Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 1119, join hands to deal with 6

Qin Xiang did not speak, just quietly looked at Qin Wei in the hospital bed ...

From small to big, Qin Xiang is more preferred, because Qin Xia is well-behaved, simple.

Qin Wei's somewhat small belly sausage since childhood, I like to play some care, and I have done a lot of wrong things because of stronger win.

Qin Xiang was disappointed with her, but no matter how it was disappointed, she was always his biological daughter. He still loved her, care about her, seeing her now suffering from such a serious harm, his heart is like torn pain……

At that time, Qin Wei was leaving home because he couldn't face him. Everything to do, now think about it, Qin Xiang is really regret, and regret that she didn't forgive her early, then she won't leave. If you leave, you will not encounter so much harm. .

"Qin always, things have happened, you want to open." Yuan Qing carefully comforted, "no matter how to say, rescue a life is always a good thing."

"But she looks like this is not as good as death." Qin Xiang was very sad, "I knew that this is better to promise Xiao Han, let the child surnamed warm, then I can save her soon, maybe because I was dragged. Two months, she will suffer such a heavy injury. "

"I really didn't expect the Wemeworthy to be so fierce, Lian Wei did not let go." Yuan Qingyi said, "When he gave his night home, I saw his means, but Qin family did not have no hat. , Or his family, how did he get a hand? "

"For the purpose of the dedication, he will not take any friends." Qin Xiang is dangerous to squint, "I used to endure it everywhere, this time, I won't endure anymore, I want to let Wenhai die. "

"The murder is a crime." Yuan Qing furtured, "You still take the legal procedure."

"Leg?" Qin Xiang was laughed. "If the law can be punishable, there will be no such a lot of people, the United States is not a death penalty, and when he judges him, it is not enough to make up for life. What is the sin, not to mention that Xiao Han will find a way to reduce his sentence, then get a few people to take care of him in the prison. His day has been self-satisfied, what is the difference between it?? "

Yuan Qing frowned, I don't know what to say, she doesn't understand these doorways, but she knows that Qin Xiang should be true ...

Wenhai is indeed sinful, not enough to die, the light is really can't hate, and the chairman does not want to see Qin Xiang's accident! !

During this time, she and Qin Xiang have become a confidant friend, Qin Xiang is already unlucky, and if the animal is going in, it is not worth it.

However, Yuan Qing knows that she persuaded Qin Xiang. From Yesterday, Qin Wei was sent back to now, and Qin Xiang has always had a strong murder. At this time, he can't hear it. .

She can only choose silence.

"Sorry, is I scared you?" Qin Xiang said low.

"No ..." Yuan Qinglian shook his head, "I just, just worry about you, don't want you to do things."

"Reassured, I will not have anything." Qin Xiangyang lipped, "Yuan Qing, Wei Yu handed over, you helped me contact the psychiatrist, treat her treatment, I should go."

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