I greeted Shang Qirong and told him my brother was inside.

Shang Qirong looked at me in bewilderment. "Your younger brother?"

I nodded to Shang Qirong. "Ziyi has no parents, so the two of us will take care of each other. We want to have a family member."

Shang Qirong slightly understood and pointed to the emergency room door, perhaps he also saw the bloodstains on my body, "I received a report that there was a deliberate murder in the ward, I heard that you were sent to the hospital, I didn't expect it to have something to do with you."

I said yes, it had something to do with me. Help me.

I think that Shang Qirong is still a police officer after all. If that's the case, then this bastard should have some fear towards them. I don't know anyone right now, so perhaps I can only beg him.


A light snort of disdain came from behind me. I turned my head around to see Ke Yifei standing behind me, his body extremely close to mine.

Shang Qirong looked at me, then looked at Ke Yi Fei and asked, "This is?"


I replied smoothly, but Ke Yifei actually said, "Don't put too much gold on your face. Who's friends with someone like you?"

I took a deep breath and said, "Guests."

"Have I tried to seduce you?"

I simply didn't want to talk anymore, so I gestured for Shang Qirong to sit down on a chair in the corridor. Then, I simply told Shang Qirong about the friction between me and Qiao Na, the fact that I was surrounded by hooligans, and the fact that Jasmine was going to deal with me, that I had never met her before.

As for Ke Yifei, he just stood there, leaning against the window beside me while fiddling with the phone in his hand.

Shang Qirong also had a headache and said, "The little hooligan in the back street has always been a headache for them. But if they don't do anything really illegal, even if he's a cop, he can't just casually arrest people or do anything."

"Hmm, very good. Then wait until she turns into a corpse before thinking about taking revenge for her."

Ke Yifei, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke. When I, Shang Qirong, looked at him, he was still playing with his phone with his head down.

I, Shang Qi Rong, looked at him and said, "I'll go back and think of a way for you not to work at a bar for the next few days. Also, I want to look at that house of yours."

I said that was exactly what I wanted to do. Originally, I wanted to stay in the hotel for the night and bring Ziyi to a new house tomorrow, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Shang Qirong said that he would help me find a safe place to stay tomorrow. He then took a glance at Ke Yi Fei and pulled me a few steps away from him. He whispered to me, "Did you discover anything on the Chen-Xing?"

I knew what Shang Qirong was referring to, so I told him that I didn't know if it counted or not. However, I saw a drug addict yesterday, but he was kicked out from Chen-Xing City.

"You've only been here for two days, it's normal to find nothing. Help me keep an eye out."

"Oh, I saw a girl today. She seemed to be poisoned as well, but she didn't come from the Chen-Xing City. She came from the Lucky District."

"Are you sure?"

I explained the method He Xiang taught me. Shang Qirong said He Xiang taught me the correct method, and Shang Qirong mumbled, "I'll find a chance to check it out. Maybe there will be a black hole there."

That was Shang Qirong's problem. I wasn't really interested in this, but I was concerned and asked, "Is there any progress in Cao Mu's case?"

Shang Qirong shook his head, "The person who killed Cao Mu must be a veteran. We suspect him to be a professional killer, a doctor who specializes in using sabers. We really haven't made any progress at all. "

I was still very disappointed with the answer Shang Qirong gave me. I only felt that the road to the truth, for me, was like a night without the dawn, long and suffocating.

The light in the emergency room went out. I went to the emergency room door and Zuo Ziyi was pushed out.

I saw him with an oxygen mask and a bottle in his hand, and for a moment my heart dropped. He was not dead.

Shang Qirong helped me push Ziyi into the ward, but I didn't notice when Ke Yfei disappeared. I guess it was when I was alone.

I said to Shang Qirong, "You should be working tomorrow, right? You can go back and rest. I'll just stay here and take care of Ziyi. "

"Then I'll come back tomorrow when he wakes up and take his statement. You should also pay more attention to rest."

Shang Qirong helped me tidy up the bed beside me before bidding farewell and leaving.

Zuo Ziyi's breathing was very steady. Seeing that he was fine, I went into the washroom and washed off the blood stains on my hands.

I had just washed my hands when I heard the phone ring. I was afraid that I would be in trouble, so I took the phone and went outside to answer it.

As soon as I picked up the phone, Tian Zhiming yelled at me over the phone, "I'll let you live in my house, what have you done for me? "It almost became a place of murder, damn it, you have to give me an explanation for this."

"I'll compensate you with money."

"How much can you earn if you work at the Chen-Xing City?" What are you going to compensate me with? "Lu Wei came to me yesterday to ask for his share of the commission, but didn't have the money to give it to him. I'm telling you, Lu Wei is also very angry, let him see you and carefully bring you back to Red Lane."

I rubbed my temples, "Tomorrow I will call for 20,000 yuan and you can find someone to clean up the house. Tell Lu Wei that there's no need to rush, and you should also calm down a little. If I can't sell it, I will definitely make it up to you guys and stop threatening me with this kind of thing."

I hung up and let out a long sigh.

I went back to the sick man and lay down on the bed in my clothes. I made up a bit of a quilt, and I was so tired that I almost got on the pillow and fell asleep.

The curtains of the hospital were unable to block out the sunlight. As the sun rose, the entire room was illuminated by the sunlight.

I woke up to the light and turned over as if I had touched something, and when I opened my eyes I saw that someone was lying on my bed, sleeping beside me. I sat up and looked closely at him, and I did not know when he had come back, but he had changed his clothes, and the bloodstained suit was gone, and he must have had a bath, too, and he smelled like a man's perfume, though it was light.

Ke Yi Fei was sitting on the floor and sleeping uncomfortably. He was frowning and his long eyelashes were fluttering. He looked like he was about to wake up.

I subconsciously moved out of the way of Ke Yifei's position, wanting to leave him with an even larger space. Perhaps it was due to my actions, but at least it would allow Ke Yifei, who was lying on the bed, to feel something. He lazily stretched out his arm, too lazy to even make a sound.

Ke Yfei's eyes narrowed slightly. The expression on his face instantly appeared as though he had no idea where he was.

After reacting for a few seconds, I looked at the bed and rested my chin on it. My two arms were stretched out flat as they looked at me. "I slept like a pig."

I looked at the state of Kuyphon's body. I really wondered if he was talking about me or himself.

Just as I was about to get out of bed, Ke Yfei stretched out his long arm and pulled a paper bag from the table before tossing it to me. "Go, change your clothes.

I looked at the blood stains on the front of my clothes. I said that if anyone could dye my eldest aunt to the front, I would be in awe and kneel before her.

He pointed to the toilet in the ward and told me not to talk back.

He gave me a long white dress, to the feet, with an ornamental belt around the waist and a short denim jacket. "I don't know if I should say that Ke Yfei was careful. He even prepared shoes for me, not high heels, but simple white sneakers.

I washed my face and casually tied my hair into a ponytail without the usual heavy makeup. Looking at myself in the mirror, I felt that this was the appearance a 19 year old girl should have.

I walked out of the bathroom. Ke Yifei was still sitting in his original position, with his elbows on the bed and his head resting on his hands. "Even if you're pretending, I know you're a young lady."

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