"Why do you ask me? What is the relationship with you?" Wenhai is cold and cold, "Qin Xiang wants to save his daughter, let him ask me, as long as he asks me, and swear You, I can put his daughter to give it. "

"Do you think this is possible?" Xiao Han said with anger, "My father's father is as stubborn as you. How can he ask you this enemy?"

"You understand this." Wenhai smiled, "We are impossible to reconcile, your province heart."

"Hey ..." Xiao Han hurts the head of the brain.

"You come today, actually to convince me?" Wenhai is not happy, "Are you not going to visit me?"

"Both are all." Xiao Han sat on the chair on the bedside of the bed, "said that you are so serious that you are hurting so seriously. Is there a little bit repent? If you are not so lucky, it is so accidentally In addition to those property leaves, in your life, only the enemies, do you think this life is meaningful? "

"I don't know what is meaningful, my life is to revenge for your mom."

The warm sea is faint, as if there is no much emotion, but the eyes are so firm.

"You have already revenge Mommy." Xiao Han watched him deeply, "Night flaming parents have died for so many years, why is your hatred still don't solve it?"

"You are like them, think that the night burning couple is me killed?" Wenhai was cold and cold.

"Isn't it?" Xiao Han stunned.

"If I am a person who is dead, I will be alive ..." Wenhai smashed with eyes, if I thought, "I really want to kill them, introduce them to your mommy. Location, but also doing hands and feet in the lunch car, but they will be opened another car. "

"What do you mean?" Xiao Han felt incredible, "You don't die, you are killed? Have others?"

Wenhai is cold and cold: "The news they did, I thought it was my masterpiece, I was very excited, I thought that the avenge was reported, but I saw the police released by the police, I found it when I did something The car is a car of the lie, not the night car, and I have not moved at all my wife's car. "

"That is to say, people who killed them may have other people, and it is also possible that they can't drive accidents." Xiao Han asked.

"Yes." Wenhai nodded, "In short, it is God, and the old man let them die, they escape."

"But when I quarreled with you, you didn't deny it. I always thought that their parents were killed." Xiao Han still can't believe it.

"What is good to be denied? When the old man is looking for me, I have acknowledged." Wenhai smiled, "Because I hope the murderers are myself, I hope they are driving the car who is being moved. Things, then, I really reported the enemy for your mom. "

Xiao Han is silent, and there is no such thing as things. .

"That thing is always a thorn, because I have not kill them in person, so I have always been worried, and I will see the night flames, I will bull you, grab the woman with you, I Just beginning to germinate hatred ... "

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