"I know, we must go in accordance with the legal procedure." Xiao Han's business publicly said, "Your things, I will give you, but you first put the Yao Yao first."

Said, Xiao Han didn't hang up the phone directly ...

Listening to the blind sound from the phone, the brow of the night flaming frowned, he did not expect that Xiao Han intended to be difficult for him.

It seems that the so-called brothers, really moral, always can't resist the blood of the water.

I thought about it, and the night flame once again died Xiao Han's mobile phone. This time, Xiao Han has only been picking up: "You don't have to persuade me, I have to go according to the law."

"I will pick Yu Yao back, you let the lawyer prepare the property." The night flames said coldly.

Xiao Han suddenly said, "Do you have to do things so absolute? You want money, I can give you all of our company, but I ask you to let go of Wenhai ..."

"Xiao Han, I just take it back to me, I don't want to do what is hurt. You don't have to worry." The night flames said seriously, "more, you have to understand a problem, no one is not willing Water sea, refused to let him go, it is himself. "

I heard this sentence, Xiao Han is silent, yeah, if the warm sea does not let people jeans J Qin, things will not be so serious, at least Qin Xiang will not deal with him, and the night flame is now can't be so Quickly, it is more impossible to unite Louis Earl and Bucard.

"I will let the lawyer talk to you later." You look at it. "Night flame left this sentence, hung up the phone, then call the lawyer," John lawyer, I need you. " do……"


At the same time, Dennea received Blue Qian Yu to the 13th floor box, dignified persuasion -

"Mrs. Night, I am not my heart of the mandrel. You must not believe in Si Hui. I quickly dismiss it, or if I want to let her return to Xiao Han, in short, don't follow you again, Otherwise it will be big. "

"No." Blue Qian Yu is now a little disgusted for Dennea. It is not willing to believe in her.

"I have emphasized you today, I am really good for you. If you really can't hear it, I have no way." Denne frowned, "But you have to be careful Don't disclose any confidentiality to her. "

"I know." Blue Qian Yu doesn't want to say more, reach out to open the door, "Let's go, I want to go home to rest."

"Wait a minute." Dennei said her, the testism, "Mrs." Night, you have changed my attitude, are you ... I have heard it outside the meeting room? "

Blue Qian Yu brows, bite the lips, and began to say: "I didn't want to mention this, but since I asked, I am also very curious, why do you want to do it? Mr. Bacle is so good, He and Louis Earl are also brothers. How can you betray him? Is this cruel? "

"Sorry, let you down ..." Deniya's low head, "I also know that I am not right, but I feel this kind of thing, sometimes it is difficult to control, I and Louis is the first love for each other. I have been regrettable for the missed feelings, so when we have a coincidental encounter, then the passion is burning. "

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