No matter how the warm sea is mad, he always thinks about Xiao Han, this love makes the Si Hui move.

"Si Hui, do you follow Xiao Han a few years?" Wenhai suddenly asked.

"More than ten years." Si Hui said softly, "When I came to the United States, I will follow him."

"Well." Wenhai nodded, "Xiao Han's most trusted person is you, every time there is something big, he first calls you, sometimes, you are in his heart or even more than Qin Xia ... "

Si Hui is a little stunned: "Mr. Wen, you are heavy, I am just a small bodyguard, how can you talk to less wife?"

"This is a fact." Wenhai seriously said, "In the world of men, every woman play is a different role. Qin Xia is a woman who is suitable for Xiao Han wife. Blue Qian Yu is his favorite woman, and You are the most trusted person. "

When I heard these words, Si Hui had something to understand, yeah, maybe Xiao Han's favorite person is not her, people who can marry are not her, but his most trusted person must be her.

Can become his most trusted person, I always look for her when he encounters the crisis, this is also a pleasure.

So thinking, the hearts of the Si Hui seem to have infiltrated into the sun, especially warm.

"So, I have something to ask you." Wenhai finally returned to Zhengchuan, entered the topic.

Si Hui is shocked, and it is uneasy to look at him: "I don't know what Mr. Wen is there?"

"You can rest assured, you are the most trusted person of Xiao Han, I will never be difficult for you." Wenhai saw her uneasy look, slight smile, take a document under the pillow to handle it, "I just want you Help me think about it, let Xiao Han signed this agreement. "

"What is this?" Si Hui took the document opened, could not help but stunned, "property transfer book ??? Wen, you are ..."

Wenhai is seriously said: "I have said that I have already spent the property of death, I don't want to donate to those false charity institutions in the future, let those corrupt officials, I want to leave Xiao Han, can Xiao Han's personality, You are all understanding, if I said to him, he is absolutely refused, so I have to find you help ... "

"It's still early, you are not big, no need to transfer the property so early." Si Hui said, "It's better to wait for you to retire."

"Xiao Han is able to wait, but I can't wait." Wenhai laughed -

"Although I have been closed, I have been closing, but I have a finger, Qin Xiang and Night flames, and I also wrapped the Bache and Louis Earl, and their four people set up rich enemy.

The strategy of Night flaming, the means of Qin Xiang, the power of Louis, Bacle's financial resources, I'm not their opponent, but I don't have the relationship, I have not recognized the loss in this life, they want to challenge, I must go all out, but I don't have to prepare first.

The assets in this agreement are all my previous business, all are legal property, I will turn it to Xiao Han, even if I really have something, I have been verified, these assets will not have problems. .

I still have a lot of assets that don't just earn, I use these to fight with Qin Xiang, don't say that the loss has not yet been fixed, even if it is true, I will pull the night flames down. ! ! ! "

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