Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 1117, join hands to deal with 4

"Don't be sad." Blue Qianyu is so comfortable, "there will be one day, she will come back."

On the phone, Xiao Han, who had, excited question: "How do you not do? Do you know this? Is Hiya told you? Do you know where she went ?? I will tell me."

"Xiao Han, don't you do this, I don't know where Xia is going." Blue Qian Yu said.

"Then, why don't you be unexpected? Do you know she is gone? Who tells you?" Xiao Han asked.

"I ..." Blue Qian Yu is talking, Bohi is busy with her, indicating that she don't say these, she has to transfer the topic, "Xiao Han, don't be too sad."

"There are few people who know this matter. If you are not Chia told you, then ... Qin Xiang tells you?" Xiao Han Trial Question.

Blue Qianyu doesn't know how to answer, she doesn't want to lie to him, but she can't discuss this thing with him. She afraid that after he knows, she will disclose it to Wemai.

"It turned out to be him." Xiao Han suddenly realized, "Qin Xiang called the night flames? Does he want to let the Night flames join hands with him to deal with Wemai?"

When Xiao Han, he smart, he had already expected that the situation would develop, from the original night flame, told Qin Xiang about Qin Wei's missing, he knew that the night flames intentionally wandered Qin Xiang, it was to join hands to deal with Wenhai for the future. .

This day, I will arrive soon, just Xiao Han didn't think so fast, so suddenly, so thoroughly.

Let him can't do it.

"Xiao Han, sorry, about these things, I am not convenient to tell you more." Blue Qian Yu said, "We are still a good friend, if it is a private matter, or other things, I am willing to be your listener ..."

"Sorry, bothering."

Didn't wait for Blue Qianyu, Xiao Han hangs up the phone, I originally called her, just want to find someone to talk about it, in addition to Blue Qian Yu, he didn't have other objects that I want to talk, just did not expect it to gain To an unexpected message.

This is undoubtedly poured in Xiao Han's cold heart, Qin Xiya left, Qin Xiang wants to deal with the night flame to deal with Wemai, a long-lost storm is coming.

And he wants to face the sinful life father, and the other side has to face brothers and father-in-law. How do he be at home? ? ?

More sadly, his most beloved woman, now I don't dare to talk to him.

Xiao Han raised his hand to hold the forehead and felt that he was very sad and sorrowful.

"What's wrong?" The voice of the night flame came, interrupted the thoughts of Blue Qianyu, and Blue Qian Yu looked at him. "Just Xiao Han called me, say He Ya left, his emotions were very low, see I got it, he was very sad, I wanted to comfort him, but he guessed that Qin always contacted us. "

"Xiao Han is very smart, I know you too much, you are wrong, he can see the clues." Night flames comfortable, "But you don't have your own blame, don't worry, this is late, you will know later, even We don't say that Si Hui will soon discover. "

"Hey ..." Blue Qian Yu is deeply sigh, "I don't dare to say it with him now, I don't think this is really bad."

"In fact, you don't have to be too careful, just asked you, you will do it, there is no relationship." Night flames, "Xiao Han is our friend, you don't have to prevent him."

"Sorry, I am not good, I will not say more." Bo Wei apologized.

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