Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 1126 Humanity, Human Heart, Host 5

Xiao Han was wrong, looking at him, heart, jumping very powerful, it seems that things are far more serious than he imagined ...

"Your thing, I have already packed it out, I will send it to your home, don't send it." Qin Xiang said this sentence coldly, turning around, no longer watching Xiao Han.

Xiao Han took a fist, his heart was very chaotic, when turned and left, the mind is still a turbid ...

Once again from Qin family, Xiao Han's mood is more complicated than before.

The rain is getting bigger, but he did not slow down the speed, but accelerate the forward, the wiper used the fastest speed to stop the rain on the rain, Xiao Han, appeared in front, the mind is like an explosive .

"Dudu -" The phone ring suddenly sounded, Xiao Han returned to God, pick up the mobile phone, it was Wenhai, he stared at the mobile phone screen, for a while, but he didn't speak. -

"Xiao Han, Qin Xiang has no difficulty you?" "Wenhai urgently asked.

Xiao Han silent.

"You talk, why don't you talk?" Wenhai is in a hurry, "You are fine? Hey, feed ..."

Xiao Han did not say that Wemewood was anxious, said to the Wen Dynasty around him, "There is no sound, the phone will not be taken by Qin Xiang. What happened to Xiao Han? You hurry to call people."


"No." Xiao Han finally said.

The warm sea of ​​the phone stunned, and I was joyful and said: "Xiao Han? You, have n'thing to do? Qin Xiang has a difficult you?"

"If Qin Xiang is swapped up with you, I am now probably not life." Xiao Han said coldly, "Unfortunately, not everyone is as heartborn like you."

"He didn't move you, if he dare to move your hair, I immediately ..."

"Enough !!!!" Xiao Han interrupts the words of the warm sea, excited anger -

"You have harmed so many people, there are so many enemies, isn't enough? I just want to be an ordinary person, after a normal life, why do you have to bring this so much grunge? Now I lose my brother, lose Friends, lost the red and known, lost their favorite people, lose their loved ones, just have a lot of money, what is the meaning of my life? "

I heard these words, Wenhai is silent, maybe, he never thought of these. He only wanted to revenge, revenge, then let Xiao Han defeated night flaming, becoming a world of unparalleled business kings.

But now he knows that these are not what is you want.

Xiao Han single hand grabs the steering wheel, the sorrowful low -

"Xia left, no longer coming back, I can't look at my child, I can't be a normal father, my father-in-law drove out of Qin Jia, my brothers didn't want to face me, I The redness knows that thousands of feathers don't dare to tell me ..

I looked at my father-in-law wet eyes, I am guilty, Xia is gone, I hate yourself, I don't care about me, I can't blame them.

I think I am a sinner because I am your son. .

I am now thinking that I am the most lonely person in this world. I suddenly want to cry, but I can't cry, my heart seems to be empty, I am so uncomfortable, so uncomfortable, why do you turn this? ? Because you, all because you ------ "

I heard these words, Wenhai is very embarrassing, he can imagine Xiao Han's mood, he thought he was good for him, but he didn't expect to write to him so many unfortunately, he would like to say something, can eventually, he Just say three words: "Sorry!"

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