"Well." Si Hui moved, "I will do it, thank you, Mr. Wen!"

"Oh, what am I goodbye?" Wenhai smiled, "Xiao Han is my biological son, I should do these things for him."

"Hey ..." Si Hui sighs, "Although you have made a lot of things, you are really good for the owner, you have done so much for him silently, I am really touched, hope the owner One day you can understand your heart ... "

The face of Wemewood became awkward: "Maybe, only in the day of me, he will understand."

"No." Si Hui comforted, "The owner cares about you now. For you, he is all over the night."

"If you turn over, you will be done. The night flame is not a good thing. I have never like Xiao Han to walk too close." Wenhai said, "there is the blue thousand feathers, only hurt Xiao Han, you will help me later. Look at the point, don't let her seduce Xiao Han. "

"In fact, they ..."

"Ok, go back."

Si Huimen wants to say a few words in the night flame and Blue Qian Yu, but the warm sea interrupted her, and the Si Hui only had to swallow back. "Well, then I will go first, if there is any instructions in the future, you can find it I."

"OK, I will not be polite with you, go." Wenhai said with him.

"Well, you have nurtured your body, and then look at you next time." Si Hui is concerned about, holding a document.

Wenhai sent her to leave, and said that he said: "Si Hui is a good girl, and it is done by Xiao Han, and he is thinking about him. No matter what he did, she will not change their minds, Qin Xiya The cold feelings are not as good as she. "

"Master, how can you compare this? She is just a bodyguard, where is it matching young master?" Wen Dynasty was a eye, with an evil cold light in his eyes.

"What is the era? Do you still have such a old concept?" Wen Hai glanced at him, "I warned you, although the Si Hui is a bodyguard, but she is a person who is paying attention to Xiao Han, you don't want to hit her. Advance, otherwise I won't let you go. "

"Yes." Wen Dynasty down his head, the cold light in the eyes did not lose.

Wenhai is staring at him, solemnly warning: "Qin Wei's thing, you have already gave me a lot of trouble, read you with me for more than 20 years, I will let you. It is best not to make anything more than one, otherwise, I will never let go of your hand. "

"It's not dare." The head of the warm head is lower.

"Return." Wenhai cold.

After the Wen Dynasty, he retired, humble and low, but when he walked out of the medical room, when he came to the backyard, his face changed, a cigar, a cigar, who was pleased: "Dynasty, what is this? So ugly? "

The Wen Dynasty was angry and said: "The owner of the owner is getting smaller and smaller. It actually shifted the property to the young master, and also prepared for the loss, there is no previous domineering, but also because Qin Wei's thing is scolding me, I have been talking about him for so many years, really fuck is ignorant. "

"Yeah, I have recently launched us recently, and the owner is not moving. Is it going to die? If the owner is collapted, our group is finished, the night flames and Qin Xiang will not let us let us let us let us go. When the first round J Qin Wei, we can have a copy. "

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