Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 1147, in the heart, hurt 8 (replenishment more)

I heard Blue Qian Yu said so, Denneya is silent, in fact, why don't she know these truths? Just, as she said, she can't control her feelings, control her heart ...

"As an outsiders, I can say there is so much, you have wear it yourself." Blue Qian Yu said the focus, "Passion is just a moment, the feelings are eternal, don't wait until you lose, regret it."

"I know, thank you, thousands of feathers." Deniya is sincere.

"Don't be polite." Blue Qian Yu is sorry, "I didn't know what you and Louis, I misunderstood you. Now I know, I can understand, but I hope you can face life correctly, don't hurt your heart. Love you. "

"Well." Denne nodded, "I will make a decision as soon as possible."

"This is your own business, you don't need to tell me, you are the most important thing to get yourself." Blue Qian Yu smiled slightly, "Okay, the Si Hui is still waiting for me, I will go down, you really Don't send me, we will go back. "

"Wait a minute." Daniea was pulling her, "I will send you down, it is really something to tell you."

"You said." Blue Qian Yu looked at her.

Daniyia means a deep and long said: "About dismissing Si Hui, I have persuaded you, if you can't bear, I suggest you can try her, she has any problems, you can try it. "

Blue thousand Yu wants to think, nodded: "I know what to do, thank you."

"If you think about it, I will send you."

"it is good."


The two came out of the room, and they did not find that the room was installed in the room, and they all conveyed their two talks all over the other side ...


At the same time, the night flames are in a clear situation with the lawyers. The lawyers will go to Xiao Han to negotiate to extract assets, and the Night flames have gone to Zhao Jun, let him rush to France to get rushing. Come back, sign the property transfer file.

Zhao Jun received this phone and felt very unexpectedly, he had to pay for forgetting the palace. If this is this person, he didn't expect her to have her criminals, but it is very important. Zhao Jun did not dare to ask. With Qiao Qing said something, put her with her, and then booked the fastest to French plane, and immediately rushed to the airport.

Night flames returned to the room, Qin Xiang, Bacle, Louis Court still discussed the things of the new project, see him, three people look at him, Qin Xiang asks: "How? Is it in place? Don't be reluctant, we have three discussions, and we decide to give you two shares ... "

"No." The night flames interrupt him, decisively, "Is our funds not concentrated in seven days after signing up? At that time, I must take $ 2 billion."

Qin Xiang and Barke were looking at the eyes. The two were not so much. Louis Earl clamped the eye: "It is necessary to do it, don't swollen enough fat, put your own, and finally Change into a laughter. "

Night flames are not angry, laughing: "Louis Pissed, how many of the family, I have a clear, let alone, our night's property will soon be unsatched, when I will only be more than you Overpass, no. "

The Louis Earl is a wrinkle, it is indeed that the property of the night is very large, even if there is no night, he also spells. .

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