After half an hour, the bodyguard didn't come down, Xiao Han quickly welcomed the past: "How? Is it not let me go?"

"Apologize, Master, Qin always let you leave." The bodyguard said.

Xiao Han frowned, silent for a few seconds, he said: "You tell him, I am waiting for him below, wait until he will see me."

"Well." The bodyguard has to go to the conveyor.

Xiao Han got on the car, waited at the downstairs, waiting until the day in the afternoon, and from the dark, he waited until the night ...


China, Hong Kong, in the morning.

Night flames have made breakfast, ready to go to the night old woman to come over to eat breakfast, pass through the old man's room, hear Bo : "The old man, the old woman, you wake up, wake up ..."

Night flames rushed in: "Grandpa!"

"Night flames, you have justified, hurry, the old woman gets up in the morning, there is no province, how can I call it." Bao Wei said.

"Hurry and call Zhao Jun ready, my grandfather came out." The night flamested.



Bo Wei went out to call Zhao Jun to prepare the car, and the night flames put the jacket to the night, and then carry him rushed out. Blue Qian Yu just took the small thousand wings to go downstairs, see this scene, the horror: "What happened? What happened? What happened? Things??? "

"Grandpa has something wrong, I will send him to the hospital right now, you and your child are at home."

In the night flame, I took the car on the night of the night, and I took the driving of Bao Wei and Zhao Jun's fire.

"You are careful -" Blue Qian Yu yelled behind, but unfortunately, the car quickly opened.

"Qianyu sister, let's have breakfast." Xiao Yucheng came over, "You have no use of dry, have eaten breakfast, we will go to the hospital with you."

"I can't eat, let's go now." Blue Qian Yu is in a hurry.

Xiao Qianyi pulled the sleeves of Blue Thousands: "Mommy, I want to find grandfather, find Dad."

"I know that you are anxious, I am also anxious, but the sister of Qianyu, are you not pregnant? And the last doctor also said that you have a bit anemia, you must cherish your body, you have to take care of the thousands of wings. Xiao Cui advised.

"Yeah, I am not rushing to the time, I will go again." Xiao Yun also advised, "We don't have a lot of driving, this, you and Xiao Cui first eat breakfast, I went to the taxi, The taxi is coming back, you have a breakfast, we can go. "

"Okay." Blue Qian Yu lost his hometown.

Xiao Cui fed the small wings to eat breakfast, although the blue thousands couldn't eat, but for the children, she had to support her own eating. At this time, she received a call from Xiao Han, she received the phone: "Xiao Han ! "

"Qian Yu, are you okay?" Xiao Han's voice is very low.

"Old look." Blue Qian Yu's mood is very heavy, but she doesn't want Xiao Han worried, "What about you? He is very good?"

"Hey ..." Xiao Han sighed a sigh of relief and silence.

"What happened? It seems to be a bit wrong, what happened?" Blue Qian Yu asked.

"I am very uncomfortable now, can you chat with me?" Xiao Han said.

"I, I am a little thing now ..." Blue Qian Yu said, "Is it good to change?"

"Well, don't bother you, contact again."

Xiao Han hangs up the phone and looks up at the upstairs. At three o'clock in the morning, I still have a little bit of moving, it seems that Qin Xiang is not intended to forgive him. .

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