"No, my body is very good." Blue Qian Yu smiled slightly, and I didn't know what to say, I just thought it was not comfortable.

"That's good ..." The eyes of Louis Earl never left her.

"We have to dine, you still go back to meet." Denne said that.

"I have nothing to open, just right, I will meal with you." Louis Earl is sitting directly in the table, and did not want to leave.

Denney is very angry, but when the face of Blue Qianyu is not good, he has to suggest: "The night's total, their meeting should be almost the same, waiting for them will come."

"That's just, I am here." Louis Capi poured a glass of wine, from the self-cultivation, and also a monk, "Sitting, what?"

Daniya is almost mad, Blue Qian Yu is a little speechless, two months, did not see it, but did not change, but I don't know why, now she feels that he did not have the strength. Posage, and her inner heart is no longer so resistant to him.

So, Blue Qian Yu also sat down: "Then wait for them to meal together, people are lively."

"Yeah, I also have this means." Louis Earl smiled, I also gave her a glass of milk. "You are pregnant now, you can only drink this."

"Thank you." Blue Qianyu took a cup.

Daniia saw that there was no resistance to Louis, but it was very natural. On the one hand, it was worried that Blue Qian Yu had a feeling of Louis, on the other hand, not to think about it. ...

After a few seconds of psychological struggle, Daniea sat down between them, but also gave the Blue Qianyu dessert: "You eat first, don't hungry."

"It doesn't matter, I am not hungry, waiting for them to eat together." Blue Qian Yu is drinking milk.

"You don't have to wait for them, they are estimated to talk while dining, do not have to come over, men's career has always caught the topic." The Earl of Louis also gave the blue thousand feather, "Today, I will eat with you, eat it first." I am welcome, I especially like to eat Chinese. "

Then Louis Earl will take the taste of Jinjin.

"You are slow to eat, no one will grab you." Deniya said softly.

"I am very elegant? It's just not to take chopsticks." Louis count, he said, "I have to eat," you will eat, you can welcome. "

"Good." Blue Qian Yu also started meals.

Daniegia is concerned about her. From time to time, Duanjue is also given to her pick, and the two are very concerned about her. Blue Qian Yu feels very warm, but she finds a problem, Denne is always sneaked to the Earl of Louis from time to time, and The Earl of Louis did not look at her from beginning to end, and the atmosphere between the two was somewhat surprised, and some were some subtle ...

When Blue Qian Yu is thinking about it, he came to knock on the door outside: "Can I come in?"

It is the sound of the Night flame, and the Blue Qian Yu is coming out, Dennea immediately said: "Please come!"

The bodyguards pushed the door, the night flames, Qin Xiang, Bacle came in, Blue Qian Yu got up: "Flame!"

"When will I come?" The night flamested her closely.

"I haven't come for a long time." Blue Qian Yu took his arm and looked at him gentle. "Are you ok? Is it uncomfortable?"

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