More than a dozen hours of voyage finally returned to the United States.

When the special plane flew to the field of New York, the machine ventians notified everyone, everyone's heart was tight, but the mood was different ...

The night of the night is looking forward to it, they look forward to returning to the home for decades, looking back all the things that belong to them;

Zhao Jun's mood is also looking forward to it. He looks forward to seeing the lovers of lovers, who left New York, their relationship is only a good feeling, and after more than two months of communication, their feelings have been further, Now, he hopes to be able to identify relations with her, walking together with a long way of life;

The mood of Blue Thousand is uneasy. She has a lot of concerns in her heart. I am worried that this matter has changed the initial significance. I finally became a life and death, so that I will face a life and death, and I am worried that Xiao Han is in the middle. The biggest victim, eventually lose his good friend;

And his mood is complicated. He has a lot of scruples like Blue Qian Yu. At the same time, he also has a deep exhaustion. From the front of the mall, it will make a fortune, and even sometimes the purpose of the purpose. Just always keep your bottom line.

Moreover, he never made a matter of passing the law, people don't commit me, I don't commit crimes, if it is not a warm sea to do things too much, he really doesn't want to fight again, and hurt people, more important is to hurt himself. Family, loved ones ...

Experience so many things, he already understands what the potential position, you can't live peace, health, happiness and harmony. .

It's just that he has not turned back, family business, 100 years old, he can't make it happening to make others maliciously, he must take it back, this is a man who should have a man.


From the special plane, I saw Qin Xiang at a glance. Everyone had some accidents. I didn't think that he would pick them in this time.

"New York rains these days, the weather is a bit cold, you should wear some." Qin Xiang smiled at night, and his eyes were like a relative.

"You can pick us up, you can also pick us up, it is really embarrassed." Blue Qianyu said.

"It's all kinds of people, you are polite." Qin Xiang personally came over and pushed the wheelchair of the night, "I got on the bus, don't catch cold."

"Zhao Jun, you will accompany thousands of feathers, thousands of wings, and small Cui Xiaoyun is sitting in the car."

The blue thousands of flames, because he knew that Qin Xiang came to pick him up, it must be negotiated, and it is especially urgent, or Qin Xiang will not arrive at the daughter.

"Okay." Zhao Jun held another car on Blue Qianyu.

Blue Qian Yu looks to the night flame, and the night flames are put to her a peace of mind, and she is not worried, she only got the car.


Night flaming, night old master, Qin Xiang sitting in the long version of the Rolls Rays, everyone is very clear, Qin Xiang is so arranged to say something to Night.

Qin Xiang personally gave them a hot tea that I just cooked. I opened the door to say: "Night flames, night old grandfather, I think you should have thought of it? This time I specially let you come back if there is reason, Wemewhered my daughter It is better to die, this hatred, I must report, at three in the morning, I have already talked with Di Luo, Di Lu, Di Lu, he promised to help us let the night property will be unsealed, can't get a few days, you can Stay back to the night! "

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