"You can say this, I am very touched, really." Wenhai looked at Xiao Han, "It's not as simple as you think, there is so much thing, now I will let them let them, they will not Let me go. At least the night flames will not. "

Xiao Han said: "Even if you return to everything in the night, he also takes a regular legal process. There is no death penalty in the United States, even if the night flames will win, you are not a bun, I can use some means, you can judge less Year, then arrange some people to take care of you in the prison, you can't stand too much bit, a few years, I will find a way to make you out, when your child grows up, the children is full, Cheng Huan knee, Why don't you? "

Wenhai is silent, and the lips are shallowed, as if the beautiful future of Xiao Han said, Xiao Han felt that he was shaken and continued to persuade: "I promise you must do it, you will It is for me, first put Qin Wei, okay? "

Solar a few seconds, Wemeworrhea finally said: "Good!"

"Really?" Xiao Hanxin was crazy.

Wemewood didn't answer your front, but shouted out the outside: "Wen Dynasty!"

"At." Wen Pushed in, "Master, what is the command?"

"Put Qin Wei." Wenhai Order.

"Ah?" Wen Dynasty couldn't believe his ears.

"Tell you to put Qin Wei, didn't hear it?" Wenhai coldly.

"This ..." Wen Dynasty watched Xiao Han, he knew that Xiao Han persuaded Wenhai, but he was very shocked. I don't know what the way Xiao Han used to convince. In short, the matter has become a foregone, the owner has sent it, He didn't dare, but he had to bow his head, "Yes, I will do it."

"I sent it to Qinjia, don't come out." Wenhai supplement.



Wen dynasty.

Xiao Han said to Wemewhered Hai: "You are right, you can rest assured, I must help you find that evidence."

"No." Wenhai smiled at him, "You don't have to help me, I will find a way."

Xiao Han stunned: "Why? Don't you because I promised to help you, do you put Qin Wei's?"

"I am let go of Qin Wei, just don't want you to be difficult in Qin." Wenhai looked at him deeply. "I know, although you still remember the blue thousand feathers, but you still feel very emotional about Qin Xia, and Qin Xiang This old guy is also a righteousness to you, just like you said before, if I follow Qin Xiang, the last, whoever suffered, you will be sad. "

Suddenly, Wenhai said softly. "You don't want to see me hurt, I don't want to see you sad."

I heard this sentence, Xiao Han was somewhat touched. .

The atmosphere became strange, two people didn't talk again, silent for a while, Xiao Han said: "Since you want to understand, then you should not pay the night, you let the Ministry of China universally, I Will convince the night flames don't fight with you, so it's really happy ... "

"No." Wenhai react is very excited. "I will let go of Qinjia, don't mean I will let go of the night. As you said, Qin family was involved in this grievance, they are innocent. But the night home No, the night is owed, you must still have! "

"Why are you still so stubborn ..."

"If you advise me again, I even didn't even put it." Wenhai coldly interrupted Xiao Han's words.

Xiao Han, I didn't dare to say more.

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