you to let me go!"

However, Song Mo Ran completely ignored my pleas. He lifted my body and let me struggle helplessly in the air like a crab.

"I said before, don't lie to me."

Song Mo Ran's attitude made me feel like I had fallen into an icehouse. I regretted lying to Song Mo Ran!

Song Mo Ran suddenly threw me onto the bed. Before I could get up from the bed, Song Mo Ran stretched out his hand and grabbed my pants, and skillfully tore it off.

My lower body suddenly felt a chill, followed by a crisp sound. It was as if my butt had split open and an intense pain assaulted my entire body.

I looked incredulously at Song Mo Ran, he really hit my butt!

"You have done wrong, so you should be punished!"

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